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Three Brothers of the Peach Garden in Three kingdom Age

A famous story happened in Three Kingdom Age

By David cenPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Three Brothers of Peach Garden

Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei are three legendary figures in Chinese history who are often referred to as the "Three Brothers of the Peach Garden." Here is a retelling of their story, complete with dialogue:

Once upon a time, during the Three Kingdoms period in China, there lived three brothers named Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei. They were not related by blood, but they had formed a deep bond of brotherhood that was unbreakable.

Guan Yu was a skilled warrior and a famous general in the army of Liu Bei, who was a nobleman and a leader of a faction that opposed the ruling dynasty of the time. Zhang Fei was also a fierce fighter and a loyal ally of Liu Bei.

One day, Guan Yu was captured by the enemy army and sentenced to death. Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were devastated by the news and vowed to rescue their brother at all costs.

"We must save Guan Yu," Liu Bei said, his voice full of determination. "He is our brother, and we cannot abandon him to his fate."

Zhang Fei nodded in agreement. "I will gather our troops and launch a surprise attack on the enemy camp," he said. "We will rescue Guan Yu and bring him back to safety."

And so, the three brothers set out on a dangerous mission to save Guan Yu. They rode through the night, their hearts filled with fear and hope. They knew that the enemy was strong and well-prepared, but they also knew that they had each other, and that was enough to give them the courage they needed.

As they approached the enemy camp, they saw that it was heavily guarded and fortified. But Liu Bei, who was a master of strategy, came up with a plan.

"We will divide our forces into three groups," he said. "Zhang Fei, you will lead the first group and attack from the east. Guan Yu, you will lead the second group and attack from the west. I will lead the third group and attack from the north. Together, we will take the enemy by surprise and rescue our brother."

And so, the three groups launched their attack, each one striking at the enemy from a different direction. The enemy soldiers were caught off guard and panicked, and the three brothers were able to break through their defenses and reach Guan Yu.

"Brothers!" Guan Yu shouted, his voice full of emotion. "I knew you would come for me. I am forever grateful for your loyalty and bravery."

The four of them fought their way out of the enemy camp, their swords flashing in the moonlight. They rode back to their own camp, triumphant and united.

From that day on, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei became known as the "Three Brothers of the Peach Garden," a symbol of brotherhood and loyalty that has endured for centuries. They continued to fight together against the enemy, and their bond only grew stronger with each passing day.

And so, the story of the Three Brothers of the Peach Garden lives on, a testament to the power of brotherhood, loyalty, and courage in the face of adversity.

Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei are three of the most famous figures in Chinese history, and their story has been retold in various forms throughout the years. Here are a few more details about each of the brothers:

Guan Yu was known for his loyalty, courage, and martial arts skills. He was a fierce warrior who was feared by his enemies and respected by his allies. After his death, he became revered as a god of loyalty and righteousness, and he is still widely worshipped in China and other parts of Asia.

Liu Bei was a nobleman who was known for his kindness, wisdom, and leadership. He was the founder of the Shu Han dynasty, one of the three kingdoms that emerged during the Three Kingdoms period. He is often portrayed as a wise and benevolent ruler who cared deeply about his people.

Zhang Fei was a hot-headed warrior who was known for his strength, bravery, and short temper. He was a close friend and ally of Liu Bei and Guan Yu, and he fought alongside them in many battles. He was also known for his love of alcohol and his tendency to get into fights with his fellow soldiers.

Together, the three brothers formed a powerful bond that was unbreakable. They were united by their love for each other, their loyalty to their cause, and their unwavering courage in the face of danger. Their story has inspired generations of people in China and beyond, and it continues to be celebrated as a symbol of brotherhood, loyalty, and heroism.

FantasySeriesHistoricalFan Fictionfamily

About the Creator

David cen

Share Chinese Sory,which you never heard before.China has 5000 years history and it is A kingdom of artifacts.Such as Chinese Kongfu,Qigong etc.

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