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"The Haunted House of Millfield"

This very dangerous ghost short story

By Kishore kumarPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Horror, Mystery, thrilling

David, Joseph, Jerry, Bills and Johnny were 5 teenagers who lived in the small town of Millfield. They were always looking for new adventures and thrills, but they never expected what they would face on that fateful day when they decided to explore the abandoned house on the outskirts of the town.

I. The Discovery of the Abandoned House

One day, while they were hanging out near the old train station, they noticed an old and abandoned house on the outskirts of town. They heard rumours that the house was haunted, but they didn't believe in such things.

II. The First Encounter with the Ghost

The 5 teenagers decided to explore the abandoned house. As soon as they entered, they heard strange noises and saw ghostly apparitions. They were frightened and ran out of the house as fast as they could.

III. The Second Visit to the Haunted House

Despite their initial scare, the 5 teenagers were curious about the strange occurrences in the abandoned house. They decided to visit the house again, this time with a plan to find out what was happening.

IV. The Unveiling of the Mystery

During their second visit, they discovered that the house was haunted by the spirit of a young girl who died in the house many years ago. They learned that she was searching for her missing brother and was unable to rest until she found him.

V. The Resolution of the Ghost's Search

The 5 teenagers decided to help the ghost find her missing brother. After some investigation, they found a clue that led them to the old train station. There, they found a chest filled with the ghost's brother's possessions, and they realized that he had died in a train accident.

VI. The Ghost's Departure

With the mystery of her brother's death solved, the ghost was finally able to rest in peace. The 5 teenagers left the abandoned house, never to return.

The Haunted House of Millfield became a legend in the town, and the 5 teenagers were known as the brave heroes who solved the mystery and freed the ghost from her eternal search.

VII. The Aftermath

After the events at the haunted house, the 5 teenagers couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. They found themselves being followed by a strange, ghostly figure, and they began to have nightmares about the ghostly girl they had encountered.

VIII. The Mysterious Figure

One night, as they were walking home from a late-night movie, they were confronted by a mysterious figure. It was the ghostly girl, and she had come back to thank them for helping her find her brother and finally rest in peace.

IX. The Gift of the Ghost

The ghostly girl told the 5 teenagers that she had a gift for them. She gave them each a necklace that would protect them from harm and bring them good luck. The 5 teenagers were grateful for the gift and promised to always remember the girl and her brother.

X. The Legacy of the Haunted House

Years passed, and the 5 teenagers grew up and went their separate ways, but they never forgot about the haunted house and the ghostly girl who had changed their lives forever. They often told the story of their adventures to their children and grandchildren, and the legend of the Haunted House of Millfield lived on.


To this day, people still whisper about the haunted house on the outskirts of Millfield. Some say that the ghost of the young girl can still be seen wandering the halls, searching for her missing brother. But others believe that she has finally found peace and that the house is no longer haunted. Regardless of the truth, the 5 teenagers will always be remembered as the heroes who solved the mystery and freed the ghost from her eternal search.

XI. The Return of the Ghost

Years went by and the 5 teenagers grew old, but the memory of their adventures at the Haunted House of Millfield never faded. They often talked about the ghostly girl and her gift, and the necklaces they received from her became family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation.

XII. A New Adventure

One summer, the 5 teenagers' grandchildren decided to visit the abandoned house and see if the rumours of its haunting were true. They found the house just as they remembered it and decided to spend the night there, just like their grandparents did many years ago.

XIII. The Reappearance of the Ghost

As they settled in for the night, they heard strange noises and saw ghostly apparitions. The ghostly girl had returned, and she was once again searching for her brother.

XIV. The Continued Search

The 5 teenagers' grandchildren decided to help the ghostly girl in her search. They scoured the surrounding area, searching for any clues that could lead them to her missing brother.

XV. The Final Resting Place

After days of searching, the 5 teenagers' grandchildren finally found a clue that led them to the old train station. There, they found a chest filled with the ghost's brother's possessions, and they realized that he had been buried in a nearby cemetery.

XVI. The End of the Search

With the mystery of her brother's death solved, the ghostly girl was finally able to rest in peace. The 5 teenagers' grandchildren left the abandoned house, never to return.


The legend of the Haunted House of Millfield lived on, and the 5 teenagers' grandchildren were hailed as the new heroes who solved the mystery and freed the ghost from her eternal search. The necklaces they received from the ghostly girl were passed down from generation to generation, and the story of their adventures was told for many years to come.

And so, the legacy of the Haunted House of Millfield continued as a reminder of the bravery and courage of those who faced their fears and helped a ghost find her final resting place.

XVII. The Return of the Necklaces

Years passed, and the necklaces passed down from generation to generation eventually found their way back to the hands of the 5 teenagers' descendants. They were amazed at the power and beauty of the necklaces and decided to visit the Haunted House of Millfield one more time.

XVIII. A New Haunting

However, upon arrival, they found that the house was once again haunted. This time, the ghost was a young boy, and he was searching for his lost sister. The 5 teenagers' descendants were determined to help the ghost and solve the mystery of the new haunting.

XIX. The Search for the Sister

They searched the house and the surrounding area, looking for any clues that could lead them to the missing sister. They encountered many obstacles along the way, but they never gave up, determined to help the ghost find his sister.

XX. The Final Resting Place

Eventually, they found a clue that led them to an old, abandoned church. There, they discovered the final resting place of the ghost's sister. They realized that she had died of a mysterious illness and had never been able to rest in peace.

XXI. The End of the Search

With the mystery solved, the ghost of the young boy was finally able to rest in peace. The 5 teenagers' descendants left the Haunted House of Millfield, their hearts filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


The story of the Haunted House of Millfield and the bravery of the 5 teenagers and their descendants became the stuff of legend. The necklaces passed down from generation to generation continued to bring good luck and protect their owners from harm.

And so, the legacy of the Haunted House of Millfield lived on, a reminder of the courage and determination of those who faced their fears and helped ghosts find their final resting place.

Short StoryMysteryHorrorAdventure

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