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By Marian Adrian CalaePublished about a year ago 8 min read
Photo by Veri Ivanova on Unsplash

Time Traveler: How Would I Change Events?

Do you ever find yourself wishing you could go back in time and change something? It's a common fantasy, but what if it were actually possible? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of time travel and ask the question, if I had the ability to travel through time, what would I change? We'll look at the potential consequences of time travel, both positive and negative, and examine how certain events might have unfolded differently if time travelers had been involved. Join me on this journey as we ponder the possibilities of time travel and ask the question, how would I change events?

The Holocaust

The Holocaust is perhaps the darkest chapter in human history. It stands as a reminder of how quickly hatred and prejudice can spiral out of control, resulting in catastrophic events. As a time traveler, it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without the Holocaust – but if I had the chance to go back and change history, I would do everything in my power to make sure that it never happened.

One way to prevent the Holocaust from occurring would be to target Nazi propaganda. Hitler and his followers spread hateful messages through literature, films, and posters – messages that were designed to vilify Jews, Poles, and other minority groups. If I could go back and counter this propaganda with a positive message of tolerance and acceptance, it could have a huge impact on the rise of Nazi ideology.

Another strategy for preventing the Holocaust would be to focus on education. During the 1920s and 1930s, Jewish people were subject to discrimination in many parts of Europe. If I had the opportunity to travel back in time, I would work to create educational programs that promoted a more inclusive understanding of different cultures. This could help to break down some of the stereotypes and prejudices that fueled the Nazi movement.

Finally, I would focus on combatting political intolerance. The Nazis used violence and intimidation to silence their opponents. If I could go back in time, I would work to empower those who opposed Nazi rule and encourage more citizens to stand up against oppression.

Though it may not be possible to completely reverse the effects of the Holocaust, even small steps can make a big difference in promoting peace and understanding. If given the chance, I would take advantage of my time traveling powers to make sure that this devastating event never occurred.


On September 11, 2001, a terrorist attack by al-Qaeda changed the course of American history forever. The World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. were both targeted by hijacked airplanes. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in this tragedy, making it the deadliest foreign attack on U.S. soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor.

If I could travel back in time as a time traveler to change events, 9/11 would be one of the first events I would consider. There are many ways I could try to prevent this tragedy from happening, ranging from trying to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden before the attacks to warning authorities of an impending attack. It is difficult to say what would be the most effective way to stop the attacks, but I believe that any attempt to change history would be worth it if it could help save innocent lives.

The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was one of the most contentious and deadly wars of the 20th century. Spanning from 1959 to 1975, the conflict between North and South Vietnam pitted two nations against each other in a struggle for control of the entire country. The war cost over 3 million lives, including 58,000 Americans and more than 2 million Vietnamese soldiers.

It's hard to imagine what might have happened had someone been able to travel back in time and change the course of this devastating war. Would the war have been avoided altogether? Could the millions of lives that were lost have been saved?

Perhaps one possible outcome would be a negotiated peace between North and South Vietnam. This could have been achieved with the assistance of other countries, such as the United States or China, or through direct dialogue between the two sides. A peaceful resolution could have prevented the horrific atrocities that occurred during the war, as well as avoiding a massive death toll.

Ultimately, it's impossible to know what would have happened had time travel been possible during the Vietnam War. Nonetheless, it's an intriguing thought experiment that can provide a perspective on how much damage can be done when a war is allowed to rage unchecked.

The Kennedy Assassination

One of the most notorious events in modern history is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The events surrounding the assassination have been heavily scrutinized and debated for decades, and it continues to be a source of much speculation today.

If I had the opportunity to travel back in time and change the events of this tragic day, I would do everything in my power to ensure that Kennedy survived. It is impossible to know exactly how much could have been changed had he still been alive, but it is easy to speculate that our world could look very different today.

The ripple effect that Kennedy’s death has had on America and the world at large is immeasurable. In the months leading up to his assassination, Kennedy had begun to move away from his hawkish stance on the Cold War, famously saying “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” This sentiment was seen as a shift in American foreign policy, one which could have had a significant impact on international relations today.

Additionally, Kennedy was an advocate for civil rights, pushing for racial equality and the end of segregation throughout the United States. He called for a stronger focus on civil rights in his famous civil rights address in June 1963. Had he survived, we can only imagine what further progress might have been made in this regard.

If Kennedy had lived, we could also expect more progress on the issue of health care in the US. Kennedy began to pursue healthcare reform during his presidency and saw it as a priority issue. Unfortunately, this was not to be achieved until decades later when Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010. It is possible that Kennedy’s vision of universal healthcare could have become a reality much sooner had he not been assassinated.

The ramifications of Kennedy’s assassination go far beyond any one individual or policy. We will never truly know what could have been had he not been killed on that fateful day in Dallas. However, if I had the chance to travel back in time, I would do whatever I could to save his life and ensure that history unfolded differently.

The American Civil War

The American Civil War was one of the most devastating and significant wars in our country’s history. It was a conflict between the northern states and southern states that lasted from 1861-1865, with casualties numbering over 600,000. While it is considered a “brothers war” due to the fact that both sides were composed of American citizens fighting for their respective causes, the resulting destruction and death caused by this war was catastrophic.

If I were a time traveler, my first instinct would be to go back to the moment before the Civil War began in 1861 and try to convince all parties involved to work out a peaceful resolution instead of resorting to violence. This seems like an impossible task, but if I could do it, it would be an incredible accomplishment. The civil war changed the course of history and had long-lasting implications on our nation, so preventing it would be an invaluable contribution to our nation’s future.

In addition to trying to prevent the civil war from occurring, I would also seek to mitigate some of the damages and atrocities caused by the war. For instance, I would attempt to put an end to slavery and other discriminatory practices, especially in the south. Furthermore, I would try to bring together all Americans regardless of race or creed in order to promote healing and reconciliation. Lastly, I would strive to reduce the loss of life as much as possible by working with both sides of the conflict.

By traveling back in time and intervening in this conflict, I believe I could make a real difference in history and potentially alter the fate of our nation. Even though such an endeavor might seem impossible, I think it’s worth the effort to try to make a change for the better.

A better world

If I could travel back in time, one of the most important changes I would make would be to create a better world for everyone. This would include working to eradicate poverty, reduce discrimination and hate, and ensure that everyone has access to clean water and food. I would also work to eliminate social and economic inequality and injustice, so that everyone has an equal chance at success. In addition, I would seek to protect and preserve the environment, so that future generations can continue to benefit from its bounty. Finally, I would strive to foster understanding and empathy among all people, so that our differences become sources of strength and not conflict. By working together, we can create a world in which everyone is respected and accepted.

Sci Fi

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  • Marian Adrian Calae (Author)about a year ago

    Hello ... sometimes I write on Vocal...And what I do is what I think

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