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The Lonesome Locket

The Lonesome Locket Short Story

By Tausha HenryPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Sketched by Tausha May Henry

The Lonesome Locket

Lillian Charles Diary

May 9th, 2649

Dear Dairy,

After restless nights without food, weeks after the Apocalypse happened. An UFO activity dropped a test chemical machine that crashed into the nearby woods that leads to the city, where I once lived. By Day 1 people got really sick or caused them to go crazy. It spread throughout in 2 days, Millions or possibly Billions of people had died of Radiation poisoning, including my family. I was ordered to leave before I became infected. It didn't take long before realizing, I'm now alone and all I had left was a golden shape heart locket. That's the only burden I carry in the remembrance of them. I've been wandering on the streets for weeks alone, wondering when I will ever find someone out there, maybe alive but, I haven't found anyone. As I lay here writing my diary tonight, all I could see above me is the lonely moon surrounded by stars. If I knew the answers for what caused this phenomenon to happen. If I were a scientist, what cure could I find to save humanity? But today lucky for me, I was saved by an actual scientist named Dr. Jared Jules. I didn't understand his true intentions when we first met. He took my locket from me and while wondering how I survived the apocalypse. He had this crazy notion that my locket is what saved me from being infected. I was very confused, "How did a piece of jewelry save my life?" What does this mean? He took a piece of my locket from the back and it revealed an unusual glowing galaxy stone. I had no clue, why do I have a hidden galaxy stone in my locket? I was tested later that day and the reveal is shocking. I'm not even human. With this shock, I had run off and locked myself in a room with my locket back. At least I can finally rest safe tonight. I will find out more tomorrow.

February 20th, 2650

Dear Diary,

I'm sorry for not writing to you. I have missed you. There's so much to tell but, I'm afraid that I don't have much time left. Dr. Jules and the other survivors and I were captured by strange aliens. Yes, along the way we found survivors. We worked on getting our life back together. For months being captured we were tested on by them. They called themselves, Victorian Ceasers. I say they don't look Victorian to me, just for them to mock our past cultures from our ancestors. They admit they purposely released the radiation to kill the humans on Earth but were disappointed to see a lot of people are still alive but, they were amazed. Yeah, so amazed that they turned us into slaves and working under their control. We finally found out their weaknesses a few months ago, during the first snow that came down last year. One of the Victorian Ceaser aliens had stepped out of the snow out of curiosity. His curiosity ended up killing him as he disintegrated into the snow. Like the poor snails when they contact the salt, same result. Dr. Jules had told us the reason they had died that way is because their bodies can't take the cold and are used to hot environments. We plotted an suicide plan to escape and destroy them with the cold. Today we made our escape but we got into trouble at first. Some of our friends died of heroism as they helped the rest of us escape. The last minute, I made my sacrifice to save the rest. I used my galaxy stone to self destruct their spacecraft. When it exploded, I was wounded and the stone is now gone. As I write my last breath, I'm dying. Now, I will leave my locket behind with my survivor friends who will treasure my memory forever. So my dearest Diary whoever reads this, please treasure my memory forever even if another Doomsday comes around. Goodbye Dairy, my dear friend. For my lonesome locket, stay in good condition. Goodbye my lonesome locket.

The End

© 2021 Tausha May Henry The Lonesome Locket All Rights Reserved

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Tausha Henry

I am a Mother, Wife. I'm also love to write stories and also a Cartoon Character Designer. I was born Tausha May Bush on May 17th, 1992 in Oneonta N.Y., Fox Hospital.

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