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The Owl Who Knew My Name

Who are you?

By K.J.GeorgePublished 2 years ago 15 min read

I watched as they left her in this old barn. It wasn’t run-down and tattered. Still fairly new and was built around a 30-ft tree. But it has been abandoned for a while… So as the tree went through the phases with the weather so did the barn. But I don’t think that was really their concern right now. As they placed her right under a branch that had just enough leaves to cover her, they left in a flash. Not before saying their goodbyes, however. Tears in their eyes they looked at her longingly before saying:

“This is not what we wanted, but we must. Come look for us, our child when you can tell the difference between dawn and dusk. You’ll know what that means when the time has come. We only got to love you in silence for 3 years, but it was more than we imagined. We love you…Katalina. See you soon.”

It was the last time I saw them, and I must admit I was a bit confused. Until midnight had arrived, and I was heading out to hunt, a handful of men came bursting in disturbing the silent night.

“They came in here; I can still sense their magic!”

“But sir, that shouldn’t be possible! You can only sense the magic of those near!”

“Then why can I still feel it!? I know this magic!”

The big, burly man with a scruffy beard and sword on his hip started to search for something that could prove his point. However, the couple that came here left nothing behind except the child. Then it dawned upon the child is what they were seeking! Before they could draw near and discover her, and before I could make a move, the barn and everything around it started reacting on its own. The branches started attacking, and the ground would launch rocks at full force. And as if that wasn’t enough a strong, sudden wind blew the doors open and in came bullets of water attacking the intruders. The yells and commotion caused by such adult men of their caliber was quite an amusing sight to see.

But what caught my attention the most was the magical force protecting her, was one of myths. Well, for the humans of course. For myself, I’ve seen more than enough over the last 300 years. However, if this child is what I think she is, then myself, this toddler, and the barn as well have quite an adventure ahead…

12 Years Later…

“Ahh come on you stupid piece of wood, cut me some slack would ya! I just want to eat lunch already!”

After a long morning of fixing up the barn a little more to my liking it was now time for lunch! My favorite time of day. Well, any time of the day that I can eat is truly my favorite. However, today I went out to the lake to catch some fish and I caught a big one today! I caught it by making a mini whirlpool and then just scooped it up with the net I made. It was pretty cool.

However, what’s not cool is how I’m having trouble cutting the wood today to use for the fire. I made a little stone fireplace for my barn house to help with the cold. It’s early spring here so it’s still quite chilly. But the wood doesn’t seem to care that I’m too cold to even eat.

“Why do you want me to freeze to death you piece of wood! I’m cold and hungry, so I might starve to death too! Ughhhh–”


“What was that sound?”

I looked down to see that the pieces of wood that I was holding suddenly split right in my lap as I was groaning in agitation. I’m not quite sure how it happened but oh well. Time to warm up and cook some fish!

For the last 12 years I’ve watched her grow and she still has no clue. She’s 15 now. Living in a barn far out away from people, by herself, and the only thing she seems to worry about is food, and how to trick fish. Not knowing that just now her emotions got out of control and that’s what caused the wood to snap. Even when there is a brief second of her brain actually wondering about how she did something so odd, it’s gone just as fast as it came. It still hasn’t dawned upon her. It hasn’t even caught her attention that she is a mage of such high caliber, that many people would fear her, just at the sight of her presence. I’ve watched her use earth, air, fire and water spells before she was even 10! Some people can’t even fully comprehend the one element they were born with until 15 when young witches and wizards start to go to school. She has been beyond her years, and she has no clue. I don’t think she even knows her real name.

She calls herself Kat because she likes how it sounds. But ironically her true name is Katalina. And she knows her age because she said it came to her in a dream. That I am also still puzzled about.

What’s even more puzzling is how she came across so many books and how she is able to read them so well. She walked in one day with a stack of books in her hand. I watched her grow up in this barn alone with myself of course. But after reading those books she was able to comprehend her powers and the books by 5 years of age, and by 7 she started building up the barn.

The powers she was born and blessed with has helped her a lot along the way. And I've done my share to help as well. Behind the scenes of course. I watched her build her own bed, stove and fireplace to keep her warm. She makes her own clothes from materials around her with the help of magick. She hunts her own food, and anything else she needs she makes them herself. She manipulates water to fish. She plants her own fruits and vegetables. She uses rune magick to make the stove and shower work accordingly. And she’s found a way to refrigerate her food she grew and caught.

No 15-year-old girl I’ve ever known has done as much as she. Not to mention she’s done all of this BEFORE she was 15.

Every day she grows a little more and accomplishes a lot more. But for some reason I can feel her world is about to change…

Her powers have grown too much now for her to continue to live quietly…

3 Years Later

“I guess it’s time for me to sleep now. Tomorrow I turn 18 Mr. Owl, and then the day after I’m going to go on my first journey!”

The owl is the only other living thing I’ve ever known. In all honesty, I’m not even sure I know myself. I live by myself in a barn out in the middle of nearly nowhere, and I can control the elements around me at my calling. I don’t know my name, or if I even have a family. I don’t know where I came from or why I am here. And every day for the last couple of years I could feel the power inside me rapidly growing as I grew older.

My powers. Magick. So strong and fragile at the same time. It's powerful, no doubt about it. However…. Whenever I would get really upset or really sad my power would become extremely unstable. I’ve learned to master it by now. However, in the time I’ve had to learn about it myself it was rough.

I’m also very thankful to the strange woman who passed by one day. It was odd because people don’t ever actually pass by here. She wore a long overcoat with a hood and her face was partially covered with a half mask. I was only 4 but I remember her quite well. Maybe it was because her eyes resembled mine…She said to me:

“These books will be fundamental little one. One day I know you’ll be able to read them and when you do take every word to heart. I can’t give you much else, I wish I could but someday we’ll meet again, and I’ll give you the world.”

And just like that she disappeared into the air like fairy dust. It was so cool to see, but what made it most memorable was the tears in her eyes. I’m still not sure why but I felt like I’ve seen her before…

Before it was time for me to go outside for my night walk, it’s how I get ready for bed, I decided to do my nightly talk with Mr. Owl.

“Mr. Owl do you have a family? You are always here with me. Sleeping half the day and adventuring with me the rest and through the night.”

He just stared at me as usual. Comforting and a little uncomfortable at the same time. I never see him blink. I think he does when I do. Simultaneously. Maybe. But I also consider him a friend. He's been here as long as my memories can recall.

“Mr. Owl who am I? I’ve been here as long as I can remember, and fragments of my dream that I can piece together make me think there is more to my life. But I’m not sure… Who am I…?”

“Who am I…?” A question I actually had a partial answer to… On the nights when I wasn’t by her side, I was out finding the answers to the questions I’ve had of my own. More of confirmation however. See I’m actually a descendent of familiars that have been reborn for many and many centuries. I know more than the humans think. However, I haven’t been chosen nor have I chosen myself a being’s side to stay beside. Until she came along. Katalina. She hasn’t chosen me because she doesn’t know anything about her own life let alone mine. But if I’m going to do my job right as her familiar, I need her to make a pact with me. So I stayed by her side until the day came. The day when she will finally learn her name…

“Come on Mr. Owl, let's go for our walk. I can think about who I am on the way.”

As he perched up on my shoulder we went for our usual walk. In the open field as the stars sprinkled across the night sky, and the wind blew a beautiful tune as we embraced the world around us. I went by the river to look at the full moon's reflection glittering across the water, and then I jumped. Not sure why but I did. I jumped right in. Before I could realize what was happening, I caught myself dancing to the sound of the wind but on the water. I was standing on the water dancing. And I kept dancing, as the water danced too. The water danced around me and the air became cooler. I could hear the earth around me singing along with the wind and that's when I started to feel like myself. Like my true self. As if I were born to do this. Born to be here.

“Katalina, who are you? Who areee youuu?

I slowed my dance and looked around but I saw no one. I knew I heard someone. But I couldn’t see anyone except Mr. Owl.

“Mr.Owl did you hear someone? Or see someone? I swore I heard someone call out…”

As I touched grass once again, I looked into Mr. Owl’s eyes, but they were different. They look deep and mysterious and then…

“Katalina, who…are…you…?”

Before I could react to the fact that the owl that I thought I knew my whole life, COULD TALK, my life quite literally flashed before my eyes. A vision of my life before I was born. My parents, the owl, the men who came searching for my parents after they had to abandon me…but not only that a woman one of immense power appeared to me and said:

“Katalina, I believe that the time is now right for you to know who you truly are. My name is Raina. Goddess of Water. You my dear are a mage. You were born with my element, the element of water, however you were born with the element of earth as well. Your mother and father are both the highest ranked mages ever known. Your mother a water mage, and your father an earth. Because of their status they were loved by many but feared by even more. When word got out that your mother had conceived you, many were after you and your parents. For your power was so immense, they feared the power you and your parents could have over Eria, The Realm of Magick, would take away the chances they have to become high ranked mages themselves. So, your parents had to run to protect you. Once you were born in quiet, they got up and left their only home they ever knew. In fear they may get caught they raised you as long as they had time for, hiding for as long as they could. Once you turned 3, some mages who worked for the King of Eria and despised your parents, decided to take matters into their own hands and find them themselves. Once your parents felt like it was no longer safe they decided to place you far enough away from Eria and flee until it was safe. However, they were never heard from again. The owl who never left your side knows more than you think. He has been by your side because he is your familiar. He is here to serve you, but he is also a friend. You are not the only one with great power. Believe in him and make a pact. You may find this beneficial. However, not only do I need you to know who YOU and your familiar are, but I need you to find your parents. This is important. The Realm of Magick, Eria, your home is in great danger. There is no doubt that the power you and your parents hold is more than enough to save Eria. But only you have the power to find them. Do what you must and bring them back home. This is a job for you and your parents alone…”

And just like that I regained consciousness and everything I thought I knew, and everything I wanted to know was brought to my attention. I looked at Mr. Owl, who I should really give a name to, and he looked different. His white feathers now looked shiner and more magical somehow. He stood on the tree proud, and his demeanor has changed.

“Mr. Owl, do you have a proper name?”

I thought I’d ask, because if he could really talk honestly that’d be amazing. And more comforting since he’ll actually be able to reply to me now.

“My name is Aljema. I am a descendent of the oldest familiars around. We are known to be the wisest and the most powerful. We have been around for many centuries. Although my authentic form is an owl, I can transform as needed. I have been guiding you along since you were left here at three. I like to think it was our fate, destiny if you will. You will learn more in due time, but I believe you have something on your mind…”

I would say I’m completely surprised but I’ve always known I was different. The dreams I was having were probably clues and my future being foretold.

“Let's make a pact. Raina, the Goddess of Water, told me it's something that I should do. She didn’t explain it much, but she said it's favorable.”

“A pact is a way to ‘seal the deal’ for me to become your familiar, if you will. That way it is known to other mages, witches, etc. that I am with you and our bond is infinite. I feel it is my calling to be at your side, unless you feel otherwise…”

“I’ve never known anyone else other than you Aljema, it’ll only be right if you stay by my side. Just tell me what to do.”

Right then and there I learned how to make a pact. Every mage has a tattoo or permanent symbol that resembles their element. Because I haven't been taught properly, I never knew that I was supposed to have one to begin with. Apparently, at age 15 when everyone started going to the School of Magick in Eria, that is when they are taught how to summon their element symbol. Mine is unique because I was born with 2 elements which hasn't happened in 100 years. With it you can grant your familiar the same symbol and that’s how you form a pact. Our marking appeared on the middle of our foreheads. It was beyond beautiful.

“Well, Aljema where do we go from here?”

“Well, it is now 12am, which means you are now 18, how about we celebrate with a dance and then head to sleep?”

With the moon high in the sky, and stars scattered everywhere we danced with the water again and sang along with the wind and earth. My life is now starting anew and the journey ahead of me is no longer afar. I’m not quite sure what to expect but I am excited! A new life and journey where I can learn more about myself is so close, I can feel it.

We danced until we fell asleep right under the stars. The first time I’ve ever slept in the field, but it felt great, nonetheless.

Little did we know, as we slept peacefully, our new life together was about to make some changes faster than we expected...





Katalina, if you can hear me, I need you to listen. They are coming for you! They are coming! Please escape while you can. I know you can do it. Hurry, and come find me. I can’t tell you where I am, they might hear me. But I have faith in you! Come find me my love and stay safe until then.





I jolted awake from my sleep. Was that my mother? What was she talking about? Before I could process her words or fully awaken the sight before me left me seeing red...


About the Creator


✨ An overactive mind put into words

✨ Favorite coping mechanism

✨ Fiction Fanatic

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