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The Forgotten Door .

The heart of the Amazon Rainforest.

By Bob WestPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
The Forgotten Door .
Photo by Edgar on Unsplash

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, stood a majestic tree. Its trunk was thicker than a man's waist, and its branches reached high into the sky, stretching towards the sun. It was said to be the oldest tree in the jungle, a living testament to the resilience of nature.

The tree had seen many things in its long life. It had watched as civilizations rose and fell, as animals evolved and adapted, and as humans began to encroach upon the jungle. But through it all, the tree remained strong and steadfast, its roots buried deep in the rich, fertile soil.

As the years passed, the tree began to develop a unique ability. It could communicate with the creatures that lived in the jungle, using its roots to send messages and commands. The animals and insects in turn would protect the tree from harm, ensuring its survival for generations to come.

One day, a group of human loggers arrived in the jungle. They had come to harvest the trees for their valuable timber, and they were ruthless in their pursuit. They chopped down tree after tree, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

But when they approached the majestic tree, something strange happened. The animals of the jungle began to stir, and the buzzing of insects grew louder. Suddenly, a voice boomed out from the tree, stopping the loggers in their tracks.

"I am the ancient one," the voice said, "and I will not allow you to cut me down. Leave this place, or face the consequences."

The loggers were taken aback. They had never heard anything like it before, and they didn't know what to do. But they were determined to get their hands on the valuable timber, so they pressed on.

As they raised their axes to strike the tree, a swarm of angry bees descended upon them, followed by a pack of furious monkeys and a flock of vengeful birds. They attacked the loggers with ferocity, clawing and biting at their skin until they were forced to flee.

The ancient tree had proven its power, and the loggers never returned to the jungle. The animals and insects of the jungle continued to protect the tree, and it remained standing for many more years.

But as the world changed around it, the tree began to feel a sense of sadness. It had watched as the jungle was gradually destroyed, its lush greenery replaced by concrete and steel. The animals and insects that had once roamed freely were now trapped in cages, reduced to mere objects of curiosity.

The tree knew that something needed to be done, but it didn't know how to go about it. It longed for the days when the jungle was alive with sound and movement, and it yearned for a way to bring back the life that had been lost.

Then one day, a young girl arrived in the jungle. She was unlike any human that the tree had ever seen, with a gentle spirit and a kind heart. The tree felt drawn to her, and it knew that she was the key to restoring balance to the jungle.

As the girl wandered through the jungle, she began to notice something strange. The animals and insects were all looking at her with a curious expression, as if they were trying to tell her something.

One day, as she sat beneath the ancient tree, she heard a faint whisper in her ear. It was the tree, communicating with her through its roots.

"I have been watching you," the tree said. "You have a special gift, a connection to the natural world that is rare among your kind. I believe that you can help me to bring life back to the jungle."

The girl was taken aback by the tree's words, but she was also intrigued. She had always felt connected to nature, and she knew that she wanted to help in any way she could.

"But how can I help?" she asked.

"You must teach your people to respect the earth," the tree replied. "Tell them that they must learn to live in harmony with the natural world, rather than exploiting it for their own purposes. Only then will the jungle thrive once more."

The girl nodded, understanding the importance of the tree's message. She promised to do all that she could, and she set out on a mission to spread the word.

Over the following years, the girl became known as a champion of the environment. She gave speeches and wrote articles, urging people to change their ways before it was too late. And bit by bit, she began to make a difference.

People started to take notice of the world around them, to see the beauty in nature that they had once overlooked. They began to plant trees and recycle their waste, making small but significant changes that added up over time.

And the jungle began to change too. The animals and insects that had once been scarce began to return, drawn by a sense of hope and possibility.

The ancient tree watched as life returned to the jungle, and it felt a sense of profound joy. It knew that the girl had been the catalyst for change, and it felt grateful for her presence in the world.

As the years went by, the tree watched as the girl grew old and passed away, but her legacy lived on. Her message had spread far and wide, inspiring people to take action and make a difference.

And as the ancient tree continued to stand tall in the heart of the jungle, it felt a sense of contentment. It knew that it had played a part in creating a brighter future, and it knew that the world was a better place for it.

FantasyShort StoryMysteryAdventure

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