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The Gifted One

A Man with Psychic Powers

By Mohammad AmmarPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Chapter 1: The Beginning

John had always felt like he was different from everyone else. He had a strange feeling in his gut, a sense that he was capable of things that others were not. It wasn't until he turned 13 that he discovered the truth about himself. He had psychic powers.

Chapter 2: Learning to Control his Abilities

At first, John was terrified of his powers. He didn't know how to control them, and they seemed to come out at the most inconvenient times. It wasn't until he met a woman named Mary who had similar abilities that he began to understand how to control them. Mary taught him how to meditate and focus his mind, and soon John was able to use his powers at will.

Chapter 3: Using his Powers for Good

With his newfound control over his abilities, John began using them to help people. He would use his telekinesis to move objects out of harm's way or his clairvoyance to warn people of impending danger. As word of his abilities spread, people began seeking him out for help.

Chapter 4: The Government Takes Notice

It wasn't long before the government became aware of John's abilities. They saw him as a potential threat to national security and began monitoring his every move. John knew he had to be careful not to draw too much attention to himself, but he couldn't just sit by and watch as people suffered.

Chapter 5: The Ultimate Challenge

John's biggest challenge came when a group of terrorists took over a government building, holding dozens of hostages. The government was hesitant to act, fearing that any move they made would result in the deaths of innocent people. John knew he had to act, and he used his powers to infiltrate the building and take down the terrorists without harming any of the hostages.

Chapter 6: The Aftermath

After the hostage situation, John became a hero in the eyes of the public. The government was no longer a threat to him, and he was free to use his powers to help people without fear of retribution. He continued to work with Mary and others like her to help those in need, always mindful of the power he possessed and the responsibility that came with it.

Chapter 7: A New Generation

As John grew older, he began to worry about who would carry on his legacy once he was gone. He began seeking out young people with similar abilities and training them to use their powers for good. He knew that the world would always need people like him, and he was determined to ensure that there would always be someone to protect those in need.

Chapter 8: The End

In the end, John knew that his time was coming to an end. He had lived a long and fulfilling life, using his powers to help others whenever he could. As he closed his eyes for the last time, he knew that he had made a difference in the world, and that his legacy would live on through those he had trained and inspired.


The world will always need heroes like John, people who are willing to use their abilities to help others. And as long as there are people with psychic powers, there will always be hope for a better tomorrow.

Sci FiFantasyFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

Mohammad Ammar

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