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The Time Traveler: The case of Sudan since independance...

This is a fiction story about a time traveler, named David, who tries to alter the historical events in Sudan. His main job was to alter the bloody successive military dictatorships by a sound democratic parliamentarian rule where the people of Sudan are able to live a decent life which they deserve after a long struggle with dictaterships...

By BamguwataPublished about a year ago 6 min read
The Time Traveler: The case of Sudan since independance...
Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash

Once again, the time traveler stepped out of the time machine and onto unfamiliar soil. He looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city around him. He had traveled back to Sudan in the year 1956, just as the country was gaining its independence from Britain. He had come with a mission, to alter the course of history and create a better future for the people of Sudan.

The time traveler's name was David, and he had come from the year 2050. He was a historian and a scientist, and he had spent years studying the history of Sudan. He knew the country's past, present, and future like the back of his hand. He had chosen this particular point in time to travel back to because he knew that it was a crucial turning point in Sudan's history.

David's mission was simple: to prevent the succession of military regimes that would rule Sudan for much of the next sixty years. He wanted to create a thriving Sudan, with a democratic and parliamentarian government that would be a beacon of hope for the rest of Africa.

But how was he going to do it? How was he going to alter the course of history? David knew that he had to be careful. He couldn't just waltz into the presidential palace and demand that the president step down. He had to be smart, subtle, and strategic.

David started his mission by ingratiating himself with the local population. He learned Arabic, the local language, and started making friends with the people he met. He attended local events, went to parties, and immersed himself in Sudanese culture. He even found a job as a teacher at a local school.

David knew that he couldn't do this alone, so he started looking for allies. He searched for people who shared his vision of a democratic Sudan, and slowly but surely, he started building a network of supporters.

But David's mission hit a snag when he was arrested by the military police. He had been seen talking to a group of students who were protesting against the government, and he had been accused of inciting a rebellion.

David was thrown into a dark and dingy prison cell, where he spent the next six months. But even in prison, David didn't give up. He continued to build his network of supporters, and he even managed to convert some of his fellow prisoners to his cause.

Finally, after six long months, David was released from prison. He emerged a changed man, more determined than ever to achieve his mission.

Over the next few years, David worked tirelessly to bring about change in Sudan. He used his knowledge of the future to predict the actions of the government and to stay one step ahead of them. He organized protests, wrote articles for local newspapers, and even went on hunger strikes to draw attention to his cause.

David's hard work paid off when, in 1964, a popular uprising swept through Sudan, and the military government was overthrown. The new government was a coalition of political parties, and it was led by a charismatic leader named Ibrahim Abboud.

David had done it. He had altered the course of history, and Sudan was on its way to becoming a democratic and prosperous country. But David knew that his work was not done. He continued to work behind the scenes, advising the new government and helping them make decisions that would benefit the people of Sudan.

But then, just as things were starting to look up, David's mission took an unexpected turn. In 1969, a group of military officers led by a man named Jaafar Nimeiry staged a coup and seized power. Nimeiry would go on to rule Sudan for the next sixteen years, and his regime would be one of the bloodiest and most repressive in Sudanese history.

David was devastated by the turn of events. He had worked so hard to bring about a democratic government, and now it seemed like all his efforts had been for nothing. But he didn't give up. He knew that he couldn't change the past, but he could still influence the future.

David decided to take a different approach. Instead of trying to overthrow the government, he would work within the system to bring about change. He joined the ruling party and started working his way up the ranks. He used his knowledge of the future to advise the government on economic policy, and he helped to modernize the country's infrastructure.

Slowly but surely, David's efforts paid off. The economy started to improve, and the people of Sudan began to see tangible benefits from the government's policies. David's influence within the ruling party grew, and he became one of the most trusted advisors to President Nimeiry.

But then, just as things were looking up, David's mission took yet another unexpected turn. In 1983, Nimeiry declared Sharia law in Sudan, sparking a civil war that would last for more than two decades.

David was horrified by the turn of events. He had worked so hard to create a thriving Sudan, and now it seemed like the country was destined for more years of conflict and instability. But David didn't give up. He knew that he still had a role to play in shaping the future.

David decided to use his knowledge of the future to try to end the civil war. He knew that the war would continue for many years, but he also knew that it would eventually come to an end. He worked behind the scenes to broker a peace deal between the warring parties, using his knowledge of the future to anticipate the needs and concerns of both sides.

It was a long and difficult process, but eventually, David's efforts paid off. In 2005, a comprehensive peace agreement was signed, bringing an end to the civil war. David was hailed as a hero, and his role in brokering the peace deal was widely recognized.

But David knew that his work was not done. Even though the civil war had ended, Sudan was still facing many challenges. The country was still struggling with poverty, corruption, and political instability.

David continued to work behind the scenes, advising the government on economic policy and helping to promote democracy and human rights in Sudan. He used his knowledge of the future to anticipate crises and to take preventative action, and he became one of the most influential figures in Sudanese politics.

Finally, in 2047, David decided that it was time to return to his own time. He had accomplished what he had set out to do, and he knew that the future of Sudan was in good hands. He stepped back into his time machine and watched as the world around him blurred and distorted.

When David emerged from the time machine, he found himself back in his own time. He looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of his familiar surroundings. He smiled to himself, knowing that he had accomplished something truly remarkable.

David knew that he would always remember his time in Sudan. He had faced many challenges and obstacles, but he had never given up. He had used his knowledge of the future to alter the course of history, and he had helped to create a thriving Sudan, in all sectors.

HistoricalShort StoryFan FictionAdventure

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