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The Locket of Pangea

A Journey of Man

By Jonathan McCoyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Lucas looked up and was shocked. Before him was an elaborate booth that looked like it belonged in a street market in an African country, there were thousands of rolls of parchment behind it. Each one, the color of the sand that surrounded him and his companion, Archie. There were pens and pencils that were all shapes and sizes laid out on the booth’s top. Some with feathers and others that looked like novelty items from tourist locations of old. In the middle of the booth, between the row of parchment, was an easel. However, Lucas could not see what was being painted on it because the view of the easel was obstructed by a human being. From behind, all Lucas could see was long, black hair to the middle of this person’s back. They had a dark blue linen shirt on with the sleeves rolled down to the elbows. Lucas noticed that their skin was a few shades darker than his and more of a chocolate when compared to Archie’s caramel color. The being had blue jeans on that were the starkest of whites. It took a second for Lucas to take in this being who turned around to greet them. Lucas was unsure if he had ever seen a more beautiful woman in his life. Her black hair was held in place by a pair of Victorian goggles and her brown eyes looked over Lucas and Archie with a very suspicious gaze that caught Lucas off guard. She had both hands on her hips and was tapping one foot on the sand.

“I’m sorry, I--”

She held up a hand and Lucas stopped talking.

“Let me guess. You’re looking for The Locket of Pangea.”

“Yes! Do you know where it is?” Lucas inquired.

He stared at this being with a look that only came with a thirst for knowledge. Archie spoke up before Lucas could ask any other questions.

“Hello, Mapmaker!”

“Call me Na-ese.”

“Na-ese,” Archie said as if he was practicing the word out loud.

“Right, well, we need your help. We need a route to the locket.”

Na-ese moved about her booth as if she had not heard anything Archie had said to her. Lucas was watching her intently. How had The Mapmaker guessed that was the reason Archie and he had sought her out? Lucas glanced over at Archie expecting him to finally show some frustration from being ignored. But, true to form, Archie stood there, smiling, waiting on Na-ese to accept or deny his request. Finally, Na-ese grabbed one of the rolls or parchment behind her and handed it over the booth counter to Archie. Lucas looked over his shoulder as he unrolled it. It was blank. Lucas scoffed and looked at Na-ese in amazement, but Archie was still smiling. Na-ese fixed her eyes on Lucas.

“Problem?” Her voice was contentious and was filled with the same annoyance it had when she asked their purpose for being there.

“Yeah. It’s blank!”

Na-ese smirked, and Archie chuckled. He placed a hand on Lucas’ shoulder and whispered.

“It is not blank, Lucas. It has all we need.”

Lucas looked dumbfoundedly back at the parchment in Archie’s hands. As he stared, Archie moved the parchment towards the sky, so the sun shone through. A long, almost imperceptible, black line wound its way before his eyes. It started at the bottom left corner of the parchment and ended just before meeting the top right corner. Faded blue lines were bursting forth, denoting rivers and streams. Lucas was baffled because nearly all the rivers had dried up 1,000 years ago. He looked up and noticed the smirk had not left Na-ese’s face.

“You boys all set? Good. See you later.”

She began moving around her booth once more, not hesitating to offer them any more words. Lucas was starting to get irritated at her cavalier, unwelcoming attitude. Archie said thank you and they started to walk away. Just then, Lucas’ curiosity got the best of him.

“How did you know about the locket? Nobody we know has heard of it before.”

Archie hustled back to Lucas’ side and spoke up.

“The Mapmaker, Na-ese, is very busy. The faster we get to the locket, the faster we can save your parents.”

Na-ese stopped moving about and locked eyes with Lucas.

“You’re a man, yes?”

Lucas nodded.

“That’s why. All men who find me ask the same thing.”

“Wait, other men have been here before me?”


Lucas looked at Archie whose urgency had turned to bewilderment.

“I’m sorry, Na-ese. How many other men have asked you about it?” Archie asked.

Na-ese shrugged. “A handful. I haven’t been keeping count.”

Archie began pacing back and forth.

“So, what have you told them?”

Na-ese smirked again. Lucas’ annoyance at this smirk was simmering under the surface but he had to know what she was talking about.

“The Locket of Pangea is in a destination at the far reaches of our planet. Men often seek me out to find it. Thinking it will make a difference. But, none of them have been up to the task.”

Lucas was drinking in every syllable of Na-ese’s sermon. He had questions but wanted to wait until she finished.

“Men are generally a weak being. Instant gratification is the goal so when something requires effort. Sacrifice. Pain. They are quick to move onto the next item of business. Unfortunately for those who have searched before, nothing requires more effort, sacrifice, or pain than reaching The Locket of Pangea.”

Lucas was completely enthralled but surprised when he looked at Archie whose arms were folded, unimpressed.

“Yes, but you do not know Lucas.”

Na-ese whipped her head around to look at Archie. Her smirk faltered for a second but quickly returned.

“Are you sure?”

Archie shifted his weight from one leg to the other and let his arms fall.

“Well, I’m fairly certain since you’ve just met us! Lucas is an admirable man with a noble purpose! He is selfless and worthy of what this locket will bring!”

Archie was looking into Lucas’ eyes with nervousness and worry. Lucas hated compliments and had told Archie this on numerous equations. They were both snapped back to the moment at the sound of clapping. Lucas looked at Na-ese who was still smirking. She was clapping her hands slowly and looking at the two of them.

“Okay, what is your issue? You’ve been rude to us since we got here.”

Na-ese stopped clapping. Her smirk was gone now.

“You men are all the same. You come here looking to get back to a life that chewed you up and spat you out. It’s always you young ones too. The old ones have sense enough to stay here. But, whether it’s a sense of adventure or some fake noble plan, you men don’t know your place. You’re weak. And none of you ever succeed. You give up or you fail. There is no other option for you. I’ll lay it out for you. You cannot just get the locket. You’re gonna have to provide something of your own. Something you’re not gonna wanna give up. Sacrifice. On top of all that, these bureaucrats who are looking for you? They’re going to know immediately what you’re up to. The minute you step foot in the temple, your location will be known. If you do succeed in obtaining it, they won’t stop until they get The Locket back from you.”

Na-ese’s stare transfixed Lucas. He was rooted to the spot. His breathing was heavy, but his conviction remained.

“Lead us there. Please.”

Na-ese’s ship was bigger and more sophisticated than the transporters Lucas had experienced but he was happy that the ride felt the same. It was one of the few things that was familiar to him in the afterlife but feeling that low vibration deep in his body, it felt like home. Lucas was also enamored with the monitor beside him. He could not take his eyes off it. The blinking dot that showed Na-ese’s ship moving along through a sea of black. Other white dots would appear occasionally, but they disappeared just as quickly. Lucas was jolted to the present by Na-ese’s voice.

“We’re approaching Bild. Prepare yourself.”

The parking lot that the ship landed in was surrounded by what Lucas could only describe as skyscrapers. The buildings were taller than any Lucas had ever seen in his life. They had windows throughout which Lucas could see entities scurrying about inside on the lower levels. The buildings were separated by what had to be roads because Lucas saw hundreds of transporters moving along them. He didn’t even know transporters could be driven!

“Archie, I’ve heard stories but--”

“That’s right, Lucas. The last city on Earth.”

Na’ese headed off down the sidewalk towards a large skyscraper. Archie caught Lucas’ eye before following after Na’ese. Lucas followed them both but remained in thought.

Lucas cycled through his training as Na’ese led them into a skyscraper. The inside was not filled with cubicles or desks, but with sand and rocks. The shadows Lucas had seen when they landed were just that. Shadows moving about the rocky terrain. Na’ese led them upward, the rocks stacked like steps. What was once a building used for commerce was now desolate and empty. Or almost empty.

“Up ahead, through that door, you will find the locket. Be quick. They—”

Na’ese stopped talking suddenly and turned around. Lucas and Archie followed suit.

It turned out that the shadows did belong to something. Big, hulking figures appeared. Three of them by Lucas’ count but there could always be more.

“Run for the door! We’ll hold them off!” Archie shouted in Lucas’ face.

“Or at least keep them occupied,” Na’ese growled through clenched teeth.

Lucas bolted for the door, glancing back only once to check on Archie and Na’ese. They were holding their own, but he could not delay. He reached the door, darted inside, and slammed the door behind him.

Lucas calmed himself and focused his breathing. He needed his head clear if he were to accept this knowledge. Na-ese had stressed this point repeatedly. He could hear her and Archie holding off the guards but knew it would not last. Lucas reached the top of the steps and spotted the plinth alone in the middle of the room. As he stepped towards it, his pathway lit up. His training was kicking in to show the exact spaces in the floor he needed to travel to avoid any traps that could be triggered. Finally, he made it to the platform and as his right foot landed, a circular opening appeared, and a blinding light appeared from the depths. Before him was The Locket of Pangea. It was shaped like a heart his sister would draw when they were children. The locket was taking in the light surrounding it and reflecting multicolored lights back around the room. Lucas cupped the locket with both hands. The moment he lifted it off the plinth, the refracted light disappeared, and the golden locket lay in his hands. There was a thin, flexible piece of metal hooked through it. As Lucas put this around his neck, his eyes were forced closed and visions flashed of death, joy, war, and light. He was witnessing the history of the Earth. Every event that had ever happened. Their outcomes, their repercussions, and their triumphs. Lucas felt every emotion known to man. His eyes snapped open to see the path laid clearly before him. From this moment forward, his life nor the lives of those he loved were in peril. He could rebuild the planet. He could restore the resources and help everyone. Lucas was now Earth’s champion, savior, and hope.

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