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The Keepers of the Light

Chapter One

By Josey PickeringPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The Keepers of the Light
Photo by Petr Slováček on Unsplash

There weren’t always dragons in the valley. King Cassian’s peaceful reign had guaranteed it. The land flourished, the people thrived and no darkness invaded the Tiralyne valley. Even the surrounding lands benefited from the king’s kind reign and even the forest folk & plains people had found peace with the valley kingdom after years of tension.

That was years ago now. There were dragons throughout the castle grounds now, sitting at the feet of their master, obeying every command of their self proclaimed Shadowseeker. They weren’t dragons of scales and smoke and magnificent glory, no. They were pale little humans with twisted spines, bent from worshipping their wicked leader. No secrets could be kept with dragons lurking, they would report anything and everything they saw & heard. Levantus was not a large man in stature, but he had a power stronger than any other in the land. He held magic of both darkness and light and no one dared to cross his path.

At least, he was trying to keep it that way.

King Cassian had five daughters and one young son, his son born the very day he left for battle. His beloved wife, Coriana, spent a good part of her night unable to sleep, watching and waiting for her beloved husband to return by moonlight. Days turned to months and months had now turned to years. His daughters were becoming women and his infant son was becoming a boy reminiscent of himself at a young age. He bore witness to none of it, in a battle that seemed to begin again the same way every day, as if time stood still on that battlefield and the world around him kept turning.

Lilliella was the eldest, hair as red as sundown on a summer evening and eyes green like ivy. She would wake up early each morning and take one of the horses down to the woods. She’d follow a small creek and rest at a tree where she and her sisters would tie their wishes on scraps of woolen fabric. They all wished for the same exact thing, that their father would soon return. Lilli felt that consistency was key in making their wishes come true and made sure that the boughs of the small tree we’re covered in pieces of colorful linen. Every morning, she tied their shared wish to the tree and hoped for a miracle. And like clockwork, Every morning, Marjorie, the girls handmaiden, would yell from the horse stables for Lilli to return. Laughing, she’d return, racing through the castle grounds with enough gusto to wake everyone.

“Do we need to be reminded of our responsibilities here on the grounds?” Levantus hissed, emerging from the shadows. Lilli dismounted and sighed, not even glancing in the direction of the voice. He had no real authority over her, but he felt whatever dazzling he’d done to her mother granted him some tiny authoritarian crumb. Levantus moved closer and gripped her wrist, speaking against her ear.

“Having trouble hearing me this morning?”

Lilli pulled away and glared, “I can hear you just fine, it doesn’t mean I have to listen.”

Before Levantus could continue, the third eldest princess emerged from the kitchen, flour dusting her clothing and cheeks.

“There you are!” Evangeline sighed in relief, “You said you’d help with the cake!”

Evangeline quickly pulled her sister into the busy kitchen and far from Levantus’s grip.

“You’ve really got to stop ruffling his feathers, you know,” Evangeline sighed, dusting her hands on her apron.

“He needs people to not tremble at his feet to remind him he’s not as powerful as he thinks,” Lilliella huffed. “Working on Cecelia’s cake I see?”

Evangeline looked around to make sure none of his dragon henchmen were lurking in the kitchen before speaking, “You know I don’t like him either, but mother puts a lot of trust in him so we have to respect that.”

“Respect? Ha! He’s got mother under his spell and when I prove it…. Well, you’ll be begging me for forgiveness!”

Evangeline rolled her eyes and went back to mixing the batter, “whatever you say!”

Before either could argue, the second eldest princess, Mariana, came rushing in.

“Oh! That little…shrew!…Snake!…COCKROACH!…is really trying to get at me today,” she growled before popping a berry into her mouth.

“Levantus?” Lilli asked, raising a brow.

“You too?” Mariana retorted, knowingly. Lilli nodded and Evangeline threw up her hands.

“Let’s not let him get to us this morning, alright? For Cecilia.”

Lilliella sighed and Mariana followed and the two responded in unison, “For Cecilia.”

Cecilia, the youngest sister, was celebrating her tenth year this day and much preferred a cake baked by her very own sisters. She still believed that her sisters baked her birthday cakes with magic inside, and they didn’t have the heart to tell her yet that it was just rose water and and extra bit of crushed vanilla bean.

Marjorie came in rather rushed and set another bowl of berries in front of the girls.

“Finish up the cake now, your bread and butter will turn to brick & paste if you three don’t hurry up!” Marjorie scolded.

The three girls pressed berries into the batter before Marjorie put the cake to rise in the fire and herded the girls to the family table.

The morning meal was typically sage bread & apricot jam with some lemon water & tea. It was their fathers favorite, and the girls and their young brother had grown to favor it too. Cecilia & Alicia, the youngest sisters were impatiently waiting along with the young prince, Oaryn.

As soon as all of his sisters were seated, Oaryn covered his bread in apricot jam and bit into it with a happy sigh. Mariana looked at the head of the table and then to Marjorie.

“Mother isn’t feeling well again?” She asked, sincerely.

Marjorie just gave a nod and poured water for each of the girls & young prince. “Let’s give her a bit of space today, shall we? Help around the grounds and give her less to worry about, yes?”

Each head at the table nodded, and the four eldest girls exchanged glances. It seemed that day by day now their mother slipped further into a sadness that none of them could rescue her from. She had passed the worry and concern for her king in battle and now the emotions coated her like stone armor. Time was no longer in their favor, and as they days passed so did fragments of their hope. Every hour that ticked on, their mothers light dimmed a bit more.

Marjorie helped Oaryn clean his face and hands before the boy jumped up with excitement, "Gonna ride the big horses today!"

Mariana chuckled at him and smiled, "Have you grown that much this week?"

Oaryn nodded and stood tall, grinning proudly. Lilliaella ruffled his dark curls. "Off you go then, brave knight!"

Oaryn raised his fist high, "I will be the bravest knight, and I will bring father home!" he cried out before charging out of the room and off towards the stables.

"We all wish we could..." Alycia trailed off, sighing. Evangeline squeezed her sisters shoulder in reassurance and nodded.

"That we do."

Cecelia rested her chin in her hands and smiled at her sisters, "I was born today...If you didn't remember...."

“Today?” Alycia gasped. “Surely we celebrated your ninth year last week?”

Mariana chuckled and laughed, “Ah yes. I remember that, she couldn’t already be ten.”

Cecilia huffed and folded her arms, “I’m too big for this now, be fair.”

Lilliella pinched her cheek and ruffled her hair, “You’ll always be our little sister. Of course we know what day it is, we haven’t forgotten your cake.”

“The CAKE!” Marjorie gasped before rushing to the kitchen with her arms waving. None of the girls could stifle their laughter as they attempted to finishing their morning meal. They finished their meal and gathered their plates & cups to take to the kitchen to help wash.

Lilliella turned her attention back to Cecelia, “See? Already such excitement for your special day.” She tucked a curl behind her youngest sisters ear and helped her gather her tableware and take them towards the kitchen.

Levantus paced near the stables, watching over the young price begin his riding lessons whilst gathering is own thoughts. The excitement of the day had only just begun, and Levantus himself had much to contribute.


About the Creator

Josey Pickering

Autistic, non-binary, queer horror nerd with a lot to say.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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  • Test4 months ago

    Fantastic!!! Love it!!!💕❤️❤️

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