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The curse that broke into Love.

Love conquers all.

By Dawn EarnshawPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 5 min read

A curse of never keeping Love, we cast up you Eveyln, you shall never find in all the Lands you live upon.

In a quiet village nestled amidst lush green fields, a young girl named Evelyn lived a simple and content life.

Evelyn possessed a kind heart and a curious nature, always seeking adventure beyond the familiar confines of her village.

Little did she know that her inclination for exploration would soon lead her into a remarkable and mysterious encounter.

One sunny afternoon, while strolling along the forest's edge, Evelyn stumbled upon a hidden clearing.

There, surrounded by ancient trees, she discovered a gathering of thirteen women dressed in elaborate and enchanting attire.

Immediately captivated by their presence, Evelyn approached nervously, her curiosity outweighing any fear.

The women, who introduced themselves as the "Coven of the Thirteen Moons," possessed extraordinary powers and ancient wisdom acquired over centuries of practicing magic.

Fascinated by their mystical abilities, Evelyn listened attentively as they recounted tales of great achievements and boundless wonders.

Intrigued by the captivating stories of magic, Evelyn couldn't suppress her burning desire to experience this power herself.

Sensing her earnestness, the Coven kindly offered to grant her wish and initiated a spell.

Convinced of the intentions of the Coven, Evelyn agreed with an eager heart, unaware of the consequences that lay ahead. Fantasia was never to be the same again for Eveyln.

As the Coven began their incantation, a wave of energy enveloped Evelyn.

She felt her body being lifted from the ground as a gentle breeze carried her spirit into the heavens.

The sensation was both exhilarating and terrifying, as her essence merged with the infinite cosmos.

Weeks turned into months, and Evelyn found herself trapped within a timeless void.

Her physical existence had ceased, and she could only observe the world from a distance.

Hidden beneath the spell's enchantment, she yearned to regain her mortal form and resume her life among her loved ones.

Meanwhile, back in the village, Evelyn's absence caused a deep sense of longing and concern.

Her family and friends, desperate for answers, wandered the forest paths, searching for any hint of her whereabouts.

They consulted wise sages and sought the advice of skilled magicians, but all efforts to locate Evelyn proved futile.

It wasn't until the full moon bathed the village in its radiant glow that a ray of hope shone through the darkness.

The villagers, united by their shared love for Evelyn, decided to gather and channel their collective energy towards a single purpose: breaking the spell that had ensnared their beloved friend.

On the appointed night, as the moon reached its zenith, the villagers formed a circle within the heart of the enchanted forest.

With their minds and hearts connected, they chanted powerful words of love and unity, calling upon the forces of nature to release Evelyn from the spell.

As their voices crescendoed, a bright light illuminated the gathering, blinding them for a moment.

The momentary blindness, however, brought clarity to Evelyn's sight, allowing her to perceive the familiar faces of her loved ones.

Overcome with overwhelming emotions, Evelyn's spirit was drawn back towards her physical body.

With each heartbeat, she felt the spell loosen its grip, until finally, she was free.

Awakening in the embrace of her family and friends, Evelyn knew she had been given a rare second chance.

Grateful for the love and determination that had saved her, she resolved to cherish every moment of her life and to never take her human experiences for granted.

From that day forward, Evelyn was forever changed.

The spell had left an indelible mark, heightening her appreciation for the magic that exists not just in the ethereal, but in the everyday moments of human existence.

And as she continued her ventures beyond her village, Evelyn carried with her the profound wisdom of the Coven and the unwavering love of her community, forever grateful for the transformative spell that had led her to a deeper understanding of the enchantments of life.

Evelyn possessed an enchanting beauty that captivated the hearts of everyone who laid eyes on her.

However, she was burdened by a curse - a curse that prevented her from ever experiencing true love.

Despite this curse, Evelyn radiated kindness and compassion.

She would spend her days wandering through forests, speaking to animals, and tending to the flora that surrounded her.

Being in tune with nature, Evelyn believed that one day, her curse would be broken, and she would find her true love.

In a neighboring kingdom, there lived a brave and noble knight named Cedric.

He had heard tales of the cursed beauty of Fantasia and embarked on a quest to find her.

Cedric had seen many stunning women, but none had captured his heart like Evelyn

He believed that his love and devotion could break the spell that bound her.

After weeks of searching, Cedric found himself in the heart of Fantasia, where he finally laid eyes on Evelyn.

The moment their eyes met, there was an instant connection between them.

As if fate had orchestrated their meeting, Evelyn revealed to Cedric the curse that plagued her.

Undeterred, Cedric vowed to find a way to break the curse.

He consulted the wisest sages, searching for a solution.

One day, an elderly sage informed him of an ancient prophecy.

It foretold of a love so pure and unyielding that it would have the power to shatter any curse.

This prophecy gave Cedric renewed hope.

Determined to fulfill the prophecy and free Isabella from her curse, Cedric set out on a treacherous journey.

Along the way, he faced countless challenges and overcame immense obstacles, always driven by the love that blossomed within his heart.

Finally, after months of searching, Cedric discovered a hidden sanctuary deep within the Enchanted Forest.

It was said to contain the sacred Fountain of Eternal Love, believed to be the key to breaking any curse.

With hope in his heart, Cedric brought Evelyn to the sanctuary.

As they approached the glistening fountain, Evelyn’s eyes filled with tears of anticipation.

Cedric took her hand and looked deeply into her eyes, whispering words of love and devotion.

As they both stepped into the mystical waters of the fountain, a brilliant light enveloped them.

In that moment, their love permeated every inch of their beings, and the curse that had consumed Evelyn slowly dissipated into the ether.

With the curse broken, Evelyn’s beauty shone even brighter, and her heart overflowed with joy.

The prophecy had come true - their love was indeed stronger than any enchantment.

From that day forward, Cedric and Evelyn vowed to cherish and protect their love, knowing that it was the greatest magic they possessed.

Their story became a legend, inspiring generations to believe in the power of love and its ability to conquer all.

And as Fantasia basked in the enchantment of love, Evelyn and Cedric reveled in the magic of their newfound happily ever after.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Dawn Earnshaw

Loves writing short stories and poems - learning punctuation and Grammar.ADHD

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Comments (1)

  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)9 months ago

    Love conquers all-♥️💯📝😉✌️

Dawn EarnshawWritten by Dawn Earnshaw

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