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The Marigold

Such a surprise!

By J.W. BairdPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The summer was almost over as the weather began to feel cool. The kids were getting ready to go back to school.

The days off fun were soon coming to an end. The lazy days of summer and laying around in bed were no more.

It would soon become mornings filled with chaos as we try to get ready and then have to run out the door.

The hustle and bustle of a busy lifestyle. Not what I was quite looking towards.

But for now, instead of looking forward I was going to enjoy these last few days of ease and comfort.

As I sat out in the backyard watching the sunset and swung on the swing. I began to reminisce and think about all of our family's blessings.

The mini adventures we have been able to take. Vacations in the Caribbean, and road trips to the great lakes.

It's the little things that I look forward to. The less things I have to do, and the more time I get to spend with family.

As days come and go, I look forward to seeing new things, and forgetting that we are all growing older.

I fear that one day soon my kids will be grown and need me no more. So, I suggest to them we head out on one more adventure.

The next day after we woke up, we packed up the car and headed out on the road. We drove for what seemed like hours until we reached our final destination.

Along the coast the air felt mild, and you could hear the waves crashing against the shore. There they had the biggest and brightest botanical garden I had ever seen before.

The grounds were filled with Ivy Geraniums in colors of red and white. There were Seaside Petunias and Pansies galore.

You could see beautiful vibrant colors of Coleus planted next to the boardwalk along the beach.

Last but not least right next to the entry door of the gift shop I saw a Marigold flower struggling to grow.

One single flower it seemed to be out of place. It was next to a bunch of weeds. It looked like it was planted in the wrong space.

Further down the pathway just before the exit to leave there was a huge area filled with different types of Marigolds. The sight brought a smile to my face.

I ran inside the gift shop and walked up to the nearest employee. I shared with them what I had seen. They reassured me it was alright.

The single Marigold flower that I had seen all by itself. Surrounded by nothing but weeds as it struggled to grow. Was put there because its color did not match the rest.

It was a rare pink French Marigold that got mixed in with the batch. I asked the employee if it was planted there, and no one cared if it would last.

Would it be alright if I dug it up and took it home? I thought that would be what's best. A plant needs to feel loved too in order for it to grow.

The employee had asked her supervisor. He did not seem to care. So, I bought a drink from the gift shop, so I would have a container to transport it back home from there.

Once we got home, I knew exactly where it would go. So, I brought it inside for a few days so it could gain its strength. I watered it, gave it some light, and played some music for it too.

The next day when I woke up and rolled out of bed. I seen it had finally fully bloomed and showed a Vibrant Pink Hue.


About the Creator

J.W. Baird

Who Am I?

I keep asking myself. I spent half of my life as a single mother. Pushing myself to be the strong independent individual that I have always been. My kids have grown and my life seems turned upside down.

I now search to find myself!

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