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The Fyrehund

Mortem's Tales Of The Night (Part 1)

By Jasper JoniecPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Art By Klaher Baklaher

On a cold winter night, the biting storm winds are barely held at bay by a makeshift lean-to, the traveler looks through his bags, only confirming that which he already knew, that his rations were used up long ago, now he looks for something, anything to cook or eat to calm his aching stomach, and all he sees is his loyal companion, Boy. The traveler knew what he must do in order to survive, but he did not like it. He waited, hours passed as he tried to wait out the blizzard, eventually he relented to his ever-growing hunger. Eventually he called Boy over and gave him a hug, slowly pulling out his dagger, wanting to savor every last second with Boy. As he plunged deep into Boy’s heart, Boy let out a booming howl, as he gave his life for the traveler. He ate well that night, and he safely made it home to his family, regretful of what he did that night in the blizzard.

Many months passed, and eventually months faded to years, and eventually the traveler was old, and had all but forgotten that day in the cold. He was travelling the same route, one summer morning, when he stumbled upon a small clearing of what appeared to be burned wood, at the edge, a single owl sat, watching. the traveler was put off by the feeling of malice that emanated from the clearing, and as he walked through, he heard a rustle above, and it made him jump, but he saw an owl simply flying off and away. He thought after that that he was just imagining things, as his nerves calmed down, he turned around to continue on his trek.

But he was suddenly hit with the pang of burning hair and the odor of ashen flesh, as he came face to face with a beast aflame, a great wolfish monster, eyes burning with rage, they bored into his soul as he was stunned in shock. Under its matted fur, he could see there was a glow of dying flame, he reeled back as the mighty beast began to heave, and char and cinder fell from the massive form of the creature, where it touched the earth the plants withered and died. The traveler looked up, and saw that this beast was remarkably familiar, but he couldn't quite place it, until al at once it hit him, the great wolf's matted brown fur had the same subtle markings as his dog, whom he had lost in that blizzard, all those years ago. The traveler was horrified as he remembered what he had done, and started begging the mighty hound to forgive him, and that he was sorry for what he did. The beast heard his plea, but did not care, as it slowly stepped forward, the traveler accepted his fate, as the beast solemnly whined, and the traveler knew that Boy recognized him, but he knew that he deserved to make the same sacrifice as Boy had, and he had accepted that. He waited, as the beast howled, and suddenly, the dark surrounded him, he was adrift in a void, when he found himself face to face with a shrouded figure, who wielded a blade forged of the midnight sky, and in the other, a scale of brass.

"Welcome traveler" the figure spoke, and in that moment the traveler knew, this was his judgement, as the figure asked "What Do you believe you deserve?"

"I have come to terms with my punishment, oh great reaper" the man said, daring a glance at the scales that would decide his fate for eternity, and what he saw... was balance. He was shocked, as he tried to understand what had just happened to him.

"come with me" the reaper said, gesturing for the traveler to follow, before walking off towards a gate forged of black iron, and the traveler followed.


About the Creator

Jasper Joniec

I am a new writer from Canada, with an interest in horror short stories, most of which take place in my homebrew D&D campaign setting of mortem

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