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The Secret of the Abandoned Mansion


By salma fawadPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
The Secret of the Abandoned Mansion
Photo by Setyaki Irham on Unsplash

It was a dark and stormy night when Julia and her friends decided to explore the abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town. They had heard rumors about the place for years but had never had the courage to investigate it until now.

The mansion had been abandoned for decades, and there were all sorts of stories about what had happened to the previous owners.

As they approached the mansion, Julia felt a chill run down her spine. The place looked even more ominous than she had imagined. The gates were rusted shut, and the overgrown lawn was dotted with weeds and broken statues. The mansion itself was a towering structure, with a façade that looked like it belonged in a horror movie.

Despite her misgivings, Julia led the way inside. The door was locked, but they managed to find a window that was open.

They climbed through and found themselves in a dusty hallway. The air was musty, and the only sound was the drip-drip of water from a leaky roof.

They explored the ground floor first, finding rooms filled with old furniture, cobwebs, and broken glass. But then they found something odd. In one room, there was a large metal door, with a keypad next to it.

The keypad was covered in cobwebs, but the numbers were still visible. Julia’s curiosity got the best of her, and she punched in a random sequence of numbers. To her surprise, the door clicked open.

They stepped inside, and what they saw took their breath away. The room was filled with high-tech equipment, computer screens, and rows of test tubes filled with a strange, glowing liquid.

There were notes scattered about, detailing experiments that had been performed on animals and humans. Julia’s heart pounded as she read through them. What had been happening in this mansion?

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from the hallway. They panicked, not wanting to be caught trespassing. They quickly closed the metal door and found a hiding spot.

From their vantage point, they could see a figure walking down the hallway. It was a man, dressed in a lab coat, and carrying a clipboard. He disappeared into another room, and they could hear him muttering to himself.

Julia and her friends waited until the man had gone before emerging from their hiding spot. They were shaking, but they knew they had to find out more.

They continued their exploration, finding secret rooms, hidden passages, and more evidence of the experiments that had been carried out in the mansion.

As they made their way back to the ground floor, they heard a noise that made their blood run cold. It was the sound of thE……………..

By Reuben Juarez on Unsplash

Oooops!!! my pardon to break the line at this point but the purpose dies if thriller does not create suspense. I better know the curiosity you would be having at the moment….

The second part of this story will be published soon.

If you like to read such fiction stories, do let me know in your comments.


About the Creator

salma fawad

salma fawad is a content creator, proof reader and an online instructor with a passion for writing, teaching and freelancing. With 7 years of experience in freelancing , Salma Fawad has gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

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