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Very Unexpected Sightings

Didn't think to see something so tragic

By Noivad's MeopsPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Very Unexpected Sightings
Photo by Marina Vitale on Unsplash

The smell of fresh apples burned my nose as I got up this morning for work. I stopped by Mrs. Rachel's eatery to grab a quick bite. Her family is just so inviting. Good wholesome people who just work an honest day and sleep to do it all again. Just for the sake of people in general.

As I went to the clock at the heat factory I work in, I noticed something on the ground. I reached down to make out what my eyes were stuck on. It was crumpled up, a paper-like substance. Upon further inspection, it turned out it was a crumbled turned-up 10-dollar bill. How lucky was I to find this before starting my shift? Man, I am going to have a wonderful day today.

Throughout the workday, I was thinking about some late-night activities since I barely get sleep at night. It's not that I have any nightmares or anything, I just can't sleep. Maybe my mind is racing to create a new invention that helps humanity. Or I could just have a new form of insomnia and I need to visit my doctor. All in all, I should figure out what to do.

I go on break and notice a flyer on the wall. It was for an opera play going on tonight. Boy was I just excited about that. I knew I had to make preparations for this lively show. As soon as my shift was over, I darted home sprinting as if I had robbed a house or jewelry store. I was so happy because the $10 I found on the floor earlier today was being put to good use.

I take a small nap, wake up, brush my teeth, shower, throw on some clothes and head out. The theater was 30 minutes away, so I took this new train that was created a few years ago. I didn't trust it due to safety features, but it was the fastest way there. The train finally arrives at the theater and I just can't hold my excitement back any longer.

I raced to the ticket booth to pay for a seat. The concierge asked me if I wanted glasses to see the show. I was confused as to what he was giving me, but sure they did look amazing. My seat was high up in the stands since $10 is a lot nowadays. The show begins and I'm in awe.

I walked out of the opera theater, scoring some free glasses. I do believe the Westerners called this piece of technology a "binocular". I do hope I am pronouncing that word right. Don't want to butcher a good man's work. Above all, I'm just excited about wearing these spectacles.

The invention was out of this world. I could see up to far places normal humans can't see normally. I figured what would happen if I attached this to my telescope. How much would I be able to see then? It was starting to get late as I hooked it up. To my success, it worked.

The silver metal lining on the binoculars looked like titanium to me. I had to try out my newfound vision and see beyond the ocean. I had tied my shoes, burned out like a tanning salon, and almost nicked myself. It is late. It's almost past midnight. I just look back on such an amazing day I had, looking for the next.

I use my newfound sight and gaze upon the sea. I look around and it's just a void, endlessly reaching out to me. As if it's calling my name. But then again, it's all in my head. I took another look and could swear I was hallucinating.

I saw a ship sinking into the ocean. There were hundreds of people falling into the water, some sinking. Some of the ships' parts seemed to crush a few people as they tried to swim away. And what about this iceberg I'm looking at?

I noticed the ship was split in two and the cause of it was that ice sheet. I could not believe my eyes, or what was it some sort of dream I was having? I guess not sleeping affected my ability to perceive what is real from what is not. I decided to force myself and fall asleep to forget the horror I had just witnessed. Again, I was hoping it was just my imagination.

As I wake up, I hear people screaming, crying from all directions of the city. I ran out my door to see thousands of people seemingly in pain. Some were devastated, others numb. I could make out the situation so I just asked to see him. A fellow-man told me a boat had sunk.

As I pondered what he meant, I recalled what I had seen last night. Those people, that iceberg, that was real. All of it was real and there was nothing to do or for anyone to prevent something so catastrophic. All we could do is pray and move forward with such a tragedy happening. As I prayed, I broke down and cried...

Short Story

About the Creator

Noivad's Meops

Peace and love to all, feel free to look over my poems and stuff and tell me if its cool or not

IG: projectnoivadddddd

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  • StoryholicFinds6 months ago

    love it! ❤️

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