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What If America?

Not So Far Away

By Samantha GwehiPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
What If America?
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Awakened from a deep slumber, by a thunderous rumble of an aircraft, hovering closely overhead; a startled woman scurries around in stark darkness.

She runs her hand along the smooth, cool walls, trying to locate the light switch, as she makes her way down the hall into her children's room.

It is amazing how soon you can forget how to use or in this case, where to locate something that is used every day, when panic sets in.

Finally, her trembling fingers brush across the light switch, only to find they do not work. Passing by a slightly ajar curtain, she notices that the entire neighborhood is in darkness as well.

“What in the world is going on?” She mumbles to herself.

What in the world indeed! What this woman does not know is that the main transformer was destroyed by person or persons unknown earlier that evening. This happened just as dusk was setting in, while she was preparing dinner for her family. Hearing the terrifying screams of her children, the woman raced down the hall.

She stumbles, but does not fall over the toys which were left on the floor earlier. Once in her 7-year-old son’s room, she immediately heads toward his bed. He is not there. She immediately panics and nervously calls out his name.

The sound from the aircrafts are getting louder and closer. She called his name again. Bending down to the floor, she stretches her hand under his bed feeling for him while calling his name.

“Mommy, Mommy”, she hears her son cry

As she turned around towards the sound of his voice, a bright light shines through the blinds in the window. Using the light to her advantage, she crawls towards the closet.

Mommy, what’s going on, what is all that noise? He asked as she pulled him towards her chest.

“I don’t know baby; we have to get your sister.” Just as they turned towards the door to leave the room, gunshots are fired; causing both mother and son to drop to the floor.

“Oh my God, oh my God!" What is happening?

“Baby, grab mommies’ hand, and do not let go. Do you hear me?” The mother frantically asked. The child’s eyes are glazed over with fear. Glass breaks, Alarms are going off, and screams are heard in the distance.

The sky is aglow with fireworks, not the kind use in celebration, but the ones made for destruction.

She enters her daughter’s room, which now appeared to be miles away. “Was the distance from the doorway and her crib always this far apart?" She thought to herself. The burning sky brought light into the room. The woman hurriedly reached into the crib for her baby. Who amazingly, was still asleep.

A screeching sound, followed by a loud boom startled her, causing her to lose her balance and drop the baby back into the crib. A window in the room across the hall is broken. Thick, black smoke instantly filled the room. In one swift move, the woman grabs her little girl in one hand and her son in the other. She grabs a blanket off the chair to cover their head and shield them from the smoke.

Blinded now, by not only the darkness of the night, but also by the smoke, which was steadily filling the house. The woman makes her way to the door. Once outside, she looks towards her neighbor’s house with intent on going for help.

She stops as she realizes that the houses are now mere shells. She has been living in this beautifully kept community, with its manicured lawns, perfectly shaped hedges, and flowers of every color and variety for 8 years. She continues down the sidewalk with her precious cargo in tow. Her mind was fighting against the obvious. Her mind was at war with her present reality. It drew her back to just yesterday, when her husband decided to put some burgers and steaks on the grill. A stark comparison for what is manifesting now, right before her eyes. In order to think clearly, she had to face the horrific truth; that this is not a dream. Denial will only add to the danger.

She pauses as she notices someone running just ahead of her. Not knowing if they were friend or foe, she says nothing.

Beautiful estates which stood proudly yesterday, now brought to ruins. She is really seeing household pets laying in doorways and porches in their attempt to escape raging fire still going on inside what once was their home.

She turns her son head towards her, not wanting him to see what she sure is the chard bodies of two poor souls who did have time to make it out of their car, which appeared to have been bombed. She continues toward the entrance of the community and stops where the water fountain, that shot cool sprays of water 10 feet into the air once stood, now destroyed.

She scooped some of the remaining water from the fountain and gave some to her son. Though she held her daughter securely in her arms, she had not stopped crying since they left home. The children are hungry and cold, the woman dazed and confused. In a trance-like state, she makes her way to the main street.

All around her, there was fire. Some smoldering, others were burning as if they would go on burning forever. The smell is horrible, surely toxic. Thick in the air was a scent that was not only invading her nose, but her mouth as well. It was foreign to her senses and she shudders at the thought of what it might be.

“I need to call my husband. I hope he is all right, please God let him be all right."

Under the cover of darkness, the woman treads down the deserted streets. The same streets, that were once vibrant and active with people going about their daily routines. Not knowing if the persons(s) who did these horrendous deeds could still be nearby, the woman takes slow and cautious step.

Cold, alone, and barely able to see, a frightened woman and her precious cargo were awakened from a deep slumber. They now walk slowly and eerily into the night. This woman is faceless, and nameless, but what if she wasn't?

What if these acts were not committed in some 3rd World Country, where the acts of war, or the threats thereof were not commonplace? What if this faceless, nameless woman and her precious cargo were in....AMERICA?

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Samantha Gwehi

“It’s a dangerous thing for the enemy to know who you are before you do.” Before we pursue knowledge of anything else, we must first purse knowledge of our Creator and SELF.

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