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The Sad Witch & The Old Barn

This is a story about two siblings who seek refuge in an old barn.

By🪲Published 3 years ago 5 min read
The Sad Witch & The Old Barn
Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

"Max! Move those feet! "

I sigh and try to pick up the pace. My sister Michelle and I are running to find shelter in this thunderstorm. It's cold, and pours on us hard, making it difficult to run.

"Michelle, I'm trying! I don't wanna fall. Besides, I might slip!" I finally catch up to her, trying my best to look for shelter. I look at her and see anger plastered on her earth-toned face.

My big sister Michelle and I have been homeless for about 3 weeks. After a riot came to our cabin and set our house on fire, we escaped with our blankets and essentials and set out for shelter. Our beautiful home and our mother burning behind us.

I never understood why. Even when I asked my sister, she wouldn't answer. Her face said it all though. She's keeping something from me.

"Look!" she says suddenly and points to a building in the distance. Coming closer to it, we see it's a barn, old and deserted. We both run and immediately shut the door behind us. We walk in to see it completely empty.

Michelle sighs then looks up at the ceiling. Seeing the rainfall inside reminds her of the days when she was younger. She and mama used to eat raisin muffins with strawberry jam whenever it would rain like this. They would eat in silence but giggle every once in a while, staring at each other with happiness. They were absolutely inseparable.

I'm watching her from the corner as I set up a place for us to sleep, near a stack of hay. I can tell she's holding in her tears, and I know that will break her easier. She's falling apart in front of me. And I don't know how to tell her it's okay. She's been distant, she hasn't eaten, and she keeps having nightmares.

I wish I could read her mind. She looks so far away from this abandoned barn. From this world.

"Hey, Michelle." I finally say.

Michelle perks up, her eyes widening with awareness. She looks so feminine but is tall and broad like a man. I open my mouth but have nothing to say.

".......Forget it." I finally say.

After we set up the blankets so they can be somewhat comfortable, we put out the fire. I pull out the blanket and wrap up my body and fall asleep. The cold rain gets colder. It beats on the roof of the barn like a loud drum. Steadily getting louder with each minute.

By Holly Mandarich on Unsplash

I wake up to see Michelle gone from my side. I look around and see the barn has turned into a cabin. A fireplace with a crackling fire. The smell of hibiscus tea and peppermint. My clothes even changed, instead of the tattered clothes that smelled of rain, I was wearing silk pajamas. I touch my face, hoping I'm not dreaming.

"Michelle!" I yelled, starting to get scared. I run around the magical barn, holding on to my heart. I hear the door open and turn my head to see her with long black hair down, and big gray eyes widened with fear. She wore a white silk dress that draped to her feet, making her look like a princess.

But wasn't she wearing an oversized jacket with dirty pajamas? Wasn't she just as smelly and dirty as I was?

"Are you okay?" she says, out of breath.

A long silence is between us. My mouth is left open in awe. What do I say? I frantically look around, pointing at everything in sight.

"There's a teakettle on a stove, where a molding wall was!" I responded, my face feeling hot.

She sighs and nods, understanding my escalating confusion. After closing the door. She sits down on the couch, facing the fireplace.

"I guess it's time to say this. We're still in the barn. I used magic to turn it into a cabin. The snowstorm is a spell to cover the barn, it pretty much doesn't exist to any by-passers." She sighs.

"I'm a witch Max."

I grew angry. "When were you going to tell me?" I wanted to scream at her. Our feet aching and the nights we went without eating, they could have been handled! But then I stop myself. I see her shoulders shaking.

I walk over and sit next to her, studying her face. She stares at the fire crackling. A silence is between us again.

After some time, she closes her eyes.

"I know I could have used the magic to save all three of us. I was so scared to tell Mom because she kept talking about how much she hated witches." After some time, I place my hands on hers. Tears well up in her eyes.

"Max. I never got to say I loved her before she died." Tears roll down her cheek. Seeing this, made me emotional myself.

"That's also why the mob came, I guess someone found out and told the town. I know I should have made things easier by finding some old house and casting a spell, but then someone would find us. I wanted to be far away from where no one could witness." Michelle's face started to tense up, his gray eyes clouded like a thunderstorm.

"I just didn't want what happened to Mom, to happen to you," she said softly. "I can't lose you, I have to raise and look after you. Max, I haven't been the best big sister."

I stare at her. My anger turns into sadness. She turns to me and starts to sniffle. I hold her hand and squeeze it.

"The mob isn't your fault. It's theirs. They should be more open-minded. Mom died, and it wasn't because of you. It was because of them." I wipe her tears. "You are a great big sister, and we would not be in a warm cabin, with food and water if it wasn't for you. You're so powerful!"

I wave my hand around the place, showing her how amazing the place looked. The teacups, with little flowers, the pots, and pans, the bookshelf decorated with beautiful books. She really put thought into it.

I smiled the biggest smile. I truly felt so happy for her.

"I'm very proud of you. And Mom would be too." Hearing this, she starts to sob. I hug and weep with her.


About the Creator🪲

---- Article & Fictional Writer On Vocal. Media ---

☀️ Host of the "A Collaboration of my Emotions” podcast ☀️

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