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The unbreakable egg


By DanilBosPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

A Padua hen, born and raised in a farmhouse near the city of Parma, has a problem: the shells of the eggs she lays are easily broken. The reason for this is that all the other hens eat small stones and lime particles, so the eggs they lay have strong shells, while she only eats wheat, sorghum and corn kernels, or small worms, which she eats in rose, black and various other colors, but never small stones or lime particles, because she cannot digest them. If by chance he eats a stone, it stays in his stomach all day and keeps him awake all night, so that the eggshells he lays are easily broken.

One day, the Padova hen heard a merchant selling eggs complain to the farm mistress that one of the hens was laying eggs that broke so easily that they had to be broken every time they were in transit. The hen was very worried because she knew that once the owner found out that she had laid all those eggs with fragile shells, she would probably kill her. There was a marble maker's store near the farm. One day, the hen tried to taste the marble powder. The powder was neither tasty nor unpalatable, but just as hard to digest as the small stones and lime particles. The next day, she laid eggs with marble shells, which were very nice to look at, but still broke easily. Another day the hen walked past the stonemason's store and saw a jar open with the word "hardener" written on it. "I wish this stuff had never been poisonous." The poor hen muttered to herself. The hen gave two or three pecks on the white paste, which turned out to be the mason's glue used to glue the marble. She then ran back to the coop, because if she was going to die from eating that stuff, she would rather die in her nest than on the road. She stayed open for a long time waiting for her stomach to ache, and finally she fell asleep and slept through the night until dawn, when she laid her eggs.

She did not crow as usual to inform her mistress to come and get the egg, but took it behind a bush. The hen pecked at them with her beak and then took a stone and knocked: this time, her eggs were hard, so she put them back in the henhouse.

The egg laid by the Padova hen did not break in transit, and it was left at the market stall for a worker's wife to fry and eat. When the woman returned home and placed all the eggs by the bowl, she picked up this egg laid by the Padova hen and cracked it on the side of the bowl, but the egg did not break, the bowl did. "Huh, that's weird!" The woman said to herself as she picked up the egg and cracked it on the corner of the table made of marble. A corner of the marble was knocked off. She brought a hammer and tried to crack the egg with it, but it still wouldn't break. So she put the egg aside, for she was ashamed to tell her husband and son that she could not even crack an egg.

The husband and son ate the eggs fried with three eggs instead of four. The wife said that she was sold an egg that was not fresh and perhaps already bad, so she deliberately did not fry it in.

The next day, her college student son put some rotten tomatoes and that egg in his bag because a minister came to visit that day. The minister was so tricky that he wanted to meet the college students and have them applaud him. The students agreed to give him the welcome he deserved. As soon as the minister appeared in front of the school, rotten tomatoes and rotten eggs were thrown at his forehead. The minister fell to the ground as if he had been hit by a stone. Everyone carried him out and put a bag of ice water on his forehead, because the minister had a large bulge in the middle of his forehead. Despite the ice water, he that swollen bag bigger and bigger, living like a rhinoceros horn.

From that day onwards, the minister no longer receive university students, and no longer visit what the opening ceremony, because no matter how cold compresses and treatment, the minister's forehead on the bag how can not go down.

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