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The tale of Chronos

a myth from where the earth is still young

By Aci laisPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The tale of Chronos
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a realm far removed from the constraints of time, there existed a mysterious place known as the Temporal Sanctuary. Within its ethereal boundaries, time stood still, untouched by the ceaseless march that governed the human realm. At the heart of this timeless domain stood Kro, the enigmatic and solitary Time Keeper, bound to safeguard the delicate balance of time.

Kro possessed an extraordinary power to manipulate the ebb and flow of time itself, yet remained forever isolated from the human experience. Unable to comprehend their language, Kro observed humanity's stories, dreams, and desires, held within the threads of time, without truly understanding their depth and significance.

One fateful day, an individual named Nos, consumed by a desperate longing to alter the past while retaining knowledge of its consequences, made a wish to journey back in time. The audacity of this desire stirred a furious anger within the essence of time itself. It could not tolerate the disruption of its immutable nature, and thus it decided to punish Nos.

As the wish was granted, Nos found themselves suddenly transported to the Temporal Sanctuary. Standing in the presence of Kro. But before Nos could even utter a single word, the sheer weight of time overwhelmed them. Human existence, fragile and finite, could not endure the full weight of the timeless realm. In this realm, time had no meaning, and Nos stood before Kro, who could only gaze wordlessly upon the intruder. Endlessly, their eyes met, as if time itself had frozen.

In that moment, Nos froze, their physical form rendered immobile by the sheer magnitude of time's essence. It was as if the flow of life had been suspended, and Nos stood as a statue in the presence of the Time Keeper. The frozen visage of Nos bore witness to the consequences of their insatiable desire to manipulate time.

Kro, with their inscrutable eyes, gazed upon Nos with a mixture of sorrow and bewilderment. Their understanding of time's power was clear, but the complexities of human emotions eluded them. They could sense Nos's longing, the deep-rooted yearning to shape their own destiny, and yet, they could not fully comprehend the intricacies of such desires.

Days turned into years, and years into centuries, as Nos and Kro remained locked in an eternal stalemate. Kro, the stoic guardian of time, had never felt such conflict within their essence. Something about Nos's presence touched Kro's heart, evoking a longing to connect, to understand the meaning behind the intruder's wish.

Kro's understanding grew, fueled by an insatiable curiosity that had been awakened by the silent narrative conveyed through Nos's frozen visage. They pieced together the fragments of Nos's life, their hopes, dreams, triumphs, and sorrows, all frozen in the tableau of time's relentless flow.

Finally, after an eternity of silence, Nos found the words that resonated with Kro's timeless soul. Nos spoke of their desire to return to the vibrant tapestry of life, to embrace the fleeting moments and the very essence of mortality. Despite Kro's desperate wish for Nos to stay, the intruder yearned only for the familiarity of their existence.

Thus, Kro resigned themselves to wait for Nos's time to run its course. When the moment arrived, and Nos departed from the human realm, their soul did not journey to the afterlife as expected. Instead, it found itself transported back to the Temporal Sanctuary, where Kro patiently awaited.

However, Nos was no longer alive. In a realm where time had no dominion, Nos became the embodiment of an end, a testament to the finite nature of existence. And Kro, representing the inception and the beginning, became forever intertwined with Nos, forming a new entity.

Word spread across the human realm of this enigmatic duo, and they were collectively known as Chronos—the symbol of time unable to be rewound. People marveled at the tale, realizing that time, though unyielding, was also a precious gift that should be cherished.

And so, the legend of Chronos endured, reminding humanity to embrace the fleeting nature of time, to appreciate each passing moment, and to understand that the inexorable march of time grants them the ability to create their own stories within its tapestry.

SeriesYoung AdultShort StoryFantasyClassical

About the Creator

Aci lais

I love to write story, and I hope this story could inspire you and help you get through the day. Please enjoy :D

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Comments (1)

  • Adessaabout a year ago

    I really want to see Nos POV ...

Aci laisWritten by Aci lais

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