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The Quantum Timetraveler

Herstory and History

By Katherine D. GrahamPublished about a year ago 17 min read

    I am the scribe for a Master Time traveler. The messages received and perceived by this humble bard are shared as an elegy for a sage and master of time travel, who revealed a land of nobility. The accounts which follow are much like that of a tourist, visiting a place for the first time and seeing it with starry eyes. I was offered a glimpse into how time travel works.

    The Time traveler was one of the last of the scholars trained in the manner of the Renaissance. He was educated before computers, and in that era, was considered a genius. He excelled in art, music, agriculture, horticulture, literature, science and math. He studied Gibbon’s 'History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire', and Steven Hawking’s, ‘A Brief History of Time’, the Bible, and the works of Shakespeare. He could identify with timeless situations in the context of individuals who were living and experiencing these eras.

    As a humble scribe who witnessed the fascinating mystery of the alpha and omega of an era, I will report what I understand of time travel. I was an apprentice and realize my perception is a distorted reflection of how past historical events affect the present.

    The time traveler organizes diverse elements of the credible repeated events with the incredible. A time traveler uses science to navigate a multi-fluidic, super- symmetrical holographic fractal universe where superconductivity suggests data is passed through encrypted messages to specific receivers.

    The time traveler follows certain principles. The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle explains we cannot know the position and speed of a particle at the same time. The Pauli exclusion principle says electrons cannot overlap in momentum and position space. The observer effect states that observing an object or event at any one time, allows identification of a position, but the momentum of the movement is lost. Time travels transcend time by interpreting what can be imagined that exists between the known and unknown. They see beyond the law of contradictions, where nothing is A and not A.

    It is 2023. I look at the amorphous clouds scattered in the blue sky that occasionally block the bright sunshine on this cold day. The snow has all but disappeared. It looks like spring. This is a problem. It is midwinter and climate destabilization is influencing global weather patterns that in turn are affecting water, crops and nature. Rates of mass extinctions, resource depletion, populations and rifts in global social and cultural norms are increasing.

    I will do my best to travel through time, to determine if the conditions of current climate destabilization might have been different had Al Gore successfully won the presidency during the 2000 US elections.

    The Time traveler can foresee what might come to be, by applying what is predictable and rational, to optimize situations for all parties. With the wisdom of the feral child, the time traveler can remember, imagine or create experiences that offer or facilitate the discovery of love, connection and acceptance. The time traveler has the grace to peacefully accept uncomfortable truths that repeat over in history over time knowing that humanity is not always predictable, logical or able to accept cause and effect.

    This is a version of Herstory. Woman are often referred to 'her'. They are Womb-men, beings with a womb that undergoes cyclic changes. that have historically caused discomfort in both genders through History. Herstory is not limited to gender.

    The German roots of ‘Her’ originally meant 'motion to the speaker'. A motion is a proposal to do something. In Latin ‘Her’ means to stick. In English, the pronoun ‘Her’ refers to females. When the suffix ‘etic’, meaning 'pertaining to', or 'from the perspective of an observer' is added, the pronoun ‘her’ becomes the noun heretic. Heretics choose opinions contrary to orthodox, or ‘right thinking’ beliefs.

    Herstory explores science. Science uses the null hypothesis to eliminate what is not truth, however much of what is proven right is often found to be wrong over time. Lies have long legs, and ignorance often accepts false truth. Messages get lost and confused. Old information that appears non-functional is manipulated and abandoned and forgotten.

    Herstory accepts that ancient forces transcend time and space and act from within each living being. We are made up of star stuff, containing elements that are stored in genes in DNA of the X and Y chromosomes and the Mitochondria. Mitochondria have their own DNA.

    Mitochondria hold a repository of tribal ancestral wisdom from ancient bacteria that are passed through the female. Female mitochondrial DNA does more than carry the burden of guilt of Eve; it delivers the power of the sacred feminine to create and destroy energy through cellular respiration.

    Breathing provides oxygen to the mitochondria, the site of cellular respiration. Combustion neutralizes the harmful effects of Oxygen and creates and releases ATP, the energy molecule. Invaginations of the mitochondria membrane create the cristae that is the site of energy production in cells. The mitochondria hold Cytochrome c, an ancient protein found in all life forms. Cytochrome c contains an iron ion, that carries oxygen. Females have the prefix ‘Fe,’ added to male. ‘Fe’ comes from the Greek noun meaning faith. The 'Fe', are associated with fairies in myths. Fe’ represents the element iron, derived from the Latin word for firmness.

    For thousands of years, spiritual seekers, mystics and yogis have used the power of breath to releases unconscious knowledge that reveals the truth of what is known of nature, that transits time and the mysteries of death. The Time traveler opens the doors of time using age-old breathing techniques that release Souls of the Other World.

    The Greeks called breath the pneuma or spirit. Chinese and Buddhists speak of the power of mindful, controlled breathing. The prana and chi generate a connection between the individual and universal energy, that evokes profound changes in consciousness and alter how reality is viewed. Herstory suggests that in the space of no thought, that some find in the moments before waking or in meditation, the breath, called the Aum, lets the spirits that flow between heart mind and gut and the universal consciousness.

    Breathing releases multiple messages of the ancestral past, inscribed in mitochondrial cells. The messages travel beyond the grave to recognize unseen, unknown and unconscious totems and taboos which are accepted and transformed. Breathing alters environment of the mitochondria and can invoke a spontaneous, physiological changes that can alter genetics and transform behaviour. Anger, that may have resulted from what might be called shameful ignorance, can sometimes trigger harmful short sighted and destructive rage. Breathing can change anger into a holy outrage, defined as an emotional response to the pain of others, that opens the possibility of positive actions.

Mitochondria continually undergo fission and fusion. They vary with the environment and age through what might be more than random chance, luck or perseverance. Mitochondrial variations exist in the heart, gut and brain.

The brain is system far more complex than any computer. It can process information that is presented in serial and parallel circuits. It can recognize conscious and use unperceived unconscious forces of patterns and memories to interpret nature. The heart and brain can function independently. The heart holds its own ‘little brain. The intrinsic cardiac nervous system contains sensory neurites which provide a direct line of communication to the brain.

The central and peripheral enteric nervous system of the gut, made up of microvascular endothelial cells is considered the third brain. It has bidirectional communication with the emotional and cognitive centres of the brain and the heart. The gut affects permeability of mitochondria, which if inhibited, can cause neurodegenerative and cardiac disorders.

    Enormous amounts of data influence the gut, heart and mind without awareness. It appears that heart- brain- gut cross talk can elicit change between individuals. These can lead to global shifts without resistance. Empathetic partners can synchronize heart rates and cause pain to subdue. Beating hearts synchronize as do pendulums that swing close to each other. System-wide shifts in heart rates occur as individuals connect to something bigger, like a movie, prayer, or listening to a story.

    Trauma alters the how messages are transferred between the brain, heart and gut and blocks creative thinking. History is slow to change. Most humans have short memories. They have experienced trauma that blocks flow, harmony and creativity of thought. Individuals often give up on trusting their inner sensibilities and respond to pressures when they suffer trauma or fear. Trauma often results in a failure to self-regulate. Victims are oblivious to changes that cause them to be out of harmony with the environment. They easily fall prey to the seven deadly sins that have been known to man throughout time.

    The time traveler has learned, not how to dominate the cause of a deep inner wound, but how to heal the effects of trauma associated with blindness, hallucinations, suggestibility and outbursts. Breathing can combat palatable ignorance and heal trauma, offering relief from the sickness of the soul. The time traveler breathes and in so doing learns and unlearns information that can heal trauma to creatively find solutions in the possibilities of the present that allow moving beyond the nightmares of a horrifically grotesque existence.

    The time traveler breaths and softens their gaze before cautiously entering the labyrinth of dreams. To navigate the matrix that forms in time and space they follow the light. The time traveler has the innate ability to see the light in the web of energy that resonates in the universe.

    Interstellar space is made of Hydrogen and Helium, light and Buckyballs. Light and Buckyballs exhibit particle-wave duality. The time traveler navigates through the sacred geometry of the truncated icosahedron that Archimedes described 2000 years ago. Leonardo da Vinci drew it in the book of Divine proportions in 1494. Buckminster Fuller introduced Buckyballs to architecture in the mid 1950's. In 1985 Buckyballs were first discovered in the lab. Buckyballs are the rule-breakers of chemistry. They should not form yet are the largest known molecule.

Buckyballs are the phoenix, that arise from the ashes of dying stars. They spontaneously form a cage-like geodesic structure made up of twelve Carbon pentagons and twenty carbon hexagons. Buckyballs are thought to have been involved in bringing the materials needed for life to Earth. They can carry and deliver drugs and are used in medicine.

Buckyballs incredibly stable under conditions of high temperature and pressure. Buckyball proteins are found in mitochondria. Buckyballs can hold materials that make them likely candidates for use in creating room- temperature superconductivity. They can increase the speed at which memory is written or erased in a flash memory cell.

    A flash of light can alter memories. Light is formed by mitochondria. Mitochondria have spontaneous low amplitude changes in their membranes that create photon emissions and react to pulses of infrared light. A small number of photons can store a lot of information. Photons emit unperceived, nonphysical forces that can create a poltergeist power, influencing actions and matter distant in time or space.

    Nonlocality is a physical principle that lets information simultaneously act on two spatially separated systems that have interacted on the past. Nonlocal communication leads to Quantum mechanical weirdness. Nonlocal changes can occur over interstellar distances, between opposite ends of the universe and at different points on the time scale. Studies suggest that bacterial biophotons are non-local information carriers. The time traveler can observe nonlocal messages from different places and times and access the field of universal energy.

    Herstory follows the light. The Akasha, or astral light was described in Sanskrit as ‘immanent light that impregnates the worlds.’ Akashic records directs memories of actions, thoughts, feelings and events that have occurred since the beginning of time.

    Light is traced through Archeoastronomy. Ethiopia is believed to be the home of the earliest human ancestors. The immigrants from Sheba brought their knowledge of civilization to Ethiopia. It was the first culture to study and name stars and planets that some sources claim began 26 000 years ago. This time period is called a Great Year. Humanity is experiencing the second coming of the Age of Aquarius, described in song ‘Let the Sunshine In.’ Jupiter is negotiating the effects of the alignment between Venus and Mars. However, unlike the song, peace is seldom found in individuals, let alone countries, although the potential theoretically still can exist.

    By 5000 BC, pre-Sumerian myths described Ethiopia as the home of the great servant gods of heaven called the Igigi who were the watchers and the eyes of the night. They kept astronomical vigil and regulated time at the turning point around Polaris in the constellation Ursa, the great bear. They honoured the Sun, Moon and Venus.

    Venus, the primordial goddess, dates to the Palaeolithic era. She was the goddess of duality, birth and destruction, renewal and regeneration known by many names. She was the protective hippopotamus, the divine mother, the fertility goddess Taweret known as Ishtar, Hathor, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of the Horizon, the Celestial Cow and the Eye of Ra and Persephone, who was the queen of the underworld, goddess of the dead, who in spring returned to Earth to help her mother Demeter.

    Myths change. By 3000 BC, Igigi became angels called the Ben Elohim, Egregore, Grigori. They were referred to as the Nephilim by Moses when he wrote Genesis around 1400 BC. Nephilim were sent to help and guide humanity by changing perception by teaching law and wisdom.

Around 50 AD. St. Paul, one of the most prolific authors in the New Testament, quoted from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. Greeks described the mythical land of Ethiopia, located at the fringes of the farthest edges of the earth. Ethiopia was the land of the vertical sun, where those with burned face lived in the ashes of a world destroyed by fire, and the sands of the vast sea from which waters have retreated. The land was associated with sterility and desolation and the green fertile oases that formed the ‘Happy islands of enchantment.

St. Paul demonized the Nephilim calling them fallen angels. They were Rephaim, the dead ones, removed from the Garden of Eden. Their leader was Lucifer, who became Satan, the “prince of power of the air” who rebelled against the rules and taught man how to dominate nature. Herstory says that St. Paul had an agenda. Around 50 AD. St. Paul used the work of the Greek, Aratus, to sway popular thinking and replace the sky god Zeus with Jesus Christ. He demoted Lucifer, the Light giver who was associated with Venus, and women, saying they should submit to their husbands and remain silent.

    Over time, small changes become large. In 300 AD, Lucifer of Cagliari, whose name the ‘Light Bringer’ is associated with Venus. Lucifer encouraged individuality and self-determined choices based on enlightenment, truth and freedom. In 400 AD, St. Jerome translated the Greek bible into Latin. Striving to oppress the sect of Luciferians, he aligned the name Lucifer to a fallen angel, who claimed to be equal to God and a partner to the devil. He assumed an anti-feminist, anti-carnal relationships point of view, likely influenced by Jewish authorities of the time.

    The anti-feminist view continued through the Dark Ages of the 13th century, when the female condition of hysteria became considered a form of demonic possession. In 1952, Aldous Huxley wrote a nonfiction novel ‘Devils of Ludlum’. He recounts how psychological hysteria, spurred by interpretations of a devil presence, affected a convent in Ludlum, France in 1645. In the 1800’s, the hypnotist, Anton Mesmer used magnetism to ease medical illnesses such as hysteria. His work was influenced by simultaneous scientific work on magnetic materials performed by Sir James A. Ewing, and James Clerk Maxwell, who described hysteresis loops in metallurgy.

    Hysteresis loops follow a prescribed curve that depends on its history with a delayed resultant force caused by reactions of metals exposed to an external magnetic field. By the late 1800's, the relation between magnetism and electricity led to the development of the vibrator to relieve the symptoms of hysteria.

    Herstory examines the etymology of the word hysteria. The prefix 'Hys' is an obsolete form of 'his'. ‘ Hy’, means excessive or overactive, uncountable and indefinite. Up to the 14th century the suffix 'ster' was used for the female gender. ‘Hyster’ comes from the Greek word for uterus. Hysteria was a condition associated with female problems caused by uterine problems, regular fluctuating hormonal changes and sexual frustration. Hysteria is associated with an unaccountable female energy.

    By the 1980’s, the medical term hysteresis was changed ‘functional neurological symptom disorder.’ It is known as 'conversion disorder', a term, coined by Sigmund Freud, that explains illness due to unconscious conflict. The wave of mass communication of information through the Internet has created blurred sentiments and unspoken cultural messages that confuse mathematical fact and perception leading to hysteria. Individuals are prepared to uphold a personal fragile myth that favours wishful thinking and illusion to help the psyche accept harmony between personal knowledge and fact.

    Hysteria can control the masses. Hysteria is still linked with an evil-devil force in many developing countries. It is associated with mass psychogenic illness episodes with symptoms that include breathlessness, fear, crying and anxiety not associated with environmental toxicity, food-borne illness, infectious disease or societal conflict.

    The Time traveler learns from History and is inspired by Herstory. History records events that happen in what appears to be a fixed framework. History was originally intended to be a means to gain knowledge through inquiry. Karl Marx says, ‘History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, then as a farce.’ In a fatalistic predetermined world, temporal events happen as if they are chemical cascades that branch and diversify with a predictable end. Stories of history are written and told by the survivors.

    Herstory acknowledges historical observations are a creation of the mind. Herstory looks in the invisible matrix of the mind, to tap into the past where Light, and the mirrors that reflect light are entangled. They untangle the effects of past ignorance and search for ways to optimize stability.

    Herstory knows that even though the memory of all existence may exist, it is only what can be accessed at one point in time, that determines the actions that might optimize a situation. The time traveler knows that moments in Discrete Time can measure multiple interacting factors, but they are still only a sample of what can happen in Continuous Time.

    Herstory knows that change is inevitable, however small changes can alter the course of repeating mistakes. Herstory looks to make the necessary adjustments to establish harmony with the environment. Planets move in predictable manners, but asteroids can be deflected off their trajectory and prevent disasters. Scientists say that there was no stopping the development of the atomic bomb, but concerned scientists did what they could to regulate it’s use.

    Technical advances that led to the Industrial revolution and subsequent increased carbon emissions could not be stopped. Data of reduced carbon emissions, that occurred during the Covid years, reveal the complexity of dealing with climate change due to emissions. The time traveler sees how carbon-based life has survived catastrophic events of traumas due to global climate change caused by resource depletion, a meteor hitting the Earth, volcanoes erupting, and the detonation of nuclear bombs with half-lives greater than 703, 800 000 years of the Little Boy nuclear bomb that hit Hiroshima.

    If the time traveler was to go back to the US election in the year 2000, to ensure Al Gore becoming president, perhaps the world would have had some local differences. The time traveler who is a Historian is a fatalist who can argue that the masses would not follow the necessary austerity programs, and this would have led to the inevitable collapse of a wave.

    The time traveler who is a Herstorian, addresses challenges by using the knowledge of global climate change as it is currently understood. Time is used to measure change, but change is not the same as Time. They navigate a world of probabilities and adjust how the past was perceived to avoid ignorance born of fear and trauma. They plan the path of the future, based on a new consciousness that recalibrates success that is based on a timeless attachment called love, that respects the laws and connection to nature.

Short Story

About the Creator

Katherine D. Graham

My stories are intended to teach facts, supported by science as we know it. Science often reflects myths. Both can help survival in an ever-changing world.

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