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The Otherverse

A ride through conscious space.

By Carolyne KransPublished 2 years ago 19 min read
The Otherverse
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

It was a cool spring morning. Kaylene’s Constell Achievement Tests were only weeks away, and she needed to clear her mind to make room for more studying.

As Kaylene walked down the sidewalk towards the forest edge, she raised her arm and brushed her fingertips across the skin of her exposed forearm. Two days after her finals was her eighteenth birthday, which was when she would be getting a chip injected into her arm. The chip would surveillance her every move, word, and emotional state.

In 2025, a New World Order took place due to population explosion in 2024, and in 2028 there was another explosion, boosting the world population to 10.6 billion people. This caused chaotic shifts in the world, so people were given two options. Either they, the Constell, — which was the new single government made of Elites that ruled the entire planet — could give the people a cure all injection for every disease and ailment that existed, or, they would amp up the stress in the world to create more disease in order to control the population. People had begun to self manifest and find peace within themselves, which was why there was a significant drop in disease in the first place. Because let’s face it, diss-ease, causes disease.

Naturally, and without thinking, people chose the injections, but it came with a price. A LifeChip, injected into the arms of everyone eighteen or older to keep the population controlled.

Every chip was set to 50 points, and as people broke laws, committed crimes or assault of any kind, littering even, the points went down. When a person’s score reached zero, the person would implode within itself, and vanish into thin air. An immediate, on the spot termination. There were the few situations where one would be terminated immediately, like acts of murder or fraudulence. Overall, the world was in a peaceful state after the LifeChip was introduced, and the population dropped dramatically within the first year as people ran out of points quickly from a habit of poor life choices, and once people realized how real the LifeChips were, they began to make better decisions.

The LifeChips had a positive side. Everyone was entitled to make choices, it just had to be good ones, which, there really was no reason to complain right? Be a good human, and you’ll live a healthy life. Since disease was gone, people were expected to live long healthy lives. 120 years to be exact.

Since stress no longer existed, people were expected to stop aging physically after reaching full maturity around the age of thirty, therefore, the body didn’t naturally age to a point of organ decay and old age. So, that meant termination for everyone on their 120th birthday, other than the Elites, who were an exception to this rule.

Kaylene wasn’t afraid of the LifeChip, she knew she had strong morals and a good foundation.

Kaylene steadied her breath as she approached the forests edge. Her goal was to take a long walk through the trails, and then go back home to study. She slowed her pace and absorbed the energies around her.

As she walked along, something blue flashed across her eyes, and within the same moment, a loud smash came from somewhere to her left just as a large oak tree slowly began to fall. It met the ground with a loud thud, and at the trunks base was a small blue object.

She frowned wonderingly and stepped off the trail towards it. She lowered herself to her knees and reached for the small baseball sized orb, but stopped immediately as she noticed the smell of burning leaves as the blue orb sat on top of a small circle of charred leaves and small blackened branches.

The ball seemed cloud like, not at all as if it could take down a full-sized oak tree. There was no hard edge to the orb, only flowing, nearly transparent, silk like cloud.

How, did something so small and transparent take down something so large?

“Where did you come from?” she wondered out loud as she poked a stick through the orb. Suddenly, the orb shot up from the ground directly towards her face. She had no time to get out of the way. It hit her square between the eyes, knocking her down onto her back.

She lifted her hand to her face where she expected it to throb, but there was no pain. She quickly got up to her feet and turned around, searching everywhere for the orb.

“Where did you go?” she said loudly.

“Inside of you,” she heard suddenly. She froze. The voice wasn’t much different from the one of her subconscious, the only difference was that it was much, much louder. Too loud.

“What are you?” she squealed, scared beyond belief. A foreign object had gone inside her, taking over her brain.

“Consciousness,” it said.

“Get out of me!” she yelled, bringing both hands to her head and pulling at her hair. It was too loud for her to take.

“I can’t, not yet. I need your help.”

“With what?” Her eyes began to water from the deafening pain.

“Oh,” it said with a tone of realization. “Sorry, is that better?”

“Yes,” Kaylene said as the voice softened. She relaxed her eyes and wiped her tears with her sleeve. The voice was only as loud as if she were talking to someone real. “Why are you in me?” she asked.

“I need your help. We need your help,” the voice said.

“With what? Why me?”

“I’ve been flying by people all day looking for someone to see me. Not even psychics and mediums were able to see me. Everyone is sleeping since the LifeChips.”

“Physics and Mediums? Are you a ghost?” Kaylene asked, confused.

“No, I’m consciousness, and that’s why I’m here. It’s complicated, but if you trust me, I can show you better than I can explain.”

“Do I have much of a choice?” Kaylene asked.

“Of course you do. I can’t control you, only your thoughts.” Kaylene could somehow feel the desperateness in its words, it’s vulnerability. “But even that I can’t fully control. I can only very loudly drown out your ego if it chooses to ignore me.”

“How can I help?” Kaylene said quickly, desperate to rid of the voice.

“Park your body somewhere. Find a tree, rest against it, pull out your phone and look at it.”

“Ok,” she said, questioning the orders, but doing what she was told. She walked to a near by tree facing away from the trail, sat down against it, and laid her back against it. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through it by uncontrollable habit.

“Man, they’ve done a number on you guys. Absolutely no self control,” the voice said sympathetically.

“You told me to pull it out!”

“I know, I’m sorry,” the voice said softly.

Suddenly, Kaylene was standing up again. She looked around, confused. She didn’t recall standing up, but as she turned and looked down, there was her body, sitting on the ground with her back against the tree, looking down at her phone, completely zoned out. Kaylene looked down at her hands. They were a silvery, opaque blue.

“What happened to me?” Kaylene demanded. Only it didn’t come out as words, only thought.

“You’re having an out of body experience. What I need to show you will be easier for me to explain through experience rather than showing you images in your head. It wouldn’t have the same effect. You’ve gone all your life thinking that the things in your head weren’t real. I need to you be able to grasp the seriousness of all of this.”

If Kaylene could swallow, she would have. But with no body to swallow in, she couldn’t.

“Ready?” the voice said.


Kaylene’s silvery blue body shot up into the sky and didn’t stop. It kept going, and going, so fast that one second the earth was below her, and in the other, she was having to process the fact that she was passing Saturn. She had no chance to observe its beautiful ice belt. She was already so far from it that it turned into a distant dot, and then nothing.

“We are going to eliminate space and time now,” the voice said.

Kaylenes silvery blue skin suddenly began to expand as she flew through space at unimaginable speeds. Before she new it, her awareness of her surroundings was no longer localized. Her awareness expanded with her silver body, which quickly stretched out so big that she could no longer see it. She and space were no longer separate. They were now as one.

Her awareness to her surroundings became so vast, that with the help of the speed she was flying through space at, she was looking at the entire Milky Way.

As she continued to expand and fly, more galaxies began to come into view. She knew better than to think that these galaxies were this close together through basic grade twelve science. At human size, galaxies should appear no different than a tiny star. And yet, she could see thousands of galaxy’s and they’re stars within it as they got closer and closer to each other. The space between planets, stars and galaxies was disappearing.

“We can not only just travel through space at unimaginable speeds, but we can expand so big, that we can choose a place in space, and shrink back down to size and relocate our spirit body to the exact spot we choose. Like a major jump through space and time.”

It wasn’t hard for Kaylene to believe, because she was actually experiencing it, the experience felt more real than any experience she had ever felt in her physical body on earth.

The voice answered her thoughts. “That’s because you are only emotion now. You have no physical body or ego to make you think any of what you are experiencing isn’t real. Outside of a body, we are spirit. Inside of a body we are consciousness.”

Kaylene noticed that she was still expanding out wards, only a bit slower than before. No doubt because it was the same as how it took longer to drive 100km than it did one metre.

The galaxies soon became superclusters, made up of countless numbers of galaxies. Without warning, her awareness began circling around the super cluster, and as she continued expanding and revolving around it, she became aware of more and more superclusters, until those superclusters came so close together that she was of aware of trillions of tiny, bright, super galactic dots.

“Is there a point to this expansion?” Kaylene wondered. She might not have a body, but she was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

“Of course there’s a point to this, we’re almost there. We haven’t even made it to the edge of the universe yet.”

Just then, as they continued expanding outwards, the infinite amount of super clusters formed a perfectly compact, brilliant ball of light. And within seconds, a few more of these large balls of light came into view. And then everything stopped. She had finally stopped expanding.

“This is your universe as you know it,” the voice said finally, indicating the ball of light in which they came out of. “And these,” the voice indicated to two other balls of white light, far apart, yet appearing so close together, “are my universe, and our God universe.”

In only a matter of a few seconds, maybe a minute, Kaylene went from the surface of earth, to the out skirts of the universe. Her universe.

As the voice spoke, Kaylene could visually see what the voice was saying. Like an extremely vivid dream happening in the mind that she wasn’t sure she had at that moment.

“What you’re seeing here isn’t exactly how our multiverse appears, right now, you are seeing what I’m visualizing to make things easier for you to understand. The spherical appearance is right, but the fact that we are seeing our multiverse from a bird’s eye view and seeing the three universes separately, is incorrect. The conscious space that exists in our multiverse doesn’t exist beyond it, so it is impossible to view it in this form. Our consciousness can only travel within the realms that contain conscious space.” The voice paused, letting Kaylene comprehend what she was being told.

“Conscious space is the space between matter. Too much or too little space disturbs the quantum mechanics that manipulate the atoms that form matter. This is fine, its evolution, things change everyday, but when conscious space changes too quickly, the effects are catastrophic.

“Your universe manipulates the way our universe works because we share the same conscious energy that coincides within our intellectual beings, and when something drastic happens in your universe, we feel in on ours. As long as we keep your universe in check, ours stays stable. Our version of earth is far more advanced than yours, but it was by helping yours that we’ve gotten as far as we have. We need you, as much as you need us, it’s as if you live in our past and we are the future that helps you.

“Through consciousness, we have been able to speed our evolution by kick starting your advancements on your version of earth. We taught you that life exists outside your planet. We gave you visions about how large structures could get by helping you build pyramids and monuments, we helped you create portals to other realms, and showed you how transportation and electricity was possible by showing you vivid visions of our technologies. This caused a peak of interest and knowledge in your kind on earth, and your evolution of mankind helped us tremendously because it manipulated our universe.

“But recently, we paid a short visit to our older God universe, and it’s filling up with super novas and black holes.

“Our God universe is both of ours in the future, minus biological life. It’s where consciousness rests when it’s not taking up a biological form in both of our universes. In can move freely within the multiverse, but it’s form is most natural in the God universe.

“Now, we’re not exactly sure how far into the future it is, but we know the catastrophic changes there are because of what’s happening in our universes, and we didn’t know what the problem was until my recent visit to your universe, which is when I found you. The only thing we could think of that was causing what was happing in our God universe was because of something we couldn’t see, which is biological life.”

Suddenly, all three bright spherical universes absorbed all together into one bright blue ball of light.

“Like I said, our multiverse isn’t a collection of universes in separate locations like galaxies, your universe, mine, and our God universe, are layered on top of one another. Your universe has four dimensions, mine, has all ten, while our God universe, is simply a planetary map of our future. What ever happens in each universe, influences, or is influenced by one another, and the results can be seen in our God universe.”

Kaylene was having a hard time keeping up, but she was following enough to ask, “if we share the same consciousness, how come you’re able to do all of this and people on my earth can’t?”

“Well, technically, you can. You’re doing it now, with my help of course. But somewhere in your past, consciousness and awareness became some sort of which craft. Visions became ideas instead of facts, and imagination became just short of fiction.

“Consciousness is continuously being reused and recycled, but you have to be aware of it to allow past lives, experiences and knowledge into your biological form.

“When biological life containing consciousness dies, the conscious energy replaces the conscious space in our God universe, which is how we know about that universe in the first place, through visions, because my consciousness has been there, and so has yours, because that’s where yours went before taking up your human form. Your kind would be able to see all of this too if you allowed yourself to accept that everything that happens in your mind was real. You may not be able to physically do and see things that we can and have in our universe, but, you can definitely see it in your mind and travel through space using an out of body experience. Why do you think mythical creatures exist in stories in your universe?”

“I don’t know,” Kaylene said quickly, but she knew she wasn’t being honest.

“Because they exist in my universe. Your people have seen our creatures through images and visions in their minds. In fact, it’s quite possible that the consciousness in your body was the same consciousness that once lived in a unicorn. Mine has.” The voice paused, letting Kaylene process that unicorns actually exist. Just, in another universe. “Anyways, we are far off topic now. Back to the important stuff.”

In a blink of an eye, Kaylene was no longer in space, she was looking down at a huge glass spherical container, containing the same silver blue cloud that went into her head.

“Where are we?” Kaylene thought.

“LifeChip Headquarters. The consciousness in that container controls the computers in here, and they’ve been able to translate consciousness’s past experiences into imagery to make advancements in technology, travel through space, and gain control over your people. Without consciousness, people can no longer think for themselves, because they can’t control people who are in control of themselves.

“That’s what was happening with your world, that’s why the LifeChips were developed and your people were given a choice they couldn’t refuse. The LifeChips redirect consciousness into this thing,” the voice said, indicating the glowing sphere below them.

“But now, after being injected with the Life Chips, you’re people are no different then an intelligent form of life that can’t manifest any more knowledge than they are taught by society. Your world no longer holds emotional and spiritual awareness unless you’re under 18. The people are just, there, physically, but not emotionally. Not a single care in the world. Wake up, eat, work, and sleep. That’s all you guys do now since the LifeChips. It was bad before, but now?

“This must all sounds somewhat familiar to you right? I mean, even your fiction movies and books tell a lot about the truths of our universe. That’s how the elites got most of their information was from people with “good” imaginations. But now that they’ve found a way to harvest consciousness without risking your kind finding out the truth about our mulitiverse, have you noticed a drop in science fiction movies and books? Creativity? It’s all gone.”

Kaylene would have nodded if she had a body. She knew exactly what the voice was talking about. “How does any of this have anything to do with the God universe’s demise?” Kaylene asked.

“Because consciousness isn’t being recycled anymore. It’s supposed to go back to the God universe and fill in conscious space, waiting for the next biological life form to be born in either of our universes. And that’s why there are supernovas, because they are expanding to replace the room that isn’t being filled with conscious space. And when a supernova gets so big, it creates a black hole. Black holes don’t suck up conscious space, but if a supernova explodes in the God universe, then that means-“

“That both of our universes will also have supernova explosions.”

“Exactly, and the specific supernova that’s getting larger in the God universe-“

“Is our sun,” Kaylene finishes. “I’ve seen this before. In my head.”

“I believe it Kaylene! Because you saw my orb! You are the very few who are still somewhat awake in your world. You still believe it’s your imagination, but at least you see it in your mind. People with LifeChips don’t as much as daydream anymore.”

“How am I supposed to help you?” Kaylene asks desperately.

“Well, I can’t risk going into the minds of those with a LifeChip and having my consciousness trapped at headquarters for the rest of eternity, and since most children are either too young, or made to believe that their visions and ideas are just their imagination, you are my last hope. The Elites don’t have LifeChips, but I can’t risk being in their minds either. They know how to be fully aware. They themselves are becoming more and more aware of how old their own consciousness is and all that it’s seen. I can’t imagine what they would do with mine, and I can’t leave a body that I’ve been fully accepted in. I would be trapped.”

This catches Kaylene off guard. “You can’t leave my body?” she asked.


“Unless I die?”


“Do you have a body in your universe?” Kaylene asked through thought.

“I do, but let’s not talk about that, because it doesn’t matter at this point. Right now, neither of us have a future if more conscious space is taken away and withheld from our God universe. The effects are already being seen in our universe. Our sun has already began expanding. I’m as good as dead if we don’t get all these conscious’s back to their people where they can properly be released come time.”

Suddenly, Kaylene is sucked out of the large laboratory, over the Capitol city, and back to her body. She’s sitting against the tree, looking at her phone. She stands quickly and puts her phone into her pocket.

“What do we do now?” she asked out loud..

“Are you ready to do everything I say? To follow your instincts, and accept that I will keep you safe and save your future and the future of your universe?”


“First, you need to graduate and make your way to the top, we will find a way around the LifeChip, and that’s where you’ll be able to push the Elites out, and you will destroy the LifeChip Headquarters, and wake everyone back up.”

“That’s impossible! That’s going to take years!”

“Nothing is impossible Kaylene, but it is if you believe it to be. Remember, if you can think it, it’s either because it’s been done, or because it can absolutely be done with time and great effort. Look, things are already starting to change back to normal.”

Images began to play in Kaylene’s mind. A large supernova next to her earth was shrinking. Just that specific moment in time had already created a dramatic effect on their future.

Then her mind was transported to a young woman wearing a gold crown, hugging two small children. The scene had a type of Hercules apparel to it, and then unexpectedly, a large man came into the picture wearing a red cape, a crown, and a heavy leather skirt.

“Is that—?”

“Yes. My consciousness lives in Megara, wife of Hercules. Those are our two children.”

The kids break free of their mother, but she stays in a hugging position, motionless and frozen.

“You were hugging your kids when you left your body.”

“That’s right.”

“I’m going to fix this; I’m going to get you back to your children.”

“I know you will, Kaylene. Now let’s get started, you have studying to do.”

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Carolyne Krans

I am a stay at home Mom of 3, and I love to write. I’m a self taught artist in many forms, but the art of writing is the dream I wish to pursue.

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