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The One That Got Away... (A short story)

Written By Avani Elizabeth VanDenburgh

By 𝘼𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙞 𝙑𝙖𝙣𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙜𝙝 <3 Published about a year ago 14 min read
–When everything falls apart, I want you to stay.

Chapter 1:

Beep, Beep, Beep!

It was my alarm clock for the fifth time this morning. I didn't want to wake up. It was the first day of junior year, and I really did not want to have to go through the hell of another high school year. As I was deep in my thoughts, my alarm clock kept going off, and I didn't bother to turn it off. I was dreading Junior year.

I just wanted to go back to sleeping in my warm, cozy bed and not have to worry about a damn thing, but then I thought to myself, "it can't be that bad. Everyone goes through Junior year."

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Yeah right, Julia... When does that ever happen?".

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted, for my brother Lee had barged into my room and hit the alarm clock with his fist.

"Jesus Julia, how can you sleep through that? It's 6:00 am!," he said, looking at me like I was insane.

I got up in an instant and started making my bed.

"Go away Lee, I have to get ready for another year of hell...".

Lee is 18, therefore he's already been through this mess. Lucky him, he graduated and doesn't have to put up with High school bullshit. Lee calms down and sits on the corner of my bed.

"You nervous?," he asks.

"Not really," I said looking down.

I was obviously lying through my teeth, and it was most definitely noticeable. I sit down next to him. Lee rolls his eyes.

"C'mon Julia, I can tell when your lying. What's wrong?," he says, looking concerned. "Your nervous, aren't you?," he says.

I stay silent, hoping he would just leave and this would all be over.

"You'll be fine Julia," he says, giving me a warm smile and a big hug.

"Thanks Lee. Hey, why are you home anyone? Aren't you suppose to be with mom on the way to Duke?," I question him. "

They scheduled the meeting for 10 am. And you, young lady, need to get ready for Junior year," he said, walking out of my room. "

Whoopie...," I sigh sarcastically.

I finish my unmade bed grab my cloths and get dressed. I slip on a pair of black leggings, my white Nike hoodie and socks, and put on my shoes. I put my long, brunette hair in a messy bun, and grab my blue-light glasses. I grab my charger, and my headphones and stuff them in my backpack, and run downstairs. Mum and dad are in the kitchen cooking pancakes and laughing at god knows what. I'm to invested in the thought of walking out that door and starting another year of hell to care. Lee looks tired as ever, his face buried in his phone. I grab my water bottle from the fridge and stuff that in my backpack.

"Woah, kiddo", dad exclaims. "What's the rush?"

I look him dead in the eye and just mutter, "school."

"Ah yes, Junior year. I remember when I was your age, always-"

"DAD!", Lee and I both yelled. He rolled his eyes at us.

"You kids now days," he says smirking.

I grab a pancake and stuff my face.

"Manners!," mum complains.

"Sorry mum!," i'm in a hurry! I hug mum, dad, and Lee, and rush out the door. Another year of hell coming right up...

Chapter 2:

As I was walking to my bus stop, I put my headphones on and thought about how my Junior year in high school would go. Would I end up like Madison Hillsinger who dates every guy in school? Would I end up like Eddie Ortiz, who's the most disgusting nerd, and perv in the whole school? I think to myself, "It can't be that bad". The thought of last year was mesmerizing. School fights, food fights, girl drama, ect. I walk to my bus stop and sit down on the old wooden bench where bus 6 picks me up. Something about that bench made me comfortable, but have a sickening-gut feeling in my stomach that makes it ace. My thoughts were interrupted by Noah. Noah is 17, my age, and goes to the same school as me. (Chesterton Middle School)

"Morning small fry", he says, grinning.

"Morning Flynn", I say, smirking and rolling my eyes.

(Flynn was his last name)

"First day of Junior year", he exclaims. "You ready?"

"As ready as i´ll ever be", I sigh.

Noah´s my best friend. We met in second grade when he helped me reach the top shelf of the cabinet to get my lunchbox. That's where he got the nickname... As my bus rolls around the corner, I stuff my phone in the pocket and put my headphones around my neck.

¨Let's get this over with...¨ Noah and I both sigh.

As we walk and step over all the backpacks and shoes down the isle, we take our spot in lane 8, our usual seat every year. We avoid the back of the bus, due ti the screaming Seniors, whom we don´t want to deal with.

¨Ain't this the best...¨, Noah mutters. ¨We already have Madison Hillsinger in the back... Her ugly ass is already flirting.¨

I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

¨What's new?¨, I say smirking.

Noah grins. I look back for a glimpse of Madison, and as soon as I look back, she's glaring at me. Now readers, you may be wondering, what the hell is your beef with Madison Hillsinger? Well my dearest readers, we used to be friends. Back in sixth grade, I had a crush on this one guy, Paxton Thompson. (To be honest, I still kind of do) Paxton, Madison, Noah, Lee, Elliana and Chelsie (Madison´s minions) and I all meet up at Noah´s house for a get to together. We all decided to play truth or dare... I know, I know, basic. Madison dared me to kiss Paxton. I guess it was just some big setup to reveal that Paxton didn't like me. He liked Madison. She turned into a selfish, backstabbing bitch, and I haven't spoke to her since. And to add on-to that folks, Paxton is her boyfriend. Put two and two together, she basically stole my crush, and i'm still a tad bit salty about it. I snap back out of my thoughts due to the break check from the bus driver, hitting my jaw on the back of the seat in front of me. Madison starts to laugh, and I hear a few of the guys chuckle.

"Holy shit, are you okay?", Noah asks.

"Y-yeah i'm fine", I manage to choke out.

"Asshole!", Noah yells out to the bus driver.

"Noah!", I say, slapping his knee as the bus driver glares at him.

Half of the freshmen look back at him and stares at him in shock. Guess their in for a treat this year. Welcome to High School kids. Ain't it great...?

Our bus pulls into the bus lane of Chesterton High School with yet another break check, but thankfully Noah stopped me from hitting the seat in front of me again. I pick up my bag, and check to make sure my phone was safe in my hoodie pocket. Once I have both my items, I step out with Noah to the bus lane. I can't help but notice that Paxton was right behind me. I look back in front of me, ignoring him. That is until he tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm so sorry about her,", he mutters looking back at Madison. "She can be a pain the ass sometimes."

I let out a small laugh. She was always a pain in the ass, no matter what day it was. Hell, there could be a school fire and she could be complaining that she wasn't the first one out the door.

" "Jesus Julia, how can you sleep through that? It's 6:00 am!," he said, looking at me like I was insane.

I got up in an instant and started making my bed.

"Go away Lee, I have to get ready for another year of hell...".

Lee is 18, therefore he's already been through this mess. Lucky him, he graduated and doesn't have to put up with High school bullshit. Lee calms down and sits on the corner of my bed.

"You nervous?," he asks.

"Not really," I said looking down.

I was obviously lying through my teeth, and it was most definitely noticeable. I sit down next to him. Lee rolls his eyes.

"C'mon Julia, I can tell when your lying. What's wrong?," he says, looking concerned. "Your nervous, aren't you?," he says.

I stay silent, hoping he would just leave and this would all be over.

"You'll be fine Julia," he says, giving me a warm smile and a big hug.

"Thanks Lee. Hey, why are you home anyone? Aren't you suppose to be with mom on the way to Duke?," I question him. "

They scheduled the meeting for 10 am. And you, young lady, need to get ready for Junior year," he said, walking out of my room. "

Whoopie...," I sigh sarcastically.

I finish my unmade bed grab my cloths and get dressed. I slip on a pair of black leggings, my white Nike hoodie and socks, and put on my shoes. I put my long, brunette hair in a messy bun, and grab my blue-light glasses. I grab my charger, and my headphones and stuff them in my backpack, and run downstairs. Mum and dad are in the kitchen cooking pancakes and laughing at god knows what. I'm to invested in the thought of walking out that door and starting another year of hell to care. Lee looks tired as ever, his face buried in his phone. I grab my water bottle from the fridge and stuff that in my backpack.

"Woah, kiddo", dad exclaims. "What's the rush?"

I look him dead in the eye and just mutter, "school."

"Ah yes, Junior year. I remember when I was your age, always-"

"DAD!", Lee and I both yelled. He rolled his eyes at us.

"You kids now days," he says smirking.

I grab a pancake and stuff my face.

"Manners!," mum complains.

"Sorry mum!," i'm in a hurry! I hug mum, dad, and Lee, and rush out the door. Another year of hell coming right up...

Chapter 2:

As I was walking to my bus stop, I put my headphones on and thought about how my Junior year in high school would go. Would I end up like Madison Hillsinger who dates every guy in school? Would I end up like Eddie Ortiz, who's the most disgusting nerd, and perv in the whole school? I think to myself, "It can't be that bad". The thought of last year was mesmerizing. School fights, food fights, girl drama, ect. I walk to my bus stop and sit down on the old wooden bench where bus 6 picks me up. Something about that bench made me comfortable, but have a sickening-gut feeling in my stomach that makes it ace. My thoughts were interrupted by Noah. Noah is 17, my age, and goes to the same school as me. (Chesterton Middle School)

"Morning small fry", he says, grinning.

"Morning Flynn", I say, smirking and rolling my eyes.

(Flynn was his last name)

"First day of Junior year", he exclaims. "You ready?"

"As ready as i´ll ever be", I sigh.

Noah´s my best friend. We met in second grade when he helped me reach the top shelf of the cabinet to get my lunchbox. That's where he got the nickname... As my bus rolls around the corner, I stuff my phone in the pocket and put my headphones around my neck.

¨Let's get this over with...¨ Noah and I both sigh.

As we walk and step over all the backpacks and shoes down the isle, we take our spot in lane 8, our usual seat every year. We avoid the back of the bus, due to the screaming Seniors, whom we don´t want to deal with.

¨Ain't this the best...¨, Noah mutters. ¨We already have Madison Hillsinger in the back... Her ugly ass is already flirting.¨

I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

¨What's new?¨, I say smirking.

Noah grins. I look back for a glimpse of Madison, and as soon as I look back, she's glaring at me. Now readers, you may be wondering, what the hell is your beef with Madison Hillsinger? Well my dearest readers, we used to be friends. Back in sixth grade, I had a crush on this one guy, Paxton Thompson. (To be honest, I still kind of do) Paxton, Madison, Noah, Lee, Elliana and Chelsie (Madison´s minions) and I all meet up at Noah´s house for a get to together. We all decided to play truth or dare... I know, I know, basic. Madison dared me to kiss Paxton. I guess it was just some big setup to reveal that Paxton didn't like me. He liked Madison. She turned into a selfish, backstabbing bitch, and I haven't spoke to her since. And to add on-to that folks, Paxton is her boyfriend. Put two and two together, she basically stole my crush, and i'm still a tad bit salty about it. I snap back out of my thoughts due to the break check from the bus driver, hitting my jaw on the back of the seat in front of me. Madison starts to laugh, and I hear a few of the guys chuckle.

"Holy shit, are you okay?", Noah asks.

"Y-yeah i'm fine", I manage to choke out.

"Asshole!", Noah yells out to the bus driver.

"Noah!", I say, slapping his knee as the bus driver glares at him.

Half of the freshmen look back at him and stares at him in shock. Guess their in for a treat this year. Welcome to High School kids. Ain't it great...?

Our bus pulls into the bus lane of Chesterton High School with yet another break check, but thankfully Noah stopped me from hitting the seat in front of me again. I pick up my bag, and check to make sure my phone was safe in my hoodie pocket. Once I have both my items, I step out with Noah to the bus lane. I can't help but notice that Paxton was right behind me. I look back in front of me, ignoring him. That is until he tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm so sorry about her,", he mutters looking back at Madison. "She can be a pain the ass sometimes."

I let out a small laugh. She was always a pain in the ass, no matter what day it was. Hell, there could be a school fire and she could be complaining that she wasn't the first one out the door.

Wouldn't be the first time" I mumble back to him. "That's kinda how she is, isn't she."

I wouldn't really asking him if she was a pain in the ass, it was more like a statement. If there was one kid in the whole school who thought Madison wasn't a psycho, it would be Eliana or Chelsie, aka "Madison's Minions." That's when I realize Paxton was trying to hold back a laugh. Paxton isn't that bad now that I think about it, and I've kinda been treating him like shit, just because he did't like me in sixth grade. I grin instantly. Noah looks at me like I'm insane.

"Are you seriously talking to Paxton right now? Out of all the guys in this school-", he exclaims before I interupt him.

"Nothing is going on Noah, it's the first day of school all over again. He was just apoligizing for-".

"For what?" Noah interupts. "His trashy ass girlfriend with a loud mouth? Yeah right, and i'm suppost to believe that the most selfish girl in the world would have her boyfriend apoligize to you ab-"

"Noah. He was apoligizing for his girlfriend laughing at me from the break check. Why do you even hate him so much? What'd he do to you?" I asked, actually concerned.

"He didn't do anything... I'm just surprised. He hasn't spoken to eaither of us since like, 6th grade. Nor Madi", he says, looking a bit shocked.

"Yeah, well, Madi isn't going to be talking to me any time soon, and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't even want to look at her makeup covered face, she's faker then a god damn barbie doll", I say, rolling my eyes at the thought of her.

"Damn Jules, when did you learn how to state your opinion?"

"Very funny, retard.", I smirk.

Noah grins. I'm normally the quiet one. I don't usually talk to people I don't know, I don't really speak up when I have a problem, or state my opinion, even when the teacher calls on me. I just answer her question, and leave it at that. But for some strange reason, I felt like this year might actually be not so bad after all...

To be continued....

Young Adult

About the Creator

𝘼𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙞 𝙑𝙖𝙣𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙜𝙝 <3

A young writer, eager to write and publish her creative idea's in not only books, but also music, bringing happiness to others.

𝘞𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴...

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