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The end of the world

Save me

By Amber eicholzPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

I woke up one day and the sky was grey,but I needed to find food. Then I got to think what if I had one last chance to save my family,what if my parents were still alive. I had no choice to move on and take care of my little brother at this moment I knew I could just save my little brother and myself from the end of the world. I tried for days trying to find survivors I traveled to find someone went to city to city from home to home trying to find at least one person that was still alive but nothing. I finally decided I had to do something I couldn’t jsut sit here and let me and my little brother die I had to find food I had to get my mind on the right track. Days went by and I’m still struggling to keep my little brother and my self alive but we are ok,it went on like this till one day someone found us went with them to this camp. When we arrive to the camp they showed us where we would be staying they told us there was a gas explosion and it killed over half of the population and there was only five percent of survivors left I didn’t think anything by it I believed them. They took me and my brother to a doctor that they had to see if there was anything wrong with us then they put a tracker so we would get lost or if we did they would find us. A few years later went by and I started keeping a diary of how me and my little grew up and my little brother is now 15 I’m 21 and he’s doing so well but even after years that been by I still miss my mom and dad all the little moments and memories I miss them. That night we were heading to bed and we all got startled by it sounded like a bomb that went off and I wanted to go see where it came from so I went out of the camp to find it. As soon as I stepped out of the camp I felt free I felt so trapped but I still went to go find what that noise was. I traveled for almost three days till I got so tired and hungry I couldn’t keep going anymore and I blacked out. I thought I died I didn’t know what happened. I woke up and I didn’t know where I was at I was in a warm bed for the first time I’m years we always sleeped on a blanket in a tint, but this felt so comfortable I loved it I didn’t want to move but suddenly I opened my eyes and I was scared I couldn’t get out everything was blocked off the windows,and doors I started to question if I was kidnapped then sudden the door opened and there’s this cute guy standing there and he gave me some water and I took and I felt better, then he said what are you doing I froze up and blacked out. A day went by and I was scared I didn’t want to talk to him again. I woke up and all was fine but this time I was in a different room and I looked over he was beside me and there was a big gun shot wound in my leg and i was afraid to move then he started moving so I pretended to be asleep so I didn’t have to talk to him again and he sat up and what I felt was him staring at me. He was shacking me a wake and when he did I went run away I wanted out of there and I had a clear shot to the door so I ran for it and I got up and started running my leg was bleeding. I kept running till I got to a point where he tackled me to the ground and out his hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t scream and he said if I wouldn’t scream he would let go so I said yea I picked me up and carried me back to the house where he fixed the wond. After he got it fixed it stop bleeding he helped me back to the bed and he gave me some food and water and he told me to get some rest but I refused I told him I want answers. He said fine he told me the camp we are living at isn’t a camp that’s where they kill the people that hit 25 they will be sent and killed the survivors are killed I use to live there he said he escaped. I didn’t know what to think I didn’t know his name or anything and he said his name was Alex and asked me my name and I told him it’s jordan. I told him I’m 21 and that I have a few years till anything happens ,but my brother still lives there they put trackers in us so if we get lost he stoped me and said I know I destroyed it, but that’s how you got hurt. He started to walk away I said I want my brother and he said tonight tonight’s would be tonight we go. Went to sleep for a little bit but all I could do is think about my brother and Alex he was so cute and the way he looked at me was great. We got to the camp that night and are tiny was gone I heard rumors that my brother died I was so devistated. Me and Alex went back to the house and me and Alex sat down and he said I knew you for years and I always liked you I watched you at the camp every night I didn’t want them to hurt you, then I started crying and there was it sounded like people trying to break in the house and we went for the underground basement and then there was people down there and I asked Alex why are they after us and he said not me you. Why me why me is all I kept asking him as he was pulling me dragging me by my arm thro the woods he said there’s something about you that’s special and no one can figure it out and they ain’t you so they can have you. I said you do know I said I want to know . He told me you’ll figure it out eventually we traveled for days to wherever Alex was taking me. I woke and I was tied to a string on to a tree and Alex wasn’t around I felt like I was beaten with a brick and I started yelling for help someone came and they put tape on my mouth and said shut up if you don’t I’ll make abs they walked away. I was crying I wanted to be back in that warm bed I was in the middle of nowhere and then suddenly Alex said shhh I’m here he untied me but then someone was coming we hurried out of there Alex was dragging me behind him then we got to this cliff and he said jump i was yelling your crazy so he shoved me off then I landed on what it felt like a pillow. He said I always wanted to ask you this but will you go out with me and if course I said yes then he said you’re safe not welcome to the lost city.


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