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The Midnight Candle


By Roberta A.K. MilesPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Romance Fiction

The streets of the bustling city were bathed in the moon's soft glow as Jasmine wandered aimlessly through the crowded sidewalks. It was a chilly autumn night, and she shivered beneath her coat, seeking warmth and solace. Lost in her thoughts, she barely noticed the small bookstore tucked away in a corner, its window adorned with flickering candles. Intrigued, she pushed open the door, and the tinkling of a bell announced her arrival. Inside, the air was fragrant with the scent of aging books. Rows upon rows of novels stood like sentinels, waiting to be discovered. Jasmine meandered through the shelves, running her fingers along the spines, until she found herself in the poetry section. There, beneath a dimly lit lamp, she noticed a man hunched over a worn-out leather notebook. His dark hair fell across his face, hiding his eyes, as he fervently scribbled down his thoughts. The passion in his expression captured Jasmine's attention, and she couldn't help but be drawn to his mysterious aura. Mesmerized, she watched as he closed the notebook, revealing piercing blue eyes that sparkled with a hint of sadness. Their gazes locked for a fleeting moment before he looked away, breaking the connection. Emboldened by curiosity, Jasmine approached him, her voice barely above a whisper. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your intense writing. Are you a poet?" Startled, he looked up, a mixture of surprise and intrigue in his eyes. "Yes, I suppose you could say that. Poetry is my refuge, my way of capturing the beauty of the world."

Jasmine smiled, feeling an instant connection. "I love poetry too. There's something magical about the way words can paint emotions and transport us to another realm." His lips curled into a half-smile, and he gestured for her to join him. They began to talk, their conversation flowing effortlessly like a gentle stream. Hours slipped away unnoticed as they delved into their shared love for literature, art, and music. It felt as though they had known each other for a lifetime, their souls resonating with an unspoken understanding. The bookstore owner politely reminded them of the closing time as the clock struck midnight. Reluctantly, they exchanged numbers, promising to meet again soon. Jasmine stepped out into the night, feeling a warmth in her heart that defied the chilly air. Little did she know that their chance encounter would be the beginning of an extraordinary love story one that would be ignited by the flickering flame of a midnight candle. Days turned into weeks, and Jasmine and the mysterious poet, whose name was Ethan, found themselves exploring the depths of their shared passions. Each encounter fueled their admiration for one another, and their connection grew stronger with every meeting. They would often rendezvous at the quaint café tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, their conversations blending seamlessly with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. They spoke of their dreams, their fears, and the scars they carried from past loves. In those moments, vulnerability became their strength, and trust bloomed like the petals of a delicate flower. Ethan introduced Jasmine to the enchanting world of his poetry. His verses painted vivid images of love, longing, and the pursuit of dreams. He recited his verses to her, his voice carrying the weight of his emotions. Jasmine, in turn, revealed the stories woven within her own heart, her words capturing the essence of her soul. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue across the city, Ethan invited Jasmine to a small, intimate gathering at a local art gallery. The room was adorned with vibrant paintings, each brushstroke an expression of passion and creativity. Amidst the art lovers, poets, and musicians, Ethan took Jasmine's hand and led her to a small stage bathed in soft lights. A hush fell over the crowd as he stood before the microphone, his eyes fixed on Jasmine, who stood in the front row. Ethan began to speak with a steadying breath, his voice carrying a melody that resonated in the hearts of all who listened. "Jasmine, you are the muse that dances through the corridors of my mind, igniting the flames of inspiration. Every word I write, every verse I pen, they all belong to you."

His words flowed like a river, weaving a tapestry of love, longing, and devotion. Each line was a brushstroke, painting an ethereal portrait of their connection. As the last syllable escaped his lips, Ethan reached into his pocket and produced a small envelope. He extended it towards Jasmine, a mix of anticipation and vulnerability etched upon his face. "I've written a poem, my love, a reflection of the beauty you've brought into my life. It's a testament to the love we share, and the endless possibilities that lie before us." Jasmine's heart swelled with emotion as she opened the envelope, her eyes scanning the words that spilled onto the page. Tears welled up in her eyes, and a smile tugged at her lips, for within those lines, she saw the depths of Ethan's love for her. The room erupted in applause, their hearts touched by the raw emotion that poured forth from Ethan's soul. Jasmine stood there, at that moment, feeling cherished and loved, as if she were the centerpiece of the universe.  In the days that followed, Jasmine and Ethan embarked on a whirlwind romance, their love growing with each passing moment. They explored the world together, seeking adventure and finding solace in the quiet moments. Their love was a flame that burned bright, guiding them through the darkest of nights. With each sunrise, they discovered new facets of themselves, supporting one another's dreams and aspirations. Ethan's poetry found its way into the hearts of many, while Jasmine's creativity flourished under his unwavering encouragement. They danced through life, embracing both the joys and the challenges that came their way. The midnight candle that had brought them together continued to illuminate their path, casting a warm glow on their journey. Months later, as they sat side by side on a porch overlooking a tranquil lake, their hair touched by silver, they reflected on the profound love that had shaped their lives. "Jasmine," Ethan whispered, his voice filled with a lifetime of love, "you are my forever. From the moment I saw you in that bookstore, I knew that our souls were destined to intertwine. Thank you for being my muse, my love, and my constant companion." Jasmine's eyes shimmered with tears of happiness as she rested her head against Ethan's shoulder, their hands entwined.

"And you, Ethan, are the poet who captured my heart. Together, we've created a symphony of love a melody that will resonate in our souls for all eternity." As the sun set behind the horizon, they sat in peaceful silence, enveloped in the warmth of their love, grateful for the serendipitous meeting that had brought them together. In that moment, they knew that their love story would forever burn, like a midnight candle, casting its radiant light upon them.

To Be Continue…


Fan FictionYoung AdultShort StoryLovefamilyClassicalAdventure

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Racheal Koranteng11 months ago

    Wow 💖🥰

  • Leah O Koranteng11 months ago

    Great Master Piece 🥰🥰🥰

  • Bernard Akuffo11 months ago


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