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The Power Of “Thank You“

Miracle Making Faith.

By IAM SimplyShanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In scripture, a man named Paul recommends that we make it known our requests with praise and thanksgiving. Some extraordinary results flow this simple method of prayer . It is proven that the thankful heart is always close to the creative force to the most high , causing countless blessings to flow towards it by the law of reciprocal relationship , based on a cosmetic law of action and reaction.

For instance , a father promises his daughter a brand new car for graduation: the girl had yet to receive the car but she is very thankful and happy , and is as joyous as though she had actually received the car. She knows that her father will fulfill his promise , and she is full of gratitude and joy although she has not physically received the car , objectively speaking that is . She has however , received it with joy and thankfulness in her mind.

There once was a man by the name of Jack Snow. A single father raising 4 children , barely making ends meet. Until one day Mr Snow decided to apply this particular technique of the power of “Thank you.”

He said “Bills are piling up, I am out of work , I have 4 children and absolutely no money. What shall I do?

Regularly every night and every morning, for a period of 6 weeks , he repeated the words, “Thank you Father for my wealth.” In a relaxed , peaceful manner until the feeling or mood of thankfulness dominated his mind.

His thoughts and feelings was the substance of wealth although his physical reality was not that by any kind. By repeating “Thank You , Father.” Over and over again , his mind and heart started to lift up to the point of complete acceptance . When fear , thoughts of lack , poverty and distress came into his mind , he would say , “Thank you, Father “, as often as necessary. He knew that as he continued to keep up the thankful attitude he would recondition his mind to the idea of wealth , which is exactly what happened.

The sequel to his prayer is very interesting. He affirmed over and over again many times a day . After praying in the above - mentioned manner , he met a former employer of his on the street whom he had not seen for over thirty years . Jack walked this street every single day the same time, and never seen him until that particular day. He began to ask questions . From How are you doing ? To how are you and the kids ?” Mr. Snow was a single father of 4 children . Ages from 9 - 18 years of age . Mr. Snow was unsure what he was going to tell this man , tell the truth ?

Tell him what is really going on or put on a Façade that everything was okay.

The former employer looked at Jack and couldn’t help but notice the pain and very tired eyes. He could tell that Jack was in great distress. Before he could respond , the man offered him a very lucrative position at his company and handed him $1000. Mr.Snow was extremely grateful for all that his former employer did . He cried with complete gratitude. Now if that wasn’t a testimony in itself . He preserved and the prayer was the last utterance on his lips at night and the very first thing in the morning . He prayed for others by sending thoughts of love and health. This attitude of mind and way of prayer returned to him multiplied many times. His faith and perseverance paid off with big dividends.

Mr. Snow continued to repeat

“Thank you Father for my wealth.”

He remembered the bible verse found in



“I’m just looking for someone named Jack Snow , can I speak with him please? “, she says, lightly fidgeting with the strap of the purse in her hand.

Hello, Good morning , I am Jack .”

Jack assumes she is looking for a clothing donation of some kind— or a Bill collector of some sort.. Jack instantly started to sweat profusely, he was nervous. Did the IRS send someone to summon him for the outstanding taxes owed?

What could this be ?

So many thoughts started to flood his mind . But he quickly shifted his thinking . “Thank you Father for my wealth.”

Looking at Jacks flustered face . The lady says “I promise to make this very quick,” she says and pulls a nicely sealed envelope out of her brown purse. She slides the envelope across the desk to Jack .

Hi my name is Susanne Grant I live just a few blocks from here.” She gestures towards the direction of her home.

Jack takes the envelope that is addressed to him Mr. Jack Snow. It is now in front of him and attempts to undo the seal to avoid damaging the mysterious contents inside.

“Please do take a look at it” , says Susanne.

Nervous as ever, Jack proceeds to see a written check in the amount of $33,000 USD.

Memo says : NF- The plan 111 signed by her son Daniel Grant..



About the Creator

IAM SimplyShan

Analytical, Food for thought stories and experiences through my eyes.


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