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Waking Nightmare

Thursday 13th June, Story #165/366

By L.C. SchäferPublished 13 days ago Updated 13 days ago 3 min read
Waking Nightmare
Photo by Ignacio Brosa on Unsplash

On some level, I know there's something weird. Maybe an odd shimmer, how everything gleams just a little too brightly.

My bed is gloriously comfortable. It's wonderful to wake, stretch, and wiggle. My cocoon. Safe. Warm. Smelling of mother's washing powder. I should have a showe-

-the water is hothothot. I luxuriate under it, steam billowing. The pressure is great. Nearly as good as that cosy duvet. Better, because I'm getting a massage across my neck and shoulders. Tension melts out of me. Ohhhhthatfeelsgoooooddddddd. I'm hungr-

-at the kitchen counter. Breakfast is a bowl of cereal, like I used to eat when I was a kid. The sugary kind that had a toy in the box. I know just how it'll crunch, how cold the milk will be. The fridge hums. I can't eat this. I'm not sure why, I can't rememb-

-walking down the street, housekeys cold in my hand, the click of the lock echoing in my ears. I walk faster. Loving the feel of denim and soft cotton on my skin. This shirt is yellow. It's a happy colour, like the sun that's taking turns with the summer breeze to kiss my arms. The smile aches on my face and-

-I've arrived at the park. There's the guy with his bicycle ice-cream stand, selling cold treats. Haven't had one of those in forever! A dog chasing a frisbee, sun glinting off the river, families enjoying th-

-driving, my hands at ten and two like my dad taught me. Shades slip down my nose, and I push them back up, and shift gears so that-

-it's getting dark. I shoulder my bag and stride with confidence towards the glittering doors. Push through into the palpable smell of popcorn, scan the lobby for my frien-

-the lights strobe, music thumps, bodies packed in tight. I squirm through the crowd, money gripped in my hand, try to catch the bartender's ey-


I open my eyes. The grim, grey reality crushes in. Walls, bars, locks, hard cot, toilet in the corner. I want to close my eyes, escape back into sleep. Taste freedom and happier memories. Sighing, I heave myself off my bunk into the nightmare.

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Word count, excluding note: 366

Submitted on Wednesday 13th June at 18.13

*Quick Author's Note*

First, and most importantly:
thank you so much for reading my story! The ha'penny that Vocal will toss in my hat for your eyeballs landing on this humble piece will be well-spent.

If you enjoyed this one, the very best compliment you can give me is to share it, or read another!

The story behind the story: This one was inspired by a snippet of an interview I saw with (I believe) a member of Pussy Riot, regarding her time in Russian prison. Her dreams were always of normal things, in the outside world, and waking was the nightmare. I will re-work this for the 3am challenge.

A Year of Stories: I'm writing a story every day this year. This one continues my 165 day streak since 1st January.

Please do consider lending your support to the other creators who are also on this madcap "a story every day" adventure. They are putting out excellent content every day!

Rachel Deeming

Gerard DiLeo

Leave me a comment: I reciprocate as many as I can. Leaving a comment makes that easier.

Thank you!

Thank you again, most sincerely. Especially if you are one of the wonderful people who has been staunchly reading these daily scribbles since the start of the year. I see you, and appreciate you very much indeed!

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Short StoryMicrofiction

About the Creator

L.C. Schäfer

Book-baby is available on Kindle Unlimited

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Sometimes writes under S.E.Holz

"I've read books. Well. Chewed books."

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Comments (12)

  • Sid Aaron Hirji12 days ago

    Did not expect the ending

  • D.K. Shepard12 days ago

    The jarring jolt between dream scenes and was very well done in this! The ending was a big “whoa” moment!

  • Kenny Penn13 days ago

    Once again your writing does not disappoint, L.C. Nice little twist at the end there

  • Oh wow, was nott expecting that ending. It was so sad!

  • Mark Gagnon13 days ago

    Even though I knew there was a twist coming, your writing compelled me to read every line to get to the end. Great story telling L.C.

  • Caroline Craven13 days ago

    Gosh - you’d need to dream to escape the nightmare of that reality. Great writing!

  • Hannah Moore13 days ago

    I don't mind a dream of drudgery. There are worse alternatives. I love the way you structured this, kept me wanting to keep moving.

  • John Cox13 days ago

    I love how you captured the incongruent dream environment and activity shifts to create the surreal sensation that characterizes dreams. Brilliantly captured! Great storytelling!

  • Awe, the poor guys in prison. What did he do?

  • Lana V Lynx13 days ago

    Oh, I loved the tension cuts and the grim rude awakening!

  • This was a really interesting piece! The flash of everything, all before the slow pace of the monotonous reality the dreamer finds themselves in. Well done!

  • Babs Iverson13 days ago

    Loved this one!!! All the memories before reality!!! Awesome job!!!

L.C. SchäferWritten by L.C. Schäfer

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