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Vacances on the Costa

The Owner

By DebPublished about a year ago 6 min read

I can't remember the last time I left the farm for a holiday, the longest trip I'd taken was when I went to an agronomy seminar in London for a week and that felt too long.

Now that I'm sitting here on this balcony overlooking the waterfront view, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to go on an overseas trip whilst I let my friend look after the farm for training purposes, with the help of my senior farm hand. I've never liked large masses of water or anything remotely related to the beach, yet here I am on holiday in another country, and on a tropical island at that.

I'm staying in a beautiful stone cottage, and it has everything I need just in case I got too anxious about the idea of being on a tropical island. I decided that I would go on a stroll, to see what the island has to offer. I've never worn anything but boots, jeans and long sleeved shirts on most days with my hair tied or out of my way; so it's definitely an odd sensation to feel the air brush against my skin and through my hair. I forgot how good it was to just enjoy the wind without a care in the world.

Everything feels and smells so fresh, clean and crisp here; it's different to the country but so similar. After a good hour of walking around, I made my way back to the cottage for brunch. Taking a different route back, I stumbled onto another cottage; a little bigger than the one I was residing in and it looked so beautiful, with a wrap around porch and a swing out the front. I must have been standing there for awhile in my own thoughts when I heard someone try to get my attention by clearing their throat. It took me a few seconds to register that there was someone standing beside me, waiting for an answer to a question that I did not hear.

“Oh sorry, did you say something? I got a little caught up at how gorgeous this place is”, I manage to speak as I turn around to see who it was.

“If you like the view from the front, wait until you see inside and the back. Do you want a tour?” he responds with a deep tone and playful eyes.

I couldn’t find my voice for what felt like forever, until he gave a little nudge on the shoulder to get me out of my trance. He’s handsome, rugged, tanned, his eyes were the nicest shade of green I’d ever laid my blue eyes upon and he had a goofy smile plastered on his face as if he knew he rendered me speechless. Realising what he had just asked, I shook off my sudden attraction to this unknown stranger and composed myself. I can’t just accept a tour from someone random, we don't even know each other.

He could sense my hesitation and concern so he put my worry to ease, proceeded to explain to me that he was the owner of the four cottages and rents out the other three for tourists as an extra source of income. Knowing that I would not have been happy without any proof, he pulled up the booking email along with his credentials and had all my silent questions answered.

After a few more minutes of silence, I agreed to the tour and was glad for the different route that led me here. The inside was cosy, there was French doors that opened to a lovely deck and a pathway made out of cobblestones that led to an open style cabin that housed a hot tub. We spoke very little, every now and then he would make comments about the nooks and crannies of the cottage.

I felt rude for not saying much, but with how easy-going, and kind he was, I was not quite sure how to interact. A first for me; I’ve dealt with different types of farm hands and work with men constantly but for some odd reason, could not form small talk with this lovely man in front of me.

“Ms. O’Carrigan, have I bored you with the tour? I can show you around the other parts of the island if you’d like, instead of this boring old cottage? Or I can walk you to yours?” he asks hurriedly.

I feel guilty, he must think I’m uninterested – what’s wrong with me.

“Please call me Dee, Mr. Clarke. I apologize for wandering off mentally, I’ve never seen such a beautiful cottage before and I’m out of my comfort zone – if I may be honest”, I respond with a little bit of weariness to my voice. Out of my comfort zone and out of my league, I thought to myself. How can I like someone this much? I must be coming down with something, I don’t even know this guy and yet my heart is thumping so loud that my head hurts.

“Oh? You don’t like people? And the same goes for you Dee, just call me Theo,” he responds with a little laugh, breaking my inner thoughts once again. Even his laugh settles my nerves, I must be going crazy.

He must have seen my expression and quickly added, “I’m only joking, are you not a fan of the island or water in general?”

Not answering his question and looking a little uneasy was all the answer he needed, and before I could say something else he asked a much more simpler question, “if you’d like I’m about to make lunch, you’re more than welcome to stay – you can have walk around the place and if you wander off to the left of of the cobblestones it’ll take you to the greenhouse. You’ll be greeted by Ruby and Charlie…What do you say?”

I groaned out too loudly and in turn got him laughing in between his response and finished with a warm smile, “it’s okay, they’re my four-legged kids – they like tummy scratches, pats and lots of smooches, they’ll love you within seconds. I’ll meet you there with lunch and you won’t have to go anywhere near the water if you don’t want to; it’s your holiday, what you don’t say goes.” He added a playful wink and sauntered off into the kitchen.

I make my way towards the greenhouse after seeing how big Theo’s backyard really is, there’s more to it. A good half hour goes by and I start to feel a little bit more relaxed by the minute, the greenhouse was big and absolutely stunning. I’m starting to think he owns most of this island.

I don’t know whether Theo got it the other way around but I’m pretty sure I fell in love with the dogs first. Not only was Theo down to earth, a great dog dad, a good owner; he’s a fantastic gardener and judging by the mouth watering smell coming from the cottage – he was also an excellent cook.

I had told myself I would be a wreck for leaving the farm for a whole month and wouldn’t be able to enjoy this trip, I am starting to doubt myself. I find myself enjoying this tropical island getaway the more I let myself be in the present moment, rather than get carried away in my thoughts about every minuscule thing. When I first got here three days ago, I didn’t think I’d leave the cottage, yet here I am about to have lunch with the owner and as crazy as this sounds I actually want to go for a swim and hopefully get to know Theo a little bit more.

I never imagined I could feel peace anywhere else but on my farm; here I am proving myself wrong again as I glance towards Theo, making his way towards the greenhouse with our lunch and a big grin on his face – this must be what a tropical paradise feels like.

Short StoryLoveAdventure

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