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Why Do We Have Five Fingers In Our Hands?

The Tale of Five Fingers

By PriyaPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

In ancient times, the world was full of wonders. People and nature merge and live their happy lives. Back then people had several fingers on their hands, not just five. All these fingers were fighting over who was the most important. So they decided to ask the creator who made all the creatures.

All beings are gathered around the bright and heavenly sun. Everyone was wondering about the creator's review. The world leader asked the question,

"Why do we have so many fingers on our hands and which one is important?" He asked out loud.

The Creator smiled and decided to change the shape of the hands according to their importance. He said in a heavenly voice: “Go home tomorrow, I will tell you who is important.”

Everyone goes home and everyone's fingers get confused about who's important. They didn't even sleep that night. An angel came from all over the world that night and decided to do magic. Angle did the magic and went to heaven

After sunrise, everyone was in shock. They only had five fingers on their hands. Some people cried because of their lost fingers. Everyone ran into the bright sun and asked about this curse.

The leader asked the god: "We ask who is important in these fingers. Why did you do this now? We only have five fingers. Where are the other fingers?" He asked all questions to the Creator.

“Calm down everyone, It is not a curse. Each finger on your hand is a special gift, a tool for you to use and share love, humanity, kindness with the world.” The Creator said in his beautiful voice.

The Creator said further everyone curiously listened to his words. He said,

“Every creature in this world has a purpose and their own importance. People know their importance in this world and live their life peacefully. They don’t have any confusion, they show respect to others. Initially I create many fingers on your hand because each has their importance. But some of them do not respect others; they are fighting together without knowing their purpose. Only five of them are sleeping peacefully and they know their importance. So, Angel removed all the fingers without these five. Each finger has a reason for their existence. I will tell you the importance”.

The First Finger (Strength and Willpower) :

Thumb was a gift of strength. It makes the circle when touched with the other finger. It creates a strong grip to hold tools and build confidence in your heart. It gives strength when any struggle comes in your life. More confidence builds in your heart when you are holding it tightly; it may be a tool or people. It symbolizes the strength and determination of humanity. It represented the power to grasp, to mold the world, and to shape one's destiny

The Second Finger (Curiosity and Knowledge) :

Pointer finger was a gift of direction. It helped to explore the world and find new discoveries. It pointing the way, embodied humanity's insatiable curiosity and quest for knowledge. It represented the desire to explore, discover, and seek the truths hidden within the cosmos.

The Third Finger (Balance and Harmony):

Middle finger was a gift of equality. It stands tall and straight. It signifies the importance of harmony and balance in life. It represents the ability to find equality between opposing forces in life. It stands for we have to stand straight and know how to live a balanced life when negativity comes.

The Fourth Finger (Connection and Love):

Ring finger was a gift of Love. It is associated with love and connection between all creatures. It signifies the relationship, unity. It helps to live with all the people together and share this world with love and affection .

The Fifth Finger (Creativity and Imagination):

The little finger was a gift of art . It represents the wonderful imagination, art and creativity. It symbolized the capacity to dream, invent, and bring forth new ideas into the world.

These five fingers become a sacred legacy, a reminder of humanity comes from the creation of the hand itself. Each finger represents a unique aspect of their existence - a reminder of strength, knowledge, balance, love and creativity.

The humans listened to the Creator's words with wide eyes, amazed by the wisdom of the Creator. They looked at their hand in a new shine, realizing the purpose and importance of each finger.

From that day onwards, people praised the gift of their five fingers. They worked together and built strong communities, explored new lands and knowledge, found balance in their life, cherished their loved ones, and created beautiful things that brought happiness to all.

And so, whenever you look at your own hands with five fingers, remember their importance and embrace the strength, direction, balance, connection, and creativity that each finger represents, and use them to make the world a better and more wonderful place for everyone


About the Creator


I create stories, share fun facts, explore myths, evoke feelings with poems, and craft heart-touching songs.

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Comments (8)

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  • Addison M8 months ago

    This was an interesting read. With the symbolism behind each finger it made me wonder what hand gestures using combinations of fingers and hands would be used to mix them and convey complex ideas and emotions. So the typical peace sign would be explore balance as one interpretation example. This was very good food for thought. Great work!

  • Darkos8 months ago

    I really love such topics and how You write about it

  • Hunter Smart9 months ago

    Good article!

  • Smarthub9 months ago

    Really nice!

  • Marina Batista9 months ago

    Very good article, I learned more about my fingers 😊

  • Hunter Prawin10 months ago

    Yeah Good one 👍🏻 keep it up

  • PP10 months ago

    Nice story

  • Dana Hambleton10 months ago

    Really interesting! I just posted my story with a similar prompt. Really cool to see a different take on it. Love it!

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