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The Whispers in the Dark

A horror ghost story

By Vivekananthan VellaichamyPublished about a year ago 6 min read

It was a dark and stormy night in the small town of Ravenswood. The wind was howling outside, and the rain was beating against the windows of the old, abandoned house at the edge of town. But inside, there was a different kind of storm brewing.

Sarah was a young journalist, always looking for the next big story. She heard about the old house and the rumors that surrounded it. People said that strange things happened there, that you could hear whispers in the dark, and that the house was haunted.

Sarah was skeptical, but she was also curious. She decided to spend the night in the house, to see if the rumors were true. She took her notebook and a flashlight and made her way to the old house.

As she entered, she felt a chill run down her spine. The air was cold, and there was a strange, musty smell. But she didn't let her fear get the best of her. She started exploring the house, taking notes and trying to make sense of what was happening.

It didn't take long for the whispers to start. At first, Sarah thought it was just the wind, but then she heard voices, too quiet to make out what they were saying. She felt a sense of dread and unease, but she pushed on.

She finally found herself in a small room at the back of the house. There was a door in the corner, and it was slightly ajar. She pushed it open and stepped inside.

What she saw was beyond anything she could have imagined. The room was filled with shadows, and the whispers were louder than ever. She couldn't make out any words, but she felt like she was being watched.

Suddenly, a figure appeared out of the darkness. It was a woman, dressed in a long, flowing gown. Her eyes were black and her skin was pale. Sarah was paralyzed with fear.

The woman started to speak, her voice a whisper in the dark. "Why are you here?" she asked. "You shouldn't be here. This is my home, and I don't like intruders."

Sarah tried to run, but her legs wouldn't move. She was trapped, and the woman was getting closer. Suddenly, the woman's eyes started to glow, and Sarah felt a sharp pain in her head.

The next thing she knew, she was waking up in her own bed. She rubbed her head, confused and disoriented. Was it all just a dream?

But as she got out of bed, she saw that her notebook was open on her nightstand. And there, in her handwriting, were the words: "The whispers in the dark. The woman in the flowing gown. I must leave this place and never return."

Sarah never went back to the old house in Ravenswood, and she never spoke of what happened that night. But the whispers in the dark stayed with her, haunting her for the rest of her life.

Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the experience she had at the old house in Ravenswood. The whispers in the dark still echoed in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that the woman in the flowing gown was still watching her. She tried to ignore it, but it was no use. The fear was always there, lurking in the back of her mind.

Days turned into weeks, and Sarah's life seemed to go back to normal. She went about her day-to-day routine, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. And then, one day, she received a package in the mail. It was a letter, addressed to her. She tore open the envelope and began to read.

The letter was from the woman in the flowing gown. Sarah's heart raced as she read the words on the page. The woman was warning her to stay away from the old house in Ravenswood, and to never speak of what happened there. The woman claimed to be a ghost, trapped in the house for centuries, and she was angry that Sarah had disturbed her rest.

Sarah was horrified. She had heard of haunted houses before, but she had never encountered a ghost before. She didn't know what to do. She thought about going to the police, but she was afraid that no one would believe her. She was stuck, torn between her fear and her curiosity.

Finally, she made a decision. She would go back to the old house in Ravenswood, and she would find out the truth. She would face the ghost and the whispers in the dark, and she would uncover the secrets of the old house.

She made her way back to Ravenswood, and once again she entered the old house. This time, she was more prepared. She had brought a Ouija board, a tape recorder, and a camera. She was determined to uncover the truth.

As she entered the house, she felt a chill run down her spine. The whispers in the dark were louder than ever, and she felt like she was being watched. She set up the Ouija board and began to ask questions.

To her surprise, the ghost answered. The planchette on the board moved, spelling out the words "I am the woman in the flowing gown. I am trapped in this house, and I want you to leave."

Sarah didn't listen. She continued to ask questions, determined to uncover the truth. And then, she heard a voice on the tape recorder. It was the ghost, speaking to her. The woman's voice was haunting, and she warned Sarah to leave the house and never return.

Sarah didn't listen. She continued her investigation, taking pictures and gathering evidence. And then, she found it. In the back room of the old house, she found a diary. It belonged to the woman in the flowing gown. She read the diary, and she finally understood.

The woman in the flowing gown was once a young woman, just like Sarah. She was engaged to be married, but her fiancé was killed in a tragic accident. She was heartbroken, and she locked herself in the old house, never to leave. She died of a broken heart, and her spirit was trapped in the house, unable to move on.

Sarah was finally able to help the ghost. She held a séance, calling upon the spirit of the woman's fiancé. He appeared, and he was able to finally release the woman from her prison. The ghost was finally able to move on, and the whispers in the dark were finally silenced.

Sarah never spoke of the old house in Ravenswood.

Years passed, and Sarah had moved on from the incident at the old house in Ravenswood. She had become a successful journalist, and the whispers in the dark had become just a distant memory.

But one day, Sarah received a mysterious letter in the mail. It was from an anonymous sender, and it contained a single sentence:

"The whispers in the dark have returned."


About the Creator

Vivekananthan Vellaichamy

Writing is my passion. I love writing stories about scary things and health related articles. And I love writing movies reviews about ghost and serial killer movies.

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