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unlocking the door


By Mahmud AnhariPublished 21 days ago 3 min read

In a village, there lived a teenage boy named Mada. Mada was intelligent and talented, but he was also very closed-minded and rarely showed his emotions to anyone. After realizing that his father had left and never contacted him again, Mada became more isolated and found it difficult to connect with other people.

Every day, after school, Mada would go straight to his room and lock the door. He spent hours there, hidden from the outside world. His friends who tried to invite him to play were rejected either by not responding or just hearing him say, "Let's play another time."

Mada's mother was very worried about her son's increasingly isolated behavior. She tried to talk to Mada, but he always refused to open up. MotherTopic felt frustrated because she could not understand what was going on in her child's mind.

"Please open the door; don't just knock," Mada said quietly, trying to hold back tears.

One day, while Mada was in his room, his mother sat in front of Mada's door. She looked at the door with a look full of affection while knocking lightly on it and said, "Mada, I know how difficult it is for you. I can't say that I understand what you feel. Mother and Mada's feelings of loss cannot be considered the same. You are not alone; I'm here for you. I can force this door open, but that won't help you face the same or worse situation in the future."

Hearing those words, Mada felt something different. He felt warmth in his heart, even though it was difficult to express it. Finally, Mada slowly walked towards the door and opened it, even though his hands were shaking.

After Mada opened the door and let his mother in, he felt a wave of relief wash over him. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He knew that opening up was the first step towards healing.

Over the following days, Mada's mother continued to support him with love and patience. She encouraged him to express his feelings and listened attentively to everything he had to say. With her help, Mada began to confront his emotions and the pain he had been holding inside for so long.

One afternoon, as Mada was sitting in his room, he came across an old journal that belonged to his mother. Curious, he opened it and began to read. Inside, he discovered that his mother had also experienced loss and loneliness in her life. She had faced her own struggles and challenges, yet she had emerged stronger and more resilient.

Reading his mother's words filled Mada with a sense of hope. He realized that he was not alone in his pain and that he had the strength within him to overcome it. Inspired by his mother's courage, Mada made a decision to reach out to others and seek help when he needed it.

With newfound determination, Mada started to reconnect with his friends and participate in activities he had once enjoyed. He sought guidance from a counselor who helped him work through his emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

As time passed, Mada began to heal. While the pain of his loss would always be a part of him, he learned to carry it with grace and acceptance. He found solace in the love of his family and friends, and he discovered a renewed sense of purpose and joy in life.

Mada's journey was not easy, but it was transformative. Through the darkness, he found light. Through his struggles, he found strength. And through his pain, he found healing and hope.


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