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What is Science Prediction Fiction in today’s world mean for your fiction writing?

While nobody will take the time to read the first chapter of your book, you can learn to use Science Prediction.

By C.A Fenderson Jr.Published 2 years ago 3 min read

I know you are willing to stay strong knowing that if readers could just view the first chapters of your book they will love it.

How did the other authors get so many people to like their blogs or novels?

Your writing is different and readers just need to hear about it, right? What is the answer? How about a new style to write that interests the readers while bridging the gap at the same time? Take a look at how it’s done.

Predeterminism series is the first Science Prediction fictional or book written.


What is Science Prediction fiction?

Science Prediction is the fictionalized literature of past or present universal events and theorized future events, however, explained with scientific theories and known scientific elements.

To simplify the meaning, a writer can create a story like Harry Potter, except the author must explain how the spell works through science. So Harry can’t just wave his wand and poof.


“The circus fair’s escaped helium causes friction mid-swing through metallic particles in the air as Harry’s goat milk spell fills the vase.”

“Accio Milk!” Harry shouted.


The story stays fictional, and science is clearly an example. The purpose is to bridge the division between nonfiction and fiction readers through what is known as “Science Prediction.”

How to write “Science Prediction Explained”?

We are fortunate to live in a world of vast imaginations. This world contains an infinite source of creative power. We can substantially envision our own destinies to manifest a creative work of artistry within vibrational, spiritual, and emotional thoughts. We are naturally truly creative people: singers, poets, musicians, artists, and so on. When such artists empower the compilation of great ideas over time, we come to piece together our stories, which we are here on earth to demonstratively conclude and experience through one another.

In today’s world, these written tales can be composed of standard categories we can find in every modern bookstore. Readers and authors alike fall into different classes or genres of literature based on the book’s description and classification. We tend to fall into these groups religiously. Until now, authors’ writing dreams come true in an original, uncategorized philosophical style of composition, which is rightfully entitled, “Science Prediction.”

What is the definition of science prediction?

Science Prediction is composing literature based on the past and present generational events that predict a future outcome determined by theorized scientific elements. When producing Science Prediction literature, the author attempts to capture their storylines by infusing them into our past and present reality, while utilizing scientific theory to implement the author’s plot to create a future relative state of conscious life.

The Science Prediction is correspondingly formulated by documenting past and present historical events throughout the storylines to maintain the reader’s conscious reality. Doing so allows the reader to develop the correlation between the events until the author’s future scientific outcome transpires beyond the plot. This also keeps the reader from equating science prediction with fiction or other forms of known literary genres. The most important aspects of Science Prediction are philosophical theory, theodicy, and mindfulness.


The philosophical theory of Eternalism is the scientific basis of Science Prediction.

Eternalism is the view that time resembles space, and thus past and future events are in some sense coexistent. With this explanation, the author must explain each of the laws of science that govern it to make a real storyline and theory. When an artist creates science prediction literature, he or she commits to a theorized summary of the life and universal existence based on scientific principalities towards developing plots of unforeseen future events.

In essence, Science Prediction is a breakthrough gateway to an author’s ability to create a work of theoretical artistry literature, maintaining the reader’s level of conscious reality beyond fairytale or folklore, and inclusive with an elaborate and purposeful scientific foretelling.

In other words, Science Prediction has more intellectual offerings than science fiction, science non-fiction, fiction, time travel, alternative history, etc., or any other spiritual new age literature that only allows the audience a modern or post-modern fictitious dictation.

By Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

We will be searching for several writers to draft a short story of 2,000–2,500 words for the Science Prediction introduction book. If you would like to be considered to have your short story in the book, please contact me.

We can have an in-depth look at the new literature explanation and feature you as a writer in the first book. Send us your information and interest and we will contact you.

Contact me via email: [email protected]

Attn: “Science Prediction”


About the Creator

C.A Fenderson Jr.

Metaphysician, author, spiritual counselor, certified copywriter specialist, and entrepreneur.

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