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The Silver Quill

Short story of Prince

By Abdul QayyumPublished 25 days ago 4 min read
The Silver Quill
Photo by Anja Bauermann on Unsplash

The Silver Quill

Within the heart of the Kingdom of Luminara, a silver- feathered creature known as the Aetherwing held out of love. Its yearly appearance proclaimed success and plenitude, its shining quills an image of trust. This year, be that as it may, the Aetherwing had not returned, and the kingdom developed on edge.

Ruler Leo, a youthful man with a heart as courageous because it was kind, settled to discover the winged creature and reestablish the kingdom's trust. He set out at first light, the sun casting a brilliant tone on his armor, the royal crest glimmering brightly.

By NONRESIDENT on Unsplash

Leo's travel started within the Whispering Woods, a put abounding with antiquated enchantment. The trees whispered insider facts to those who seemed to tune in, and Leo had developed up understanding their dialect. He tread carefully, looking for direction.

"Look for the Prophet of Dale," the trees mumbled. "She finds the insider perspective of the Aetherwing."

Leo is taken after a winding way that drives him to a clearing washed in ethereal light. There, an elderly lady with eyes that appeared to see past the show anticipated him. She was the Prophet, her presence serene and knowing.

"Welcome, Ruler Leo," she said, her voice just like the stir clears out. "I know why you have come."

"Can you offer assistance me discover the Aetherwing?"Leo asked, his voice a blend of assurance and melancholy.

"The Aetherwing has been taken by strengths that look to disturb the adjustment of our arrival," the Prophet answered. "To discover it, you must illuminate three conundrums and confront the gatekeepers of the antiquated domains. As it were at that point will you reveal the truth and reestablish the feathered creature to its legitimate put."

Leo gestured, assurance in his eyes. "Let me know the primary enigma."

The Oracle's gaze developed, and she talked:

"I am not lively, however I develop;

I do not have lungs, however I require discuss;

I do not have a mouth, and I can suffocate;

What am I?"

Leo considered the conundrum, his intellect dashing through conceivable outcomes. After a minute, he grinned. "Fire," he replied unquestionably.

The Prophet gestured, satisfied. "You're adjusting. Presently, travel to the Cavern of Echoes, where the primary gatekeeper is standing by."

Leo traveled to the Cavern of Echoes, a put where each sound reverberated endlessly. Inside, he found a gigantic stone gatekeeper, its eyes shining with an internal light.

The mentor added, "You have to show that you are intelligent in order to pass." "Confront the reflection of your most profound fear."

The cavern sparkled, and some time recently Leo showed up a dim figure, a reflected picture of himself, encapsulating his questions and frailties. The nebulous vision insulted him, sowing seeds of fear. But Leo, with immovable resolve, stood up to the figure.

"You're but a shadow," Leo pronounced."I highlight my activities and my heart."

With those words, the shadow disseminated, and the gatekeeper ventured aside, allowing Leo to pass.

The moment conundrum anticipated him at the Stream of Time. The Oracle's voice reverberated in his intellect:

"I talk without a mouth and listen without ears. I have no body, but I come lively with the wind.

What am I?"

Leo stood by the waterway, mulling over the conundrum. The reply dawned on him just like the first light of day break. "And resound," he said.

A bridge of light showed up, traversing the waterway, directing him to the following gatekeeper. This one, an unearthly figure, requested a test of intelligence.

"To pass, you must reply to an address of choice," the guardian said. "Spare one life or spare numerous, knowing you may never be pardoned by the one cleared out behind. What is your choice?"

Leo's heart weighed overwhelming with the problem. He knew the esteem of each person's life but too the more noteworthy great."I will leave out a few because everyone's welfare is essential to the kingdom's prosperity. Notwithstanding the suffering, giving up is a necessary step."

The gatekeeper gestured gravely, separating to allow Leo through.

The ultimate enigma drove Leo to the Summit of Stars, where the heavens touched the earth. The Oracle's voice whispered:

"I am visible under water, if seen under the sky, I am in camouflage.

What am I?"

Leo looked at the night sky, the stars twinkling like jewels. He looked down at an adjacent lake, seeing the reflection of the moon. "A star," he said.

The reply lit up the path to the final gatekeeper, a firmament being of light.

"Your last test is of the heart," the gatekeeper said. "Appear sympathy, indeed, to your adversary."

At that minute, a figure rose from the shadows – an equal sovereign from a neighboring kingdom, known for his envy of Luminara's thriving. He had planned to capture the Aetherwing, trusting to move the balance of control.

"I cannot permit you to require the Aetherwing," the match sovereign said, edginess in his eyes.

Leo drew nearer him, amplifying a hand. "Connect me instep. Our kingdoms can succeed together, sharing the gifts of the Aetherwing. There's no require for competition."

By Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Moved by Leo's compassion, the match prince relented. Together, they discharged the Aetherwing, its silver quills shining brighter than ever. The fowl soared into the sky, a guide of solidarity and hope.

Upon returning to Luminara, Prince Leo was hailed as a saint, not as it were for finding the Aetherwing but for cultivating an unused union. The kingdom prospered, its success guaranteed by the bonds of fellowship and the intelligence of a ruler who caught on that genuine control lay in sympathy and unity.

Short Story

About the Creator

Abdul Qayyum

I am retired professor of English Language. I am fond of writing articles and short stories . I also wrote books on amazon kdp. My first Language is Urdu and I tried my best to teach my students english language ,

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