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The Querent

Brown Box Challenge

By Bonnie MishaPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
post apocalyptic

So why does everything now come in brown boxes?

Stimulates the higher senses


What you can’t see, you must imagine

So how does that help anyone?

Not just anyone, everyone

Ok so everyone?

It encourages growth

What kind of growth?

Sensory initially

That’s hard to believe

Got a better idea?

Why is this so important?

It’s not

So why the brown boxes?

They are a reminder

Reminder of what?

Who will and who won’t



So back to sensory stuff again


Am I growing?


But what if I’m ready to be someone who will

Words are two dimensional

Well at least they’re a start

Breathing is a start

So I sense you’re not optimistic about me

That sense is working well

Well I’ve shown up. What now?


What do you wonder about?

I don’t know

Think back

Endings of good stories

So what is it about the endings?

Not knowing the outcome

Which means what?

I don’t know

What don’t you know?

The ending

So the unknown


It’s like pulling teeth

What is?

Your growth


So what do brown boxes have to do with the unknown?

Should be obvious

Not to me

You’re not curious are you?

Just another of my shortcomings

Not as limiting as your self pity

It’s easy for you with all your knowing

Not really

Well it’s easier than being me

Not really

Well I’d swap places

It wouldn’t be allowed


It’s a dimensional thing

So I’m not in the same dimension as you?

Not even close

So how can we communicate?

Through our senses

So that’s why the brown boxes?

Part of the reason

So now I’m much more interested in the brown boxes

Too late


You’re not a good candidate


But I want to know about the unknown

Only for entertainment

But that’s a start surely

A shaky one

So what about guesswork?

What about it?

Do you spend much time guessing and estimating?

Not really

So the issue is your default

Ok so can I change that?

That’s one of the unknowns


So can you see inside brown boxes?


So you don’t need adaptive lenses?


So are adaptive lenses cheats?


Why are they so popular?

Because they enable you to cheat

But what if it’s not interesting or exciting enough to cheat?

Cop out

But what if there’s no reward in cheating?

There always is

I don’t care what’s inside most brown boxes

I know, you are unaware

No I’m fully aware but not interested

If you were aware, you’d be interested

In what?

Sensory extension

My senses are extended enough

Your senses are elastic bands still in their packet

I’ve tried

You haven’t

I’ve stretched them

You haven’t even opened the stationary drawer

Well I haven’t bought adaptive lenses or finger probes

That’s not a defence, that’s disinterest

I’ve stayed unadapted

Yes, that’s the problem

That I’ve resisted cheating?

No that you’re not curious

Ok so I’m supposed to look at every brown box and imagine what’s in it?

Better question

That’s not much encouragement

You get what you deserve

So what if I pick boxes that appeal to me?

Reasonable but slow

But what if that’s my pace?

Yes some things are defaults

But I’m willing to change my default

Willing is not intention

So how do I get more intending?

Step out of feeling safe

But I don’t feel safe

No you shouldn’t

Step out of your surround cloud



Right, so I’m stepping now

What are you feeling?

No floor

Then what?


So move around

What, in nothingness?

It’s all you’ve got

Well it’s strange

Keep moving around.

I am

What do you bump into?

A brown box

Ok so what’s in the brown box?

No clue


Feels a bit suspicious

How so?

I feel scared

Push through

What are you seeing in the box?


Go closer. Open the box


What’s in the box?

A package wrapped in brown paper

And I’m still feeling suspicious

So what’s in the package?

I‘m opening it now. There’s a shoe in the box

What colour?


We don’t have black shoes here

I know but that’s what it is

That’s very insightful


It’s a dimensional thing

Is it an old shoe?

Yes, very creased

How does it make you feel?


That makes sense

I’m so glad I do for once

What does that mean?

That you’ve completed the brown box challenge

Is that good?


Did I pass?

What do you think?

What happens now?

You’re going to need your old shoe again.


About the Creator

Bonnie Misha

children’s author/designer - books, games, toys

little aussie battler series

children’s fantasy - faerie & elementals series

animation - bicky and boo - series

historic manuscripts - WW2 - s w pacific command

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