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The Little Red Lies

By Seth Jimerson

By Seth JimersonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

In a time after we took too long to take the COVID-19 virus seriously, after a little under half the population was wiped and mutilated in the guise of surviving a zombie apocalypse. A time where we all sold our souls and realized how scary right J.F.K was when he spoke about the greatest threat to America and perhaps even the whole world.

Here we are in a world of our own fruition, modern day 2053. You would think after losing about 39% of the population on Earth, and most people alive have blood on their hands, that the most important thing to everyone would be healing and repairing the damage. Albeit this is not the case. Most countries are fortified, all with massive wall-like gates, similarly to that of China's Great Walls. Thanks to the zombie apocalypse seemingly sparked by the rapid mutating COVID-19 virus, Fortified countries belonging to the Tesla Alliance Pact(TAP) now required citizens to be scanned with thermal energy rays at gate entrances. If one was to have spiked temperature readings or any signs resembling that of COVID-19, they were given the choice to leave or take a serum that can give you immunity to the virus and painfully cure it. The other outcome is the virus rapidly mutates and you begin to progress into a zombie. A walking brain dead contagion, who experiences mild episodes of aggression. Most lose vision in their left eye in the first 30 seconds as an indicator. These unlucky souls are usually shot on sight to prevent any possible outbreak.

How did humanity make it through an apocalypse? Who was the pioneer that seemingly cured us of this virus? What conspiracies lie behind it all? More importantly, where does humanity go from here? There's one bright mind, who you could say is connected to it all.

With a desire to help save humanity from itself, and a drive to pursue space travel and seek out alien life, Elon Musk was the man who saved us from the apocalypse. In 2023, Elon Musk left on his journey to space in rocketcraft of his own company's design. The technology was cutting edge. Some say Elon's neurolink is what allowed him to create such a masterpiece, insinuating it gave him increased brain function. Although, Elon in an interview before leaving Earth's surface stated, "he only hopes his neurolink was that amazing and boasts smaller feats." Only 2 years later, Elon had thought to been lost in space with a select few he brought with him and the COVID-19 virus began to mutate creating multiple complex strains that mostly resulted in death. Shockingly enough, corpses of victims to the virus began to reanimate as brain dead manifestations of anger and anguish. Oddly, only three years after the CDC refreshed it's zombie apocalypse guidelines. Many speculated that the government or some greater group was pulling the strings in an effort to reduce population. Not too longer after it all began, the infamous hacker syndicate noted that they had warned us about these organizations and that rich pioneers such as Elon Musk were all part of the scheme. They then played 1 clip o every screen throughout the world, this clip was John F. Kennedy's speech to the press. Specifically highlighting this line, "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings." A list of conspirators, plans, conversations and even more evidence was then leaked on all platforms. Anonymous, listed this group under many names, most notably the illuminati. As riots began to rise they just as quickly ceased as humanity realized the battle against the virus was a race against time.

Only a year later, zombies grew increasingly violent and began to horde together, and there was still no sign of a cure. Over time the zombies seem to have kept getting worse, year after year, decade after decade with no breakthrough. People began to build walls around borders, making strongholds of their countries, tired of killing what used to be their own kind.

Then, in 2043 Anonymous who no one had heard from released intelligence that there was a cure-all serum stashed away somewhere in a heart shaped locket. It was said to be the 'elixir of life'. They speculated that someone who studied the serum's secrets engineered the COVID-19 virus to sell and start a bioweapon war. They needed the virus to start off seemingly harmless which is why we did not know to take it more seriously. Suddenly, an ex-member of Anonymous took over the transmission, saying that they were the one who studied the serum and ultimately couldn't decipher it's genetic coding. They laughed maniacally as if they had lost their mind knowing they caused this, and offered it up a videogame competition. That's when secret organizations began to "pop out the woodwork", taking the world's best gamers hostage and threatening their lives to win them the serum. Humanity was once again fighting itself to save itself. The competition was set to start in 2045.

Unbeknownst, Elon Musk made his return with tales of space and an advancement in his neurolink technology. He landed and quickly developed a way to fight the virus boasting his increased brain function. Over the course of 3 years his medication was delivered across the globe to surviving nations. No one ever heard a word of the competition and the search for the heart shaped locket continued, as speculations again began to rise. Elon was confronted and scrutinized for seemingly having a hand in this apocalypse. Elon stated in an interview years later, "it was the only way humanity would survive" and secret organizations had used him. Many after hearing Anonymous and watching everything unfold believed him, until his descent into madness. In 2050, Elon had seemingly lost his mind and only worked on advancements in technology, specifically more space travel. A man he brought with him to space before this all started said "the neurolink had changed Elon while they were in space." Some people believed he held the heart shaped locket and was claiming to be crazy only so his profits in making a sort of cure would go unquestioned.

The man who spoke on how Elon's neurolink changed him grew in popularity. His name was Garder Alwin, and no one knew much about him. Then suddenly as Elon's rocket shot into space, a transmission appeared across the globe again. It was the ex-member of Anonymous, who then unmasked himself to be Garder Alwin. As the rocket left the atmosphere, Garder revealed he was behind it all, and had hacked Elon's neurolink a year before their expedition, and been behind this whole thing. Many people were now in fear because they had received the neurolink months after Elon's arrival. He manipulated even the Illuminati and claimed himself to be the puppet master of the world. He then holds out the heart shaped locket and says "let the games begin" in typical horror movie fashion. The transmission ends.


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