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The Last Letters of Francis Leopold (A Prisoner) - Letter One

An ongoing correspondence...

By S.K. WilsonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The First Letter

January 30th

As you read my tale you will need reminding of this one simple fact. Everything I tell you is the truth.

The events of my life before the decision that brought me to this place now seem so inconsequential, the family manor, the finest education, my growing business ventures, it all seems now, so trivial.

For the fatal decision I am about to share with you has led my life down a path I would never have thought possible even in my worst nightmare, but it is all too real.

When I say this, I mean it most sincerely, the decision I made which led to my situation was simply to pick up an apple. Such a small thing to change the course of one’s life so dramatically - picking up an apple, and placing it upon the merchant’s cart from which it fell. This began the most illogical and unfortunate series of incidents and encounters which has led to my current predicament.

I must apologise, my friend. I have quite forgotten to explain, or even introduce myself to you - this is most unacceptable and I can only offer my most sincere apologies for this oversight and beg your forgiveness. Now to begin and a more appropriate beginning…

My name is Francis Hermes Leopold - though my friends call me ‘Tarquin’, which is another tale all together that I must tell you. While not as interesting a tale perhaps as my current predicament, and certainly not necessary to comprehend the story and the events I am wishing to inform you of, it will be, I think, informative nonetheless.

I must admit I let out a small laugh just now, it may be the first time I have laughed in this place, but I see the poetic irony in my middle name of Hermes, the messenger of the Greek Pantheon, and my now penning this letter to convey a message of importance to you.

However I feel I must first convey to you more of my current situation, I am currently being held in a prison most foul, incarcerated and awaiting death by fear.

While I do not feel this is a just sentence for the Judge to have given me, I also have come to accept that it is unlikely to change anytime soon and so I requested that until the sentence is passed, that I be permitted to put my situation down on paper so those that wish may know my story and hopefully learn from it so they do not find themself sharing my fate-

But oh, dear reader, I have neglected you once more. ‘Death by fear?’ I can hear you ask yourself. How could such a thing be possible, or even a sentence passed down in judgement for a crime? Well as I unfold my tale it will hopefully become all the clearer, however I must admonish myself once again as I realise the error in my telling of my tale.

I mentioned to you the apple that has placed me here in this situation, however… now that I come to talk of it and think about the events that led me here, I accept that I should have explained to you the significance of my pseudonym of ‘Tarquin’, as I must confess this is actually an important snippet of information that you will need to understand in a fuller context before I unveil my story to you dear reader-

I just now grasp that you, dear reader, may be at somewhat of a loss, finding yourself with the beginnings to many events and tales but no conclusions as of yet, but now, I find this parchment running quickly out of space and I have not yet explained myself.

Oh, many apologies gentle reader, for I must beg your indulgence and your patience until I receive more writing materials.

Please, if you will be so kind as to await my next correspondence.

Yours Faithfully,

Francis Hermes Leopold


Author's Note: The Last letters of Francis Leopold is a serial/episodic story that is presented as letters. Each letter starts with no real idea where it will end, and is written as a free flow train of thought, with minimal revision and editing for now. It is an experimental project and I have no idea where it’s going, enjoy the journey.


Short Story

About the Creator

S.K. Wilson

She/Her | Australian 🏳️‍⚧️ Author

My short form writing mostly falls into the absurd, strange and nonsensical. I enjoy writing micro-fiction collections, been dabbling in poetry.

Debut Arthurian fantasy novel out now! The Knights of Avalon


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