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The last window of hope

The gate to the real world

By Pircalabu StefanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The only window

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in his room. It was the only window left in the entire city, and it was guarded by the government day and night. No one was allowed to look out of it, let alone touch it. But she couldn't resist the temptation.

She had heard whispers about the beauty of the outside world, about the trees and the grass and the endless sky. She had always dreamed of experiencing it for herself, but it seemed like an impossible dream. That is, until she met him.

His name was Alex, and he was the only person who knew how to sneak past the guards and get to the window. He had done it many times before, and he had offered to take her with him. She had been hesitant at first, afraid of the consequences if they were caught. But the longing to see the outside world had been too strong to resist.

So, one night, they made their way to the window, careful to avoid the guards. When they finally reached it, she couldn't believe what she saw. The world beyond the window was even more beautiful than she had imagined. The trees were tall and green, the grass was soft and lush, and the sky was a deep shade of blue. She had never seen anything like it.

As they stood there, gazing out at the world, she felt a sense of hope and possibility that she had never known before. For the first time in her life, she felt free. But she knew that it couldn't last. Eventually, they would be caught, and she would be punished for her curiosity.

Still, she couldn't regret it. The outside world was a revelation, and she knew that she would always carry it with her, no matter what happened. It was a memory that she would cherish forever, a reminder of what could be if only they had the courage to fight for it.

As they turned to leave, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. They froze, knowing that their time was up. The guards had found them.

She grabbed onto Alex's hand, her heart racing with fear. They could try to run, but they knew that they wouldn't make it far. This was the end.

But instead of arresting them, the guards simply stood aside and let them pass. She couldn't believe it. Had they really gotten away with it?

As they walked back to their homes, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. It wasn't until they parted ways that she realized what it was. Alex had given her a small piece of paper, with a message written on it in bold letters: "Meet me at the window at midnight tomorrow. We have to talk."

She didn't know what to make of it, but she knew that she couldn't ignore it. She had to know what Alex was planning.

So, the next night, she found herself back at the window, waiting for Alex to arrive. When he finally did, he had a look of excitement on his face that she had never seen before.

"We have to leave," he said, his voice urgent. "I have a way out. We can escape to the outside world, where we'll be free."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Escape? To the outside world? It seemed impossible. But as she looked into Alex's eyes, she knew that he was serious.

"We have to do this," he said. "We have to take the chance while we still can. Will you come with me?"

She didn't have to think twice. She knew that she couldn't stay in this prison of a city any longer. She nodded, and together, they made their way to the window, ready to face whatever lay beyond.

Short StorySci Fi

About the Creator

Pircalabu Stefan

I love writing about life and technology. Really passionate about all technological advances and Artificial Intelligence!

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Pircalabu StefanWritten by Pircalabu Stefan

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