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Wall Can Talk


By AbdullahPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Wall Can Talk
Photo by Joe Woods on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there was a wall unlike any other. This wall could talk, and it had seen and heard everything that had happened within the castle it surrounded.

The wall had been there for as long as it could remember, and it had a unique perspective on the kingdom. It had witnessed the rise and fall of kings and queens, the birth and death of nobles, and the everyday lives of the common folk.

But despite its ability to talk, the wall had never had a real conversation with anyone. People would walk by and acknowledge it, but they never stopped to listen to what it had to say.

One day, a young prince came to the castle. He was different from the other nobles the wall had seen. He was kind and curious, and he was the first person to ever talk to the wall.

"Hello, wall," said the prince. "What stories do you have to tell?"

The wall was overjoyed and began to tell the prince all about its life in the castle. The prince listened with fascination, asking questions and encouraging the wall to continue.

From that day forward, the prince visited the wall every day, and the two of them became fast friends. The wall shared its wisdom and its unique perspective on the kingdom, and the prince listened intently.

One day, the prince became the king, and he ruled the kingdom with kindness and fairness. The wall was proud to have played a small part in his education, and it continued to be a trusted advisor and a dear friend to the king.

And so, the wall lived out the rest of its days, happily sharing its stories and memories with anyone who would listen. It was a proud and beloved member of the kingdom, and its voice would live on forever.

Years went by and the kingdom flourished under the rule of the kind-hearted king. The wall had seen many changes and watched as the kingdom grew and prospered. It had become a trusted source of information and was often consulted by the king and his advisors.

One day, an enemy army marched towards the castle, intent on conquest. The wall tried to warn the king and the people, but they were too busy with their daily tasks to listen. In desperation, the wall cried out, "Enemies are coming! We must prepare!"

Finally, the people took notice, and the king rallied his army to defend the castle. The battle was long and hard, but the king and his army emerged victorious. After the battle, the wall was badly damaged, and the king ordered that it be repaired and reinforced.

When the repairs were complete, the wall was stronger than ever, and it continued to keep watch over the kingdom, sharing its knowledge and warnings with anyone who would listen.

Over the years, the wall became a symbol of the kingdom's strength and resilience. Children would come to the castle to hear the stories that the wall had to tell, and tourists from far and wide would visit just to see the wall that could talk.

As the years went by, the wall aged and its voice grew weaker, but its spirit remained strong. It continued to share its stories, imparting its wisdom and knowledge to future generations.

And so, the wall lived on, a beloved and revered member of the kingdom, until one day, it finally fell silent, having lived a long and fulfilling life.

But even after it was gone, the stories of the wall that could talk \lived on, and its voice would never be forgotten. For generations to come, people would remember the wall and its unique perspective on the kingdom, and its voice would continue to inspire and guide those who came after it.

And so, the legacy of the wall that could talk lived on, a testament to the strength and resilience of the kingdom and its people, a symbol of hope and a reminder of the power of the human spirit.


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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    Really great story! Love the perspective you chose!

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