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This Gorilla Saved My Life

From Homeless to Hero to Famous

By Una SavagePublished about a year ago 3 min read

So there I was, walking down the street minding my own business when I hear some kind of commotion coming from an abandoned warehouse. I cautiously approach and peek in the window to see a huge gorilla shackled to the wall. The gorilla had what looked like a lab coat on, and before I could make sense of it he's saying "help me".

I didn't know what to do at first, but hearing that desperate plea for help made me realize I had to do something. This poor creature was obviously being held against its will. So without further hesitation, I kick open the door with my spiffy new steel-toed boots and take on whatever was inside!

It turns out, there was a secret illegal research facility inside the warehouse using this gorilla for their own nefarious experiments. I quickly realized that it wasn't just any normal gorilla, but one with the ability to speak! He had been held captive in this facility for several years and was desperate to escape.

So I did what any self-respecting homeless man would do - I fought off all of the goons with my mad kung-fu skills and freed the gorilla from its shackles. We ran out of the building as fast as we could before anyone else found us and made our way back to my cardboard box home under an old bridge.

The gorilla and I are now great friends, and we've been living together for some time now. And if that wasn't enough, I recently discovered that he was a talented Vocal Media Creator with a huge fanbase! We decided to use my identity and keep the homeless man part a secret, so we created an online persona for the gorilla and started his meteoric rise to fame and fortune.

And thus our story continues.... me and this amazing talking gorilla are now business partners riding the waves of success together! I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. Who would have thought that a random act of kindness could turn into such an amazing journey? All I can say is, never underestimate the power of kindness!

Who knew what could happen when you take on a seemingly impossible task? The moral of the story - always help those in need!

Thanks for reading our story - stay tuned for more exciting adventures ahead!

P.S. The gorilla asked me to ask you to remember his motto - “A gorilla in need is a friend indeed!” So don’t forget to lend a helping hand when you can. It may just be the start of something amazing! You never know what can happen when you choose kindness over indifference.

P.S.S. The gorilla also has decided to change his name. He doesn't want to keep his old one because it brings him bad memories from the facility I recused him from. So, we are starting a challenge. We would like for you guys to help us pick a new name. Just comment with your best suggestions! We will announce the winner soon!

Peace out, homies, and peace out to all the gorillas around the world!

Gorilla power!! 🦍❤️💪🏾✊🏽😃

( We also ask that you keep the names and comments positive and friendly. Also, be kind to each other, and don't be mean.)

*UPDATE: The research facility where I rescued the gorilla has since been shut down and the animals have been sent to rescue facilities across the country where they are being taken care of properly. *

Thanks for being part of our story and don't forget - keep being kind and helping those in need! You never know what might happen when you do. 🖤😃❤️💪🏾✊🏽

AdventureShort StoryHumorFantasyFable

About the Creator

Una Savage

I'm Una Savage. I love reading and writing, and I enjoy traveling. Most importantly, I'm the mother of an autistic child which is both challenging and rewarding, and it has taught me a great deal about life and myself.

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