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The Inbetween

The begining of a longer story.

By Michael DucleePublished 2 years ago 18 min read
The Inbetween
Photo by Akin Cakiner on Unsplash

Her small feet finally stopped the young girl looked around at the clearing she was now in. Surrounded by a forest clouded in darkness she looked to the sky. The stars were painted with vibrant orange and blue light so bright the clearing was as day. A crack sounded out from the nearby wood. The girls body froze while her eyes shot toward the sound. Dark scales glistened from the woods as the light of the stars shimmered against them. The girl gasped unsure of what presence lay just beyond the darkness. The scales seemed to fade away then a black cat came strutting into the light.

"Long way from home eh kid?" the black cat called out. The girl relaxed at the sight of the small fluffy feline, "where am I?" she asked looking back to the painted sky.

"We call it the Inbetween," the cat responded, sitting down and looking to the sky as well.

"Its so Pretty," she stated. The black cat smiled, "its always been so. Yet there was a time when that beauty was consumed by darkness."

"Sounds scary," the girl responded.

"Well," chuckled the black cat, "twas quite the adventure." He leaned forward excitedly, "Want to here the tale?"

A smile crossed the little girls face. She sat down and scooted closer exclaiming, "Yes sir Mr. Kitty Cat."

"Names Aiden kid," replied the black cat. "Okay were to start.."

Chapter 1 The Girl down Hallows Boulevard.

An old brick building stood amidst a dark October night. At the base of its stone steps was a lone street lamp, underneath a boy staring straight ahead. Leaves of red and orange rustled in the trees and blew about an empty street. A chill wind brushed around his brown ragged jacked. The door creaked. The boy pulled tight one of his fingerless gloves, with a sigh he brushed his hair back and began to ascend the stairs. As he grew closer he could hear movement and voices inside. He felt sick for a moment. Then with a growl he slammed his hand onto the door and swung it open! He stepped in before he could give it any thought. It was near completely black save for the light creeping in from the streetlamp. “Hello?” he called out..

A door creaked open in the distance. Then came faint footsteps that grew louder with every moment. A figure came into view yet looked more as a shadow in the dim hallway. The boy took a step back thinking to run but then grew angry at himself for being afraid. He took a breath and stepped forward calling out to the shadow, “HEY!” A bright light flashed causing both arms to come up and shield his eyes leaving the heavy door to slam behind him..

“Oh sorry Daniel!” A lady's voice rang out. Danny lowered his arms to see the night class teacher standing before him with a flashlight now lowered out of his face.

“What the heck Mrs. Crawford!” Danny began, “Why you creepin up on me like that? An why ain't the lights on?!

A patient smile breaks out on Mrs. Crawford’s old face, “Sorry Daniel I was trying to get the flashlight on. The power went out, but Frank will turn on the generator and we can begin class in a moment.” She reaches out a hand and ruffles Danny’s shaggy hair. She turns and waves for the boy to follow. Danny began walking next to her toward the classroom with an annoyed look on his face.

“I dont get why I gotta be here.” Danny shrugged, “nightclass is for dumb kids and weirdos.”

“Now Daniel, we will have no such talk here.” Mrs. Crawford began her voice calm but firm, “Some children just need a little help and they are all plenty nice to everyone.”

“I don't need no help,” Danny argued.

The lights shot on throughout all the school right as they got to the classroom door. Mrs. Crawford turned off the flashlight and opened the door, “Go pick a seat anywhere,” she said, then waited for Danny to step in. The kids still had their flashlights on and some were waving them all around the room. Two kids in the back were pretending to sword fight with the light beams. One boy up front had put the flashlight in his mouth and turned it on, lighting up his cheeks like a lantern. Danny looks up at Mrs. Crawford, both hands raised toward the class, “See.. Weirdos,” he says, then points to a girl sitting on a window ledge next to a black cat. “Why does she have a friggin 'cat in here?”

“Enough Daniel.” Mrs Crawford sternly states, “they are just having a bit of fun and that is the homeschooled girl. Her cat makes her feel more comfortable here. You can sit at her table and see for yourself that she and her cat are plenty nice.”

Danny shrugs, “whatever,” and walks over taking a seat. Mrs. Crawford rounds up all the flashlights, gets the kids seated, then passes out the laptops. Danny opens his and to his horror the subject is… Math! “O common,” he mumbled under his breath. Danny’s brain hurt just thinking about trying to do it.

“You need some help?” the girl with the black cat asked.

Danny shrugged, “sure.” Her hair was long and black with a contrasting white streak down her bangs. She began to explain the assignment, but in moments Danny had stopped listening, his mind drifting off in thought. What was up with that white streak in her hair? If she is homeschooled, why is she here? Why is that cat staring at me?

“That's Aidon by the way,” the girl's voice pulls Danny back to reality, “and I’m Diana.”

“Oh.. I’m Danny,” Danny states awkwardly.

“Do you like Cats?” Diana asks and with that the black cat jumps up onto her table. He then steps in front of her and locks his yellow eyes on Danny.

Danny leans slightly away from the cat. “More of a dog person myself,” he shrugs. The cat's mouth opens in shock. He then turns away flicking Danny with his tail. After taking one step the black cat pauses a moment to look over his shoulder. His eyes narrow. His chin raises then with a pounce he was off the table and strutting away. Danny looks at Diana with a smirk, “he's a bit dramatic isn't he?”

Diana chuckles, “yah, but he keeps me safe while I'm out of the house” Danny looks at the cat wondering how such a small thing could keep her safe from anything. Throughout class Danny struggled to keep his attention on what was being taught. Though Diana happily guided him through the steps. For once class seemed to zoom by and it was quickly time to go home. Mrs. Crawford brought the kids to the front door waiting for parents to come pick up the children. Within a half an hour all but Danny and Diana had been picked up.

Mrs. Crawford looks to them both concerned, “Do your parents know when night class ends?”

Danny shrugs, “Doubt they even care Mrs. C. I walked here, I can just walk back.”

Diana jumps in the conversation, “I can walk too, hallows boulevard isn't far.”

Mrs. Crawford frowns and crosses her arms, “Very well but I will be speaking to both your parents before the start of next week. It is too late for children to be wandering about.”

With that Danny didn't hesitate, quickly walking out the door and jumping down the steps. Once he got to the lone streetlamp he stopped and sighed. He thought of going home and his stomach hurt. A heavy tug came from the back of his jacket. A moment of fear shot through him. He instinctively pulled himself away and spun around. Diana stood there smiling, “sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” she giggled. Aidon jumps in front of her, hissing a warning to Danny. Diana puts both hands on her hips as she looks down to the black cat. “It's fine Aidon,” she said then looked back at Danny, “I was just wondering if we are walking the same way, maybe we could walk together.”

“Sure I’ll walk with you,” Danny shrugged. Aidon now sitting looks up at Diana shaking his head left to right. Diana didn't seem to notice, “sweet! I'll lead.” Diana states enthusiastically and begins marching up the dark street. Aidons ears flatten and he smacks a paw onto his annoyed face. His paw slides down and with a sigh he begins following them. Once the two turn onto Hallows Boulevard Diana breaks the silence “So what is your family like?” She asks.

Danny shrugs “I ain't got no family. Just people I’m stuck livin with.” He looks at the many extravagant houses. A smirk grows on his face, “Fancy houses like this must come with some sweet birthday parties?”

Diana’s smile grows wider, “I heard about birthday parties!” She exclaims as she jumps in the air. “They sound so fun, are you having one soon?”

Danny grew frustrated, “never do, why your dad not throw you one? He clearly got the money?”

Diana’s smile fades slightly, “I never met my dad and my mom died when I was born.” Aidon perked up at the statement. The black cat trots quickly to Danny’s side, out of his sight. Then hops up on two legs and shakes his head at Diana. Not noticing, Diana continues, “My uncle is very nice but all we do is train and study.” Aidens chin furls up as he angrily slashes his paw back and forth in front of his neck attempting to get her to stop talking. Yet Diana’s eyes were now focused on the ground in front of her.

“Your dad dip out on you?” Danny asked softly.

Diana sighed, “No he-” Aidon jumps in front of both of them still on two legs. “Kick some kitty litter over it girly!” he hollers, puffing out his chest. He points one paw at Diana with the other pulled tight to his side, “are you just gonna blab everything to this dog loving rabble-rouser.” Danny froze, not scared but completely lost for words. “Canines aren't so cool now huh boyo!” Aidon proudly proclaims, happy to finally be able to speak.

Diana gasps, pretending to be surprised, “you can talk!?”

Aidon crosses his arms, “O please like you weren't gonna get to blabbing that eventually.”

Danny’s face contorts in confusion, “how is he?”

Aidon raises a paw toward Danny, “just go with it kid, it's just easier on everyone involved. I’m the neighborhood's friendly talking feline, no questions, no autographs.” Suddenly the wind blew harshly for a moment causing all three to flinch under the breeze. When they looked up, a tall pale man in a tan trenchcoat now stood behind Aidon. The brim of his brown hat masked half of his face in shadow.

Chapter 2 Guardian of the Girl

Aidon gave his fur a shake, “jeez did a griffon just fly by?” He asked with a smirk, unaware of the newcomer.

The Tall man’s voice was deep and calm, “I assume it was you who signed her up for night classes.” Aidons hair spiked out at the sound of the man’s voice. He slowly turned around to face the man. With an awkward smile Aidon shrugged his shoulders and let out a small, “meow?”

“Hey uncle.” Diana sighed.

“Aidon, take Diana back to the house.” Uncle commanded. He then stepped forward ignoring Diana as she walked past, focusing his attention on Danny. “Go home,” he stated plainly.

Danny grew frustrated at the command and threw his arms out to the sides in rebellion. “I said I was gonna walk with her so that's what I'm gonna do!”

Uncle got down on one knee and removed his hat. His black receding hair glistened in moonlight. His chin and cheeks were pointy and his eyes were a vibrant orange. As he spoke his voice was calm. “It's nothing personal, young man. I simply do not trust you. Therefore you must go home.”

“It's fine Danny,” Diana called out waving back at him, “it was fun.”

Uncle Stood up, nodded to Danny and put his hat back on. Then followed Diana up the walkway and into the house.

Danny didn't move, watching them til the door closed behind them. He stood there for a bit then right as he was about to leave he noticed a purple flash of light from the side of the house. Danny’s eyebrow shot up, he had to see what it was. Ducking slightly and watching the windows he scrambled across the front yard. Danny peaked around the corner to see a small green creature with big pointed ears and a wide mouth full of pointy teeth. It waved a short stick with a purple gem on the top of it in the air. Then a flash of purple light ripped open, making a portal. Two more jumped out cackling loudly. The first one bopped them on the head then put a finger to its mouth commanding them to be quiet. The portal closed and the three goblins scurried into the back yard.

Danny hesitated at first but then grew angry at himself for being afraid. He took a breath and snuck up as quietly as he could. The goblins now stood at the backdoor. One hung from the door handle swinging side to side. “Tings locked!” he squeaked. “Da window?” one asked. “Yah da window” nodded the others. They jumped onto the wall and began climbing up like a spider scaling a web.

Danny turned and ran for the front door pounding on it! Uncle opened the door, “Young man y-” “There are green monsters climbing your house!” Danny yelled, cutting him off. The wind began to blow harshly again. Purple lightning cracked down from the sky. It struck the street and ripped open another portal, this one nearly as large as the house itself. Uncle's eyes glow a bright orange as he reaches his hand back and a staff riddled with gemstones on it comes flying into his hand, “Get inside now!” He commanded. Danny stumbled past him into the house. Purple energy tore around the portal’s edges cracking the concrete. Skeletons holding blades of purple energy began piling out, their eyes also glowing a dark purple light. They began scrambling toward the house cackling with laughter. Uncle steps outside. The gems on his staff glow orange and with it glittering orange energy surrounds him. Then as he raises the staff so does he rise being pushed into the air by the surrounding magic, “Aidon, get to Diana!” He called out.

The black cat smacked Danny’s leg, “follow the tail kid!” he called out then ran up the stairs. Danny could barely keep up, his legs were shaking so bad. They burst into Diana’s room to see her looking out the window, “what is going on?” She asked. Before Aidon could answer the window shattered and in jumped the three goblins. One pounced right on Diana. The goblin with the wand stood in the window aiming it at Aidon, “It's da lil traitorous runt!” Purple energy blasted out of the wand. Aidon leaped over it front flipping and kicking the goblin right back out the window. Danny rushed over to Diana pulling the goblin off her and throwing it across the room. The third goblin ran at Danny, its large mouth snapping wildly at his legs. Danny stumbled back and fell down. The goblin jumped at his face but was struck by an orange blast of energy and fell to the ground unconscious. Danny looked to where the energy came from to see Diana holding a staff of her own with an orange crystal glowing at the end.

“Good shot there Girly” Aidon called out as he pounced on the goblin Danny had thrown earlier. The black cat picked up the goblin and easily threw it out the window, dusting off his paws. Diana snatched a small pointed hat off her dresser then the three of them ran to the window to look outside.

Uncle still floated in the air. He stretched his staff toward the host of skeletal minions. With a loud crack bolts of orange lightning flew out and bounced from skeleton to skeleton destroying several with every blast. Suits of armor filled with ghostly purple energy began walking out of the portal. Uncle blasted lightning at them as well which popped loudly but did nothing to stop their slow but steady march toward the house. Orange energy flared from Uncle's eyes as he flew down into the center of them and smashed his staff on the ground. The orange energy that surrounded him blasts outward, cracking the concrete and throwing the metal men in all directions. Uncle stood up straight breathing heavily. A rumbling roar now came from the portal. A massive scaled claw reached through.Then came its horned head, the portal cracked and popped. Behind them came its spiked leathery wings tucked tightly to its sides. The dragon's scales were black yet reflected any light that touched it. Its mouth opened wide and purple flame rolled out between its jagged teeth. Uncle swings his staff, summoning another wave of glittering energy that pushes the flames away from him. The dragon roars angrily then swipes its claw but Uncle leaps into the air and is lifted up by the glittering cloud once again.

He points his staff to the three at the window, “find Ren!” He yells. Then a portal snaps open in front of them and pulls Aidon, Danny, and Diana inside.

Chapter 3 The Inbetween.

The sound of battle turned to a soft crackling as Aiden, Danny, and Diana now found themselves floating in a tunnel surrounded by orange energy. Danny looked about awestruck and silent. It seemed as though they were moving very fast but he couldn't tell if they were the ones moving or if the tunnel was moving around them. “Oi!” a squished voice called out. Danny looked down at his arms to see he was holding Aiden in a tight hug. The black cat's face was squished under Danny’s arms with one little paw sticking out.

Aiden wriggles his squished face and looks up at Danny “I will scratch you.” Danny let him go and began waving his arms afraid he would float over and hit the crackling edges of the tunnel. “Just relax” Aiden said as he massaged his now free face with his paws.

Danny froze in place chanting to himself “Just relax, just relax, just relax.” then he looked up and saw they were flying toward another portal “JUST RELAX!” he yelled before they all went flying through.

The three emerged out of the portal floating for a moment. Aiden and Diana aimed their feet toward the ground while Danny, nearly upside down, swung his arms and legs trying to flip himself around. Then with a drop Danny landed face first in the grass. “Are you alright Danny?” Diana called out landing softly on her feet.

“I'm definitely not relaxed, ” Danny groaned, then lifted his head up and spat some grass out of his mouth.

Aiden chuckles as he trots over to Danny’s side, “Some advice from your feline friend. Try landing on your feet next time,” the black cat then flicks Danny’s head with his tail before sitting beside him. Danny brings himself to his feet and looks to a sky filled with stars and a galaxy of bright colors. Reds melding into pinks and purples that stretch out over the dark blue sky. Though there was no sun in sight the many stars gave nearly as much light as if there was. As Danny’s eyes dropped down he realized they were standing on a small floating island. All he could see below were clouds lightly reflecting the colors of the sky. Danny took a step away from the ledge, “Where are we?” he asked.

Diana adjusts her pointed hat, “we call it the inbetween,” she then places a hand on Danny’s Shoulder, “and don't worry we’re safe here.”

“Safe ish,” Aiden remarks. Diana nudges him with her foot. He looks back with a shrug, “what girly we clearly aren't where your uncle meant to send us.”

“Where are we then?” Diana asked.

“Let me check the portal gate” Aiden responded, turning around and walking toward a large rectangle stone. It looked like a door frame without a door.

“What is that?” Danny asks, finally noticing the thing.

“A portal stone,” Diana replied, “When you know how you can open a portal anywhere but it has to be connected to a portal gate that you have claimed. This must be one of my uncles.”

Danny looks at her incredibly confused, “Wha-”

“Just go with it boyo you’ll catch on.” Aiden interrupts. The black cat stands on two legs looking at the many markings on the portal gate, “it says here we follow the first star and we will get to Ren’s stronghold.”

“Simple enough,” Diana remarks.

“Which one’s the first star?” Danny asks. Diana points to a bright star surrounded by dark purple light, “there.. our home,” she says softly.

Aidens ears drop and without looking away from the markings he says, “no Diana, not anymore. The Hollow King rules it now.”

Danny looked hard at the first star. The dark purple light almost seemed to be creeping outward into the red and blue that also smothered the starry sky. “Hollow King?” he whispered to himself.

Aidens ears flick back up and he looks back toward Danny, “The Hollow King is the one who sent the dragon after us. He wants to have all the magic in the inbetween for himself.” Aiden looks up at the purple light in the sky, “looks like he might succeed.”

“Uncle will stop him.” Diana proclaimed.

The black cat walks over and sits next to Diana. “He can't do it alone,” Aiden responded softly. The stone on Diana’s staff began glowing orange, “then we will help him.”

Danny raises his hand, “I got another question.”

Aiden sighed, “I'll explain more when we get to Ren’s stronghold,” the black cat looks down the edge of the floating island. He then looks up at Danny with a smirk, “Too much exposition is a drag. Let's just continue with the adventure.” Then Aiden jumps off the ledge, giving Danny a little wave as he falls into the clouds below.

Danny’s eyes grew wide, “wha?” He then looks to Diana who giggles slightly at his surprise.

“Jump kid you'll be fine,” Aiden's voice calls out from underneath the clouds.

Dannys waves his hands side to side, “no way not happening.”

Diana leans on her staff, “I thought boys were supposed to be brave?” she says playfully.

Danny crosses his arms, “hey unless you got a magic broomstick or a giant flying dog under those clouds jumping ain't about being brave. Its about not being stupid.”

Diana shrugs and takes a step toward the ledge, “sometimes in order to be brave you gotta do something stupid,” she then turns and jumps off the ledge into the clouds below. Danny looked down at the clouds and hesitated at first but then grew angry at himself for being afraid. Danny took a breath and jumped.

The clouds seemed to almost move out of the way as Danny fell through. Landing on a small wooden boat floating in the sky. Danny lands feet first and clings to the edge of the boat as it bounced and rocked. Danny looks down only to see more clouds blocking whatever lies beneath. He pushes himself away from the edge and lays flat on his back. “How did you know this was down here?” he asked.

“I didn't.” Aiden said with a shrug.

Danny lifts his head and looks up at the cat, “What if I missed it?”.

“You didn’t.” Aiden said with another shrug.

Danny sat up angrily, “What if she missed it?” he points to Diana who was patiently sitting at the front.

Aidens lifts a paw to his chin stroking his chin fur like a beard. He appeared to think hard on the question, “ahh well you see kid,” Aiden snaps his fingers and points to Danny, “she didn’t.”

Diana takes her hand and ruffles Aidens head. “Leave him be,” she giggled then looks to Danny, “Aiden always has a plan but rarely shares it.”

Still annoyed, Danny now looked to Diana asking, “how do we drive this?”

Diana stood up and turned facing the front of the boat, “magic Danny. Magic powered by what drives our hearts.” The crystal on Diana's staff began glowing orange and with it came a glittering trail of orange. Which sparkled around and behind the boat. As she raised her staff the boat rose as well smashing back through the clouds above. Danny’s legs shook as he slowly stood up feeling the clouds flow around his face and through his hair. He squinted slightly as the many colors of the Inbetween showered down on him once again. He smiled, no longer feeling afraid but excited for the things to come.

“To Ren’s stronghold!.” Diana called out and thrust her staff forward. The boat jerked forward so fast Diana, Aiden, and Danny all went rolling backward. Piling up at the back of the boat. Aiden now upside down lets out a sigh and mumbles, “we’re doomed.” Diana got back up on her feet and pushed her white streak of hair out of her face, “this thing moves a bit faster than I thought it would,” she said with a smile, then reached out to help Danny up.

Danny shook his head, “imma just stay down here.”

“Good call kid.” Aiden said as he flipped himself rightside up, “let's take it a little slower this time girly.” Diana raised her staff again, this time slowly guiding it forward and off they went soaring over the clouds.


About the Creator

Michael Duclee

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  • Jason Kolls2 years ago

    The story, while I feel is a little rushed, is wonderful and the characters all have a distinct tone that is consistent throughout. I could see this story playing out on-screen as a cartoon or animated movie especially given how animated the cat is. While I would have liked to see Diana slip up and reveal some magical witchery in the classroom and that was the spark that drew Danny's attention, I enjoyed their banter. The world of the Inbetween seems very whimsical and I'm all for it. Should you continue this story, I would be happy to follow Diana, Danny and their wisecracking cat on their adventures. Thank you for the wonderful read!!

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