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The Count’s Return

The Count

By Fiction ForgePublished 12 months ago 13 min read

"How long has it been?" I asked, my voice a mere whisper as it echoed softly in the dark, suffocating chamber. The air was heavy with the weight of centuries, and I could feel the layers of history pressing down upon me. As I reached out, my cold, pale fingers brushed against the familiar solidity of the ancient wooden boards that had held me captive for what felt like an eternity. Despite the relentless passage of time, they remained sturdy, a testament to the masterful craftsmanship of the past.

The markings etched into the walls of my confinement served as a grim record of each year of torment I had endured. Each one seemed etched into my very being, and I could vividly recall the horrors that had unfolded during those long, lonely hours. The memories were a haunting reminder of my arrogance and the price I had paid for underestimating the resilience of the human race. That misjudgment nearly cost me my life, as the whispers of betrayal and deceit echoed through the chambers of my mind.

But I was determined not to meet my end in this grim tomb. With a resolute grunt, I summoned all the strength I could muster and lifted myself from my knees. I refused to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume me, to allow the suffocating grip of this cursed place to claim me forever.

"I shall not die here. Not by their hands," I repeated to myself, the words a solemn vow that resounded through the depths of my soul. It was a promise I intended to keep, no matter the cost.

My powerful grasp dissolved the weakened wooden planks around me, and with each breaking fiber, a sense of exhilaration surged within me. Yet, the witches' ancient enchantments and the sacred cross embedded on the coffin's front still hindered my full strength. They were potent symbols of protection, warding off creatures of darkness like myself.

As I glared at the cross, a flicker of frustration passed through my eyes. Oh, how I despised that symbol and the faith it represented! The memories of past encounters with the fervent followers of that faith filled me with both rage and a grudging respect for their tenacity.

"Your time is waning, mortals," I muttered, an ominous warning to those who thought they had bested me. My eyes narrowed as I studied the intricate seals that held me captive, knowing that breaking them would require more than just brute force. It demanded a deeper understanding of the ancient arts and a patience I could scarcely afford.

But I had waited long enough. The thirst for vengeance, the hunger for freedom, compelled me to find a way, to unravel the centuries-old enchantments that bound me. Time was a cruel companion, and it had taught me that even in the darkest depths of despair, there was always a glimmer of hope—a chance to escape the clutches of eternity and reclaim my rightful place in the world.

With newfound determination, I began to explore the depths of my prison once more, searching for the key to my release, and as I delved into the secrets hidden within these ancient walls, I vowed that the world would once again tremble at the name of Count Dracula.

Frustration and anger welled up inside me, and just then, I heard a sound—crows soaring amok. It was a rare occurrence, as the silence had become my constant companion over the years. The weakened wood had perhaps allowed sound to penetrate my chamber, breaking the eerie stillness that enveloped me.

Another sound followed—a distant object falling over. Someone was intruding upon my sanctuary. This unexpected presence stirred a primal hunger within me, the scent of blood igniting a newfound strength and determination.

As the planks weakened further, I caught a glimpse of the intruders—two mortals, a man and a woman. Their appearance and scent heightened my appetite, and I yearned to taste their flesh, my hunger becoming almost unbearable.

The mortals seemed preoccupied with their own disputes, oblivious to the danger they were in. They argued about cameras and injuries, while all I could focus on was the enticing flesh wound on the man's arm.

I could feel my containment shaking with an unusual rough quaky sound, drawing their attention to my presence. The woman approached my coffin, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic enclosure.

"Do you know what this place is, John?" she inquired of her companion.

He offered a clueless response, and the woman proceeded to enlighten him about the history of my imprisonment.

“Gaze upon the ancient relic that cradles the legendary Count Dracula, a figure known far and wide for both his fame and infamy. Tales of his existence date back ten thousand years when he was ensnared by an unparalleled love for a mortal woman. This human, a skilled hunter of the supernatural, found herself caught in a tumultuous romance with the enigmatic vampire.

Despite their deep connection, the path they walked was fraught with peril. Her sworn duty to eradicate creatures of the night clashed with her affection for the immortal Count. In a fateful turn of events, she and her fellow hunters devised a cunning scheme, luring Dracula into a trap and eventually imprisoning him within the confines of this very coffin.

Within these ancient walls lie the echoes of their intertwined destinies—a love story that transcended time but succumbed to the forces of fate.”

"If they were hunters, how come they didn't just kill him?" The male mortal inquired, his curiosity evident in his voice. The woman held up a golden key with a blue diamond embedded in it and confidently approached the lock on the gate to the coffin. "I don't know. But isn't that just another mystery waiting to be unraveled?" she replied with a hint of excitement. With a twist of the key, she skillfully unlocked the gate, and the sound of the latch clicking echoed through the chamber.

At that moment, a mixture of disbelief and anticipation washed over me. Was this reality? I couldn't help but snicker softly, my mouth forming a sly smirk.

"Yeeesssssss...." I whispered under my breath, the prospect of freedom tantalizingly close.

"Katherin, what are you doing? We're only supposed to be taking pictures of it! We're already trespassing just by being here!" The male companion's voice held a hint of apprehension. He seemed wary of their actions, and I couldn't help but agree with his concern.

As the mortal woman approached the front of the coffin and began playing with the chains, I found myself mesmerized by her proximity. It had been so long since I had been this close to a human. I discreetly backed away, ensuring she wouldn't notice the faint glow of my red eyes within the dark confines of the coffin.

"Come on, help me get these off," she urged, and without hesitation, the male mortal rushed to assist her in removing the chains. He voiced his reservations again, cautioning against their actions, but the woman's determination overshadowed his concerns.

"Think about it, if we get a pic of The Count himself, we could score big with these photos," she explained, her enthusiasm igniting a glimmer of hope within me.

"Do you really think he's real? Come on, those are just stories. There's probably not even a body in here," one of the mortals questioned skeptically. Despite their doubts, they persisted in their efforts, and soon enough, the chains were removed. I was on the verge of freedom, seconds away from breaking free. But to my dismay, the coffin remained steadfastly shut, defying my attempts to open it. My frustration grew, and I wondered why it wouldn't yield when they had seemingly undone every seal and barrier. Even the cross that had once weakened me didn't seem to have the same effect.

"It won't open," I heard one of them utter, their disappointment evident. "There must be a key needed or something, dammit. We looked everywhere!" the other one exclaimed in frustration.

"Well, this was all for nothing then, at least we got some pictures," they lamented as they started to leave. Panic overcame me, and I desperately banged on the coffin, crying out in rage. My efforts were not in vain, as the mortals finally noticed my distress. The male mortal's gaze met mine, and for a moment, he seemed startled, as if he had stumbled upon something unexpected. At that instant, an astonishing surge of power surged through me, revitalizing me like never before. I had never felt so strong!

Seizing the opportunity, I mustered all the newfound strength I possessed and shattered the coffin door. The rush of air as it opened was a liberating sensation, and I emerged from the confines of my ancient prison. The mortals stood in disbelief, their faces a portrait of astonishment.

Yet, despite my regained strength, my hunger intensified, and the alluring scent of blood called to me once more. I fixed my gaze on the male mortal's wounded arm, unable to resist the primal urge within me.

Without a second thought, my body propelled me towards him, and I pounced, forcing him to the ground. The taste of his blood was indescribably delicious, and I reveled in the long-awaited feast. He struggled and fought back, wielding various objects in a futile attempt to resist me.

But resistance was futile against the might of an immortal, and gradually, his efforts weakened. I continued to savor his blood until my hunger was sated, leaving his lifeless body behind.

A sudden yell pierced the air, and a hard object collided with the back of my head, momentarily stunning me.

"Get the hell off of him!!!" The female mortal's cry echoed through the chamber. I glanced back at her, my lips curling into a sinister grin. In that moment, I felt a surge of exhilaration, a feeling I hadn't experienced in centuries.

"Sure, I have no use for him anymore," I casually remarked, callously tossing the lifeless body of her friend towards her. Horror and shock painted her face, and she screamed once more, which grated on my nerves. As my eyes scanned the ground, I noticed a line of salt that had been carelessly scattered about. Understanding dawned on me, and I couldn't help but chuckle with amusement.

"You fools, that line of salt was meant to keep the enchantment secure and dampen my powers. It was the key to keeping the coffin shut. Morons. You, mortals, are even bigger fools for coming here," I taunted as I confidently advanced toward her.

My powerful presence seemed to unnerve her, but I relished in her fear. She had ventured into my domain, and now she would have to face the consequences of her foolish actions. The scent of her fear was intoxicating, and I was eager to assert my dominance over this intruder.

"However, I must thank you. You see, if you two hadn't come, who knows how long I would have been trapped in there," I acknowledged, a mix of gratitude and amusement evident in my tone. The female mortal quickly retreated, reaching into her clothing and pulling out a container of salt. In a swift motion, she hurled the salt at me, but I effortlessly dodged it. Undeterred, she poured some in her palms and meticulously connected it to the remaining salt on the ground, forming a perfect circle.

At first, I didn't notice her crafty move and confidently walked forward, only to collide with the invisible barrier that surrounded the coffin. I winced in embarrassment as I wiped my injured nose, a minor setback in my grand plan.

"Clever girl. Recreating the circle of salt, a barrier between the natural and the supernatural. You know your stuff," I conceded, impressed by her quick thinking. She seemed to be grappling with the overwhelming reality of our encounter, but I paid little heed to her confusion. "What the hell are you?!" she cried out, her fear mixed with curiosity.

I smirked, relishing in the moment of dominance. "You were just talking about me, weren't you?" I teased, knowing that my name and legend had likely haunted her thoughts before they ever stumbled upon my resting place. As I examined my palms, I sensed a change within me—my true power returning, and something more, a newfound strength that made me feel even more formidable.

Without further ado, I began to turn away, having no desire to engage with her any longer. But she wouldn't let me escape so easily. "Where are you going, bastard!!!? You think you can just leave?" she shouted defiantly, her determination on full display. There was a clicking sound, and suddenly, a loud bang reverberated through the air.

Reacting with unparalleled swiftness, I caught a small silver ball hurled my way. Darting back towards her, I noticed that she held a firearm—smaller than what I was accustomed to, but no less dangerous. Smoke began to rise from my hand.

"Silver..." I murmured to myself, a hint of surprise in my voice. However, an unfamiliar sensation washed over me. Something that should have caused great pain barely registered. Ever since I emerged from that wretched coffin and indulged, I felt profoundly changed. I released the silver object and swiftly lunged towards the woman, grasping her by the neck. "You're becoming quite the irritating girl," I sneered.

In a reckless act, I extended my arm through the barrier without realizing it. The intense heat and burning flesh only served as a minor setback. It was then that I truly comprehended the extent of my newfound power—so immense that not even the barrier of salt could shield anything from my grasp. The mortal struggled futilely against my grip, a testament to her helplessness.


"The only reason you're still breathing is because I feel some twisted sense of gratitude towards you. You should consider yourself lucky you're not as lifeless as that sack of meat lying over there." Her eyes shifted towards the male mortal's lifeless body. Tears welled up, and her trembling lips tried to form words, but they were incomprehensible.

It seemed she was attempting to insult me, but her attempts were feeble. I released my grip on her and withdrew my arm from the barrier. As I turned away, she coughed and gasped for breath.

To my surprise, she finally managed to compose herself enough to speak coherently. "You... you're... you're Dracula, aren't you?" she stammered, her voice laced with disbelief. "I thought... I thought you were just a legend, a story people told to scare each other."

I turned back to face her, my lips curling into a faint smile. "Ah, so you've heard of me, have you?" I replied, a hint of amusement in my tone. "Yes, the very same Dracula whose name sends shivers down the spines of mortals. But, my dear, legends often have some truth to them, don't they?"

She nodded, her fear mingling with awe. "I... I suspected you might be real, but... I never thought I'd actually encounter you."

"Well, here I am," I said, taking a step closer to her. "And you've intrigued me, mortal. Few have the courage to stand up to me as you have, despite the circumstances."

Her eyes widened, and she clutched the firearm tighter. "I won't let you hurt anyone else! Even if you spare me, I'll find a way to stop you!"

I chuckled softly. "Oh, I don't doubt your determination, but I'm afraid you're in no position to stop me," I said, gesturing to the barrier that had failed to hold me back. "Your little tricks won't work on one as ancient and powerful as me. Hunter…"

As she absorbed the gravity of her situation, her anger seemed to falter, giving way to a mixture of fear and fascination. "What... what are you?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"I am a vampire, my dear," I replied, relishing the opportunity to recount my history to a captive audience. "Born centuries ago, I have walked this world through the ages, seeking sustenance and power. Legends of my exploits spread far and wide, woven into the fabric of human mythology."

Her eyes remained fixed on me, her fear now overshadowed by a morbid fascination. "And you sustain yourself by... drinking blood?" she asked cautiously.

"Yes," I admitted unapologetically. "It is the lifeblood that grants me strength, longevity, and abilities that far surpass those of mere mortals."

As the reality of the situation sank in, she lowered the firearm slightly, her anger replaced by a mix of emotions she couldn't quite comprehend. "I don't understand why you spared me," she finally said, her voice quivering.

"My reasons are my own," I replied cryptically. "Perhaps there's something about you that intrigues me. Or maybe I simply enjoyed seeing a glimpse of defiance in your eyes."

The girl took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "What do you want from me, then?" she asked, her voice tinged with resignation.

"For now, your continued existence serves as a reminder of the encounter we've had tonight," I answered, stepping closer to her once again. "But fear not, mortal. I have no immediate plans to harm you. As long as you stay out of my way, I will leave you be."

Her eyes met mine, still filled with trepidation but now also a glimmer of relief. "And if I don't stay out of your way?" she challenged, surprising both of us with her tenacity.

A sly grin crept across my face. "Then, my dear, you'll have to live with the knowledge that you dared to provoke Dracula himself," I said, leaning in closer. "And believe me, that's not something most mortals can handle."

With that, I turned away once more, making my way towards the room's exit. She watched me in silence, torn between her fear and her curiosity about the enigmatic figure before her.

"I think I'll be seeing you again," I said over my shoulder before finally leaving the room.

As I disappeared into the shadows, the girl was left with a life-altering encounter she never thought possible—a brush with the ancient and terrifying reality of the legendary Dracula. Her heart raced with a mixture of fear and wonder, unsure of how this encounter would shape her life and what other dark secrets the world might hold.


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Fiction Forge

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