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The Unnamed Diary- 001 & 002

Entry- 001 and Entry- 002

By Kaliyah MyersPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
Cover made on Canva

The Unnamed Diary

A book series written in Diary platform from the perspective of a young Witch who was raised in an orphanage along-side other gifted youth as she discovers the extent of her abilities and learns about her world.

Entry 01

Hello, My name is Kyna,

I am unsure how to start this since I never really keep any journals. But seeing as you were given to me to be used as a journal or Diary, it feels as though I owe that to you. So I suppose that means that I should start with an introduction to tell you about myself.

My name is Kyna, as stated above. I am an orphan and a "Gifted" one it seems. Which means, I can't have any friends. See, while all the other kids run around playing kickball and cricket outside, I get left behind in a dorm to watch them through a window. Trying not to let my emotions get the better of me and accidentally send the books to the roof as if they were full of helium or worse, burn the building down. Okay, I have never caught anything on fire, but some other kids have and that's honestly why we cant have electronics anymore...

Anyways! It isn't a terrible thing to be separated from everyone else. On one hand, it's always been hard to get along with anyone anyways because from afar, you see how mean, self-centered, egotistical, loud, rude, and manipulative they tend to be. So up close, it's never long before you discover one or another of those problems. Forgiveness is burned out quickly because you try to give it for everything and everyone, even when you know they are lying. Sooner or later you learn to prefer to be alone, finding kindness and romance, brilliance, and the good kind of mischievous in books and books alone.

... Sometimes that feels lonely and to remedy that feeling, I open another book and try again.

I have recently turned 16 years old, my birthday was yesterday, August 28th. Turning 16 means two things which are luckily my problem and solution at once. The problem, being, 16 is when I am no longer a child and am considered to be able to care for myself, so out from the orphanage I go and off to nowhere, or so I thought. Until I found out what else 16 means. Apparently, I am not the only girl in Russia who has magical gifts, and unlikely would it be for me to be the last. So there is a place for me, a place for others... like me. A kind of school created by the Founders of Magic.

I am nervous it's some kind of trick, to be completely honest. In a building of people that have never really shown me a smile or acknowledged my birthday, I am given smiles, congratulations, and even you as a going-away present. A Diary to log everything that happens. It's a little suspicious but at the same time, maybe it really is just because they're glad they'll never see me again as Inessa said. She said there is a place all the special kids go and made jokes about white rooms and tall cement buildings. Our caregiver, Eloise said that Inessa was only upset I was leaving and that wasn't the case. I guess I have no choice but to find out.

I guess since you know about me, we may as well discover some about you. You are a massive diary, you have over 1000 pages, leatherbound with a silver-white outline burned into the leather. Should I name you based on your color? Maybe based on the galaxy stars surrounding your outline or the shadow of that pine forest at the foot of your cover... Maybe I'll leave you unnamed. You could be called the Unnamed Diary and who knows the secrets you've yet to hold.

Let's start with Ynys Wyth Boarding School. Remember that school I mentioned earlier created by the Founders of Magic? That's it. Ynys Wyth Boarding School. Honestly, I am excited and terrified but I also wonder if that's the only school out there for special kids like me. Is it the only place you can go and learn to control your abilities? How do places like these know when there is a gifted child and how to find them? How do they know that you are in need of that kind of help? Maybe I am more terrified not because everything could be different but more because... what if it's the same? I mean obviously, it won't be in many ways since our caretaker did inform me that one of those founders of magic was Merlin. I didn't even know he was real... and it's the only place to actually have their own dragons. But what if it's the same, like, I struggle to make friends and find myself isolated again for my abilities? What if I am too strange for the strange? I can't really be THAT strange right? I mean, they DO have their own Dragons when most of the world lacks the belief of their existence.

Why have your own Dragons, anyway? Do we have to learn to ride them? To fight them? Are they some strange form of a companion like the stereotypes of a witch with a black cat?

I don't know and there is no way for me to really know... I can't stop thinking about how this will go and where I could go if it didn't work out or what would happen. I also can't stop staring at my plane ticket to Amsterdam, where we will find our way to Ynys Wyth Boarding School. The ticket is for tomorrow morning at 9 A.M, my bag is packed. Has everything I own and all my papers, everything except you which I will just carry with me... More than that I can't stop listening to all the snoring around me! It's 2 A.M and I can't get a wink of sleep. Maybe it's for the best, maybe I can sleep it off on the plane ride.

Well until Tomorrow, My Unnamed Diary


P.s. Maybe that is what I will call you... My Unnamed Diary. Its unique, unusual, and kind of mysterious! I like it, hmm... We shall see, I suppose.

Cover designed by Kaliyah Myers

Entry 02

Dear Unnamed Diary,

Salutations! It's me again Kyna.

I say that as if it would be someone else. Though introductions always look nice, right?

Anyway, I would like to apologize it seems as though I have been neglecting you lately...Okay, I may or may not have replaced you with other study journals... But for good reason! Today is Saturday! Sure, that means the first day of the weekend, but that also means the first day at Ynys Wyth boarding school!

I originally found it odd that we would start on the weekend but the school adviser made it very clear that we would need a day or two to adjust to the school and its peculiarities over the phone yesterday... So, we are not necessarily starting, we are just checking in.

The school adviser seemed nice enough her name is Tera, but she gave off the impression that she is nice but not a force to be reckoned with. I can't wait to meet her in person though. After all, someone who could give that impression over the phone had to be amazing in person! Right?

Oh, I nearly forgot! The last time I wrote in here, I was the orphan, Kyna who needed a new life- well, I got one! That plane ride I was nervous for was really nice- I almost slept through the whole thing. Until I met a girl with short cerulean hair named Emily. She tapped me on the shoulder to wake me up and asked if I had ever been outside of Russia. We began talking for the rest of the plane ride and she had eventually fessed up to making small talk so she would have a better chance of smelling if I were like her or not. I guess she can smell abilities or otherwise, levels of strength. She has unfortunately been at my side since... Then, getting off in Amsterdam I was astonished at how well you could smell the ocean and the views were gorgeous. I loved every minute of being there! But apparently, that was not our last stop... No, Emily tugged me around the city, insisting that she knew the place better than anyone (While she read literally every map we could find) until we arrived at some docks.

That brings me to now, as I write into your pages, I am slightly disappointed because we are headed to Ynys Wyth Boarding school... in a submarine. I half expected a magic carpet, or a train, or an airplane, or a cruise, or since they have them DRAGONS! But no... It's a submarine. As disappointed as I was, I had to give them credit for surprising me, I would have never expected a submarine. To top it off it looked like a high-quality submarine. The view is stunning!

I am running out of things to tell you unless you would like to hear about the snotty brunette sleeping next to me.

I should keep the promise to myself that I would fill you with all the secrets and information I can find so that I can look back on it later. Who knows, maybe it will help me in class. But of everything Emily has been telling me... Where to start...

Thousands of years ago there were Humans, Witches, Wizards, Familiars, angels, and demons. Wars raged between all races for their own reasons. Humans hunted Witches and burned them at stakes for their magic ability, they also burned other female humans at stakes claiming they were witches over their disobedience between sex's.

(something no other species understands though I suppose you could leave it to the youngest species to act so childish.)

Wizards fought humans in defense of the Witches. Witches fought demons and angels alike. Angels were angels because they only killed the wicked.

(Wicked is any negative creature, but not to be confused with Demons)

Demons were basically blind angels because they killed wicked and non-wicked alike.

Familiars fought alongside their witch or wizard.

Back then the three founding mothers were only children. But they changed the course of time forever.

Khalidah the eldest of the three went to speak with the angels and demons but when they refused to listen, Khalidah was forced to bind them into another dimension, a new dimension​ she created by bending space.

Lyra the youngest of the three, went to the ocean where she sang her song that flows freely through the wind and sea calming the ravaging minds of humans and familiars alike. She gave her song to the tide.

(She was the only one of the three to die in the process.)

And then there was the middle of the three, Nazirah. She stayed with the Witches and Wizards, she helped them recover from these dark ages and she taught them the spells she and her sisters knew and used, to learn, protect, and also to hide from the humans.

Nazirah also pretended to be a human herself, convincing humans that salt would keep unnatural creatures away, and to this day witches and wizards identify a dangerous human towards our species, by seeing the "protection salt" around their house. Though not every human who would be a threat had done it, the few who did helped avoid several deaths for both the magic gifted and humans.

They are the three founding mothers of magic, because they saved, protected, and evolved magic.

Legend has it that Lyra haunts a family tree somewhere on the school grounds.

(Though the school grounds is an entire island, and no one has ever found the family tree the legend speaks of.)

There you have it, the three founding mothers and their story, revised of course.

It seems as though we are arriving so I will have to close. Until next time!



About the Creator

Kaliyah Myers

"Change is imperative. But the kind of change is the most important detail."

In being a writer, I hope to share something relatable and adventurous that you can love too.

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