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The Magical Detective:Chapter 20 - Healing Magic

Chapter 20 - Healing Magic

By 醉翁忆梦换酒钱Published 12 months ago 8 min read

In the heart of the forest, Porter stood tall with his back straight and his

eyes fercely focused on Morgana. His long black hair futtered in the

wind as he prepared himself for the imminent magic battle.

Morgana, a powerful sorceress, smirked wickedly as she studied

Porter. Her jet-black hair fowed down her shoulders, and her purple eyes

glowed with an ominous light.

The two locked gazes, each sizing up the other's magical prowess.

Porter could sense the dark energy emanating from Morgana and braced

himself for an epic showdown.

The wind began to pick up, swirling around the two fgures. Morgana

raised her hands, and a thunderous roar flled the air as she summoned

the power of thunder. The ground shook beneath them as lightning bolts

struck down from the sky.

But Porter was not to be outdone. He dug deep into his knowledge of

magic and summoned a ferce gust of wind that sent Morgana tumbling

to the ground.

As she struggled to regain her footing, Porter seized the opportunity

to strike. He called forth a pillar of earth that erupted from beneath

Morgana's feet, trapping her in place.

Morgana snarled with frustration as she tried to break free from

Porter's spell. But Porter wasn't fnished yet. With a fick of his wrist, he

cast a spell of light that blinded Morgana and left her helpless.

As she lay there, struggling to regain her senses, Porter approached

her with confdence. He knew that he had won this battle, but he couldn't

let his guard down just yet.

With a low growl, Morgana summoned all the dark magic she could

muster and launched herself at Porter. But he was ready for her attack

and defected it with ease.

The two continued their magical duel for what seemed like an

eternity. Spells of water and fre few back and forth between them, each

trying to gain the upper hand. But in the end, it was Porter who emerged


He stood tall and proud, his eyes shining with heroism and his magic

level soaring to new heights. The forest around him seemed to come

alive with a magical energy, as if celebrating his triumph over Morgana.

And as he looked up at the sky, he saw a dragon fying high above

him, its wings beating rhythmically as it let out a mighty roar. He knew

that this was just the beginning of his journey, and that he had many

more battles to fght and mysteries to solve. But for now, he would revel

in his victory and bask in the glory of his magical powers.

With a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye, Porter turned to face

the stars above. The sky was a vast canvas of deep blues and purples,

with a scattering of twinkling stars that shone bright like diamonds. As he

stood there, taking in the beauty of the night sky, he felt a sense of

excitement and anticipation wash over him.

He had received a mysterious message earlier about a case

involving spells of wind, earth, thunder, water, fre, light, dark and even the

ancient dragon language. This was a case that intrigued him greatly. He

knew that this was going to be a challenging case but he was eager to

solve it.

As he headed back to his ofce where Luna waited for him, Porter

couldn't help but think about all the possibilities that awaited them. Luna

was excited to contribute her magical abilities to assist Porter in the

investigation. Together they went over the details of the case, analyzing

every possible angle. They discussed their magic levels and alchemy

skills to determine what they could bring to the table.

Porter was confdent that they could solve this case with their quick￾witted thinking and magical prowess. Luna couldn't contain her

excitement; she knew that with Porter's heroism and bravery they could

tackle anything that came their way.

As they set out to begin their investigation, they encountered many

ups and downs. The clue trails led them through dark alleyways, magical

forests and even underground tunnels. But with each obstacle they faced,

Porter and Luna emerged stronger and more determined than ever.

The magical world had begun to heal from the damage caused by

the dark forces, but Porter knew that there was still much work to be

done. They had to uncover the truth behind the mysterious case and put

a stop to the sinister plot that threatened the safety of their world.

Their pursuit took them across various terrains. From the frozen

tundras to scorching deserts, from mystical forests to deep oceans,

Porter and Luna's quest was not for the faint of heart. They encountered

all sorts of magical creatures and powerful sorcerers along the way who

sought to stop them.

At last, after many long days and sleepless nights of searching for

clues and casting spells, they fnally found what they were looking for.

They uncovered the truth behind the mysterious case and put a stop to

the sinister plot that threatened the safety of their world.

With their mission complete, Porter and Luna shared a moment of

triumph where they marveled at their magical abilities and heroism. They

knew that they had made a difference and that their work was not yet

done. For as long as there were cases to be solved and people in need of

help, Porter and Luna would always be there, ready to face any challenge

that came their way.

Their investigation had led them to a small village on the outskirts of

town. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the quaint

cobblestone streets. Luna's keen senses could feel the magic pulsing

through the air, as if calling out to them.

Porter's analytical mind was already at work, taking in every detail as

they walked. He noticed the way the wind blew through the trees, the

sound of distant thunder rolling in from the mountains, and the way the

earth seemed to tremble beneath their feet.

Luna closed her eyes, focusing on her magical abilities. She

whispered a spell in dragon language, and suddenly, the world around

them shifted. The buildings grew taller, their shadows stretching out like

fngers in the fading light. Luna could see every nook and cranny, every

hidden door and secret passage.

Porter watched in amazement as Luna worked her magic. He knew

that her abilities were beyond his understanding, but he trusted her

completely. Together, they made an unstoppable team.

As they walked down the narrow streets, they gathered information

from the locals. Luna's magic revealed hidden secrets while Porter's

analytical mind pieced together clues and suspects.

They sensed that they were getting closer to solving the case, but

there was still much work to be done. Clues were scattered everywhere,

and each step revealed new secrets to unravel.

With their partnership and magical abilities, they uncovered facts

that were previously unknown to the magical world. They faced setbacks

and dangers that almost cost them their lives. But with their unwavering

determination and faith in each other, they overcame everything thrown

their way.

Finally, they found themselves standing before a small cottage deep

in the woods. It was an unremarkable structure that didn't seem out of

place until Porter noticed something out of place on its roof.

A shadowy fgure was perched on top of it; its eerie glow gave it

away as not being human. The fgure looked straight at Porter and Luna

before disappearing into thin air.

Luna's keen senses tingled as she noticed that something was off

about the cottage. With Porter's analytical mind on high alert, they moved

forward cautiously.

As they entered cautiously, a cloud of dust greeted them with an age￾old creaking sound. The door slammed shut behind them, and they were

plunged into darkness.

Porter and Luna's magical abilities lit up the room with a soft white

glow, revealing symbols on the walls. They were ancient runes that only

the most powerful sorcerers knew.

Hidden in a corner was a small chest that had been left abandoned

for years. It was overfowing with artifacts from a long-lost era. They

could sense the magic oozing from each item.

Porter picked up a wand; it had a strange pattern of stars and moons

etched onto it. He recognized it as belonging to one of the ancient

wizards who had disappeared without a trace.

Luna's intuitive magic guided her to an amulet that had faint traces

of dark magic. It was the source of all their troubles, and they knew they

had to destroy it.

With each step, they were uncovering secrets that had remained

buried for centuries. But as they inched closer to destroying the source of

their troubles, they were met with unexpected opposition.

A group of shadowy fgures emerged from the shadows, surrounding

them from all sides. They seemed to possess powerful magical abilities

that Porter and Luna had never encountered before.

The battle was ferce and intense, but Porter and Luna used every

skill at their disposal to hold their ground. Spells few from all directions,

each one more powerful than the last.

But in the end, it was Porter who emerged victorious once again. The

adversaries fed into the shadows as if they had never existed in the frst


With their mission accomplished, Porter and Luna emerged from the

cottage feeling triumphant and powerful. The wind blew gently through

the trees as they made their way back to their ofce.

As they walked, they discussed all that had been uncovered during

this investigation. They knew that their work would never truly be done,

for there were always new mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

Porter looked up at the night sky, feeling a sense of peace and

satisfaction. He knew that he and Luna had done something remarkable

today, and that their partnership was stronger than ever.

As they entered their ofce, Porter reached for his wand, ready for

whatever mystery awaited them next. They were united by their passion

for justice and their unwavering belief in the power of magic

Short StorySci FiMysteryMicrofictionHorrorFantasyAdventure

About the Creator


The Drunkard

A wise man who revels in the memories of the past.

He pursues the hidden stories through the glass of wine.

A unique perspective will be taken to re-present the legends forgotten by history, touching the heartstrings of dreams.

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