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Year 2530

We should have listened, now it might be too late

By Hippy vagabondPublished 2 years ago Updated 6 months ago 8 min read
Year 2530
Photo by Nikoli Afina on Unsplash

I am Echo, the resilient survivor who defied the odds. As the world crumbled beneath the scorching sun, ravaged by pandemics and wars, the grim specter of death haunted every corner. Amidst this chaos, I emerged as one of the fortuitous few. Down in the mysterious depths of Marianna Trench, where wonder and peril danced in harmony, a remarkable project took root. For years, my insatiable curiosity had yearned to uncover the secrets hidden within its unfathomable depths. Little did I know that my desire to explore would soon transform into a desperate yearning to resurface.

The military, driven by unwavering determination, crafted an extraordinary marvel: a luxurious submarine befitting the elite. The golden ticket became the key to unlocking this vessel's hallowed doors. However, the cruel irony was that by the time they forged this technological masterpiece, most of humanity had already succumbed to the merciless forces that ravaged our world. The reasons behind my selection remain a cryptic enigma, yet I found myself in possession of that coveted golden ticket, an invitation that nearly proved fatal.

Survival became my sole companion as I embarked on a treacherous journey through the abyssal depths. The submarine, brimming with opulence and the shattered remnants of a once thriving civilization, propelled me deeper into the heart of darkened mysteries. Each twist and turn unveiled an eerie beauty, tinged with the haunting echoes of humanity's past. Beneath me, the ocean's depths concealed a symphony of forgotten whispers, a requiem for lost souls and shattered dreams.

As we ventured forth, the weight of solitude bore down upon me, suffocating any remnants of hope that clung to my weary heart. The trepidation of what lay beyond seized my every thought, and with each passing moment, I confronted the haunting possibility that I might be the last survivor to traverse these oceanic depths. The fate of humanity, as elusive as the abyss itself, lay precariously in my hands.

Nevertheless, the spirit of Echo refused to falter. Resilience coursed through my veins, pulsating with an unyielding determination to persevere. With each passing day, I delved deeper into the enigmatic depths, piecing together the shattered fragments of a world long gone. I became a witness to the untold stories that unfolded in the blackened embrace of the trench, breathing life back into forgotten memories.

For those who dare to listen, heed my words: the echoes of our existence ripple through the darkness, urging us to rise above the ashes of our former selves. In the depths of Marianna Trench, I embraced my destiny with reckless abandon and cast aside the shackles of a dying world. Through hardship and peril, I discovered the indomitable strength that lies within us all - an unwavering spirit, capable of defying even the harshest of circumstances.

They may call me Echo, but I am more than that. I am the embodiment of resilience, the fiery beacon that refuses to fade. The golden ticket was a pathway to survival, but it was my unyielding thirst for life that propelled me forward.

Now, as I resurface from the abyssal abyss, I carry with me the stories of a lost world. I bear witness to the fragility of humanity and the untapped potential that lies dormant within each one of us. Together, we shall rise from the depths, rewriting our collective narrative, and forging a new dawn. For Echo shall eternally resonate, breathing life back into a world that once teetered on the brink of annihilation.

Five centuries ago, amidst the tumultuous chaos of a world in desperate need, my healing skills found solace in the pursuance of naturopathy. However, fate spitefully intervened, compelling me to become a paramedic for the state. They left us no choice, snatching away our autonomy and thrusting us mercilessly onto the gory battlegrounds of life and death. Each passing day, surrounded by the grim jaws of mortality, we could feel our own vitality draining away, blighted by the scorching fury of the sun's relentless flares. We adorned ourselves in specially-designed suits, yet the vultures among us, driven to plunder our safeguards, would audaciously attempt to strip us bare as we raced to save lives. These opportunistic predators, oblivious to the sanctity of life, succeeded in condemning some of their fellow beings to an untimely demise.

Although many succumbed to this plight, I escaped unharmed. As incomprehensible as it may seem, I attribute my imperviousness to years of devotedly nurturing my own well-being through natural means. Regrettably, my claims are met with incredulity, transforming me into society's pariah. Uttering forbidden words about my resolute immunity results in swift eradication at the hands of those who hold power. Thus, I find myself conducting clandestine experiments, concealed from prying eyes, for the pursuit of my own truth.

By NASA on Unsplash

Today is no ordinary day. Today, I am embarking on an extraordinary journey, one that has been five centuries in the making. It may sound incredible, but despite the passing of time, I still possess the vitality and vigor of a 27-year-old. How is this possible, you may ask? Well, nestled within the enigmatic Marianna Trench lies a marvelous secret. As you descend deeper into its depths, drawing closer to the core of our Earth, time itself seems to freeze. It's as if the universe conspires to halt the aging process and preserve our mortal forms.

You see, my purpose for descending into this abyss is twofold. Firstly, I possess a unique resistance to the scorching heat and lingering bacteria that inhabit the Earth's core. While unfortunate souls succumbed to the cataclysmic events transpiring above, a select few of us remained unscathed. And now, it is our duty to explore and assess the remnants of our world, to chart a path forward, if any hope still remains.

But understand, that our time on the surface is constrained. Once we enter the realm of sunlight and open air, our visitation is limited to a mere six hours. Beyond this threshold, reentering the Trench would spell disaster for all who reside within. The repercussions, a mystery as enigmatic as the Trench itself, could be catastrophic. And alas, there exists no cure for those unfortunate enough to suffer its consequences.

So, as I prepare to descend into the mysterious abyss once more, a potent mixture of anticipation and trepidation courses through my veins. The sensitivities of my fellow explorers are simply unfathomable, for we bear witness to forces that defy comprehension. Yet, driven by an unyielding spirit of discovery, we forge ahead, hoping against hope that our efforts may one day restore our shattered world.

Today marks a turning point in our shared history. Today, against all odds, we dare to venture into the unknown, fueled by the desire to reclaim what was lost and shape an uncertain future.

Beware! The treacherous journey that lies ahead is as perilous as it gets, spanning a whopping month. As we ascend, despair blankets the desolate land, devouring every living creature unfortunate enough to be caught in its clutches. Yet, deep in the depths of the murky waters, life continues to surge, albeit distorted. The aquatic beings have undergone a grotesque transformation, growing larger, fiercer, swifter, and unashamedly hideous. Tragically, one of our precious shells failed its descent, and our dwindling population barely reaches the 1000 mark. But if, by some miraculous twist of fate, we conquer this labyrinth and resurface, I yearn for a single sliver of life, even if it materializes as a lone emerald leaf strewn upon an otherwise lifeless ground. While my comrades waver in anxiety, I shall persevere with an unwavering determination. I refuse to cower in fear of death, for what worth has an eternal existence if it condemns you to be a prisoner within the bowels of a colossal, submarine-like maze?

Down here, where the concept of time abandons us, we have crafted a remarkable system to preserve our sanity. With the absence of day and night, we have invented our own celestial dance. A virtual sun gracefully ascends and descends, making way for its celestial counterpart, the virtual moon and twinkling stars. This synchronized spectacle, meticulously timed, maintains our grasp on normalcy in this abyssal environment.

Survival in this subaquatic world hinges on our ingenuity. Oxygen, the elixir of life, is harvested from the very water that envelops us. Through a vigilant filtration process, we strip away water molecules to attain the precious oxygen within. However, on those dreaded occasions when the oxygen content is meager, agonizing migraines plague us mercilessly. The scarcity of oxygen within the water has disastrous consequences, claiming the lives of some unfortunate souls, including our esteemed doctor.

In this desolate domain, our sustenance relies solely on the creatures we lure into our encased underwater sanctuary, an ingenious contraption we affectionately call the "outside aquarium." This architectural marvel boasts three impregnable walls, luring unsuspecting fish into its bewitching depths. As soon as a hapless aquatic creature ventures in, the fourth wall swiftly clamps shut, sealing their fate. Water drains out expediently, dragging the captured aquarium to our waiting submersible controlled peered by diligent robots. Attached securely, the doors to this aquatic sanctum swing open, allowing us to retrieve our meal. Deprived of their watery habitat, the captured fish gasp for life as they teeter on the edge of survival. Alas, not everyone fortunate enough to be involved in this perilous craft emerges unscathed. A formidable fish, seizing a fortuitous moment, seized one of our cherished fishermen, instantly snuffing out his life before he could react. It is a stark reminder that the line dividing predator and prey is precarious indeed.

It is clear that the revelation of life on earth, as small as could be, would resolve countless dilemmas we face in this forlorn abyss. The weight of time drags on unabated, and this particular month feels arduously elongated, marking my incomprehensible five hundred and twenty-seventh year of existence.

By Joshua Brown on Unsplash

*To be continued...

Short Story

About the Creator

Hippy vagabond

We are the dynamic duo of imagination and wellness, your go-to source for captivating fiction stories and soul-stirring poetry. We transport you to worlds where dreams come alive. Join us on a beautiful journey of wonders and well-being.

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