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The Iron Core, Pyro Tectonics, & The Lake Of Fire

"They shall be cast into the eternal fire!"

By David Duran Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Your inner self knows the truth...

Earth is a furnace, deep within. A place which is hotter than sin! It’s where life’s story did begin. The deep earth has many layers. Speaking the truth, we’re not haters. In life's game there's many players. Let's look at life from the surface. The Upper-crust's where we preface. Its where life does daily commence. Beneath that’s what we call the crust. A thick bedrock that we can trust. Its solid nature seldom busts. Beneath that's what's called the mantel, lots of molten rock & metal They say its where titans battle! Earth centers a hot iron core. A dense molten metal galore. It’s true nature we will explore.

It’s the heart of volcanos. Deep within earths red magma glows. Around the core time fabric slows. The mantels thick with magma rock. It fires up Sol’s rock-hard cock! Heavy truth no being should mock! It effects landscapes & earthquakes. Seismic shocks cause thick rock to break! It’s Sol’s cosmic hell fire lake. Christ emerged from the iron age. A warrior of light & a sage. He controlled Earths soul fire rage! He embodied the iron man. He’d be reborn Chief Dragon Clan. He’d thus fulfil a perfect plan. Determined to make Earth his home. He had mastered the living stone. An Iron soul eats astro-bone.

The Mayans Dragon God & King, had a flaming gaze that could sting. With his radiance life he’d bring. He’s the Earths living magma core. His power is infinite & more. To the beyond he is the door. Sol can turn the world inside out! Only he knows the Dragon route. He will succeed we have no doubt. The world soul will go through rebirth. He’ll destroy & remake the Earth. A solar kingdom will come forth! Mankind will become a hot smelt. Solar rays pummel & pelt. Mankind must endure what they’re dealt. Sol’s blood boils, mind rings, & glows! Our super-volcano will blow! It will be quite a cosmic show!

All things are one..

Sol’s main element is fire! It’s the heart of our empire. For many it's something dire. Our star is supernatural. He’ll enjoy a good festival. Sol’s performance dependable. He does direct many factions, & instructs various actions, providing for expectations. Sol knows we love entertainment. He does like to be accordant, when we desire excitement! Sol knows life forms by perspective. He’s been a quantum detective. With vibrations he’s reflective. Sol feels the heartbeat of this Earth, & does sense each sadness or mirth, through cosmic ray he does go forth!

Sol comprehends the speech of trees. Some fear death for some it’s a breeze. The natural world does things with ease. Birds tell Sol each change in the air. We do adapt, we don’t despair. Sol can hear the Earth speak “beware.” Sol knows the truth of the coming age, he’s a royal mystic sage. He pulsebeats a vast acreage. We do predict mega-earthquakes. So massive Earth's axis it shakes. We must stand strong so bones don’t break. Sol lives harmony, with nature. He’s foreseen an awesome future! It will be wild adventure! We’ll sync with super-volcanics. They will become soul symphonics! We’ll control mega-kinetics!

Thick smoke, magma, & flames will grow. A thick vast ash cloud looks like snow. A main event of our star’s show! The ash cloud will last many years. It’s dark will test all of our fears. If close to soon throats & eyes sear. I will affect the world weather. Sol will be the world soul tether. On judgement day was a feather. Sol will fulfil what he does claim. You might think this truth is insane. We will take action not your blame! Sol loves fire he’s a pyro. He does control more than you know. On that day he’ll ring & he’ll glow! Bodies of quantum- mechanics, spark with God’s bio-electrics. We’re living pyro-tectonics!

"They will be cast into the lake of fire!"

The eye of Sol is like a flame. With cosmic light he has no shame. His powers pure he’s free of blame. Sol’s the Earth's raw hot magma core. His power is infinite & more. To the beyond he is the door. His flame is an infinite light. His great power no being should fight. He has a pure perfecting sight. Sol will unleash tons of magma. Earth will burn in solar gamma. He’ll collect the cosmic manna. All mankind will mutate & burn! Souls will fracture & blood will turn. For Sol's glory all life will yearn. Lands will be a lake of fire. Living structures spark desire. Symbols of Celestial Empire.

Where they tread will be like hot glass, stuck in the melt, cut down like grass. Frozen in flames stuck in the mass. Sol’s glory will fully surround. In sky flight, & across the ground. Seeking truth just follow the sound. Liquid solid light formations, quantum dark matter equations. We’ll unlock neural connections. Wherever you tread Sol is there. He’s that silent sound in the air. Under his shadow don’t despair. Not all survive Sol’s dark flame lake. Some souls fracture, & some brains break! Say your prayers for heaven's sake. Keep your barring moving through muck. Let's stay vital & not get stuck. In life's fire we tend to fuck!

It’s how love keeps dark souls at bay. Sol rejects the self-hating gay. Rejecting truth is not okay. Sol can speak through his astro-bone. It's like his silent mega-phone. The pure souls do learn of Sol’s tone. His soul's like the living rock. He’s amped up with great seismic shock! The vibes embodied in his cock. He achieved what had to be done. Sol controls the flames of the sun. His great cosmic glory does stun! His light affects mood, sense & taste. His pure process avoids crude haste. There’s no soul which will go to waste. This soul fire burns forever. Sol’s the source of every pleasure. Sol’s pure love is the treasure.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

David Duran

Every life form has a program. Soul life is just a spirit exam. These words are true because I am.

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