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The Caged Bat Sings

For Belle’s Unofficial “In There Animal’s Mind” Challenge!

By angela hepworthPublished 27 days ago 3 min read

The darkness is never true darkness. It is never what we once knew. The bright lights just beyond our tiny exhibit, this small, damp mockery of a cave, shine in our small, beady eyes, blinding us. The quiet stillness of our old cave is gone, replaced with loudness and movement and constant sounds, so many sounds, everywhere and all the time. There are no creatures besides us, not here. They are also prisoners, no doubt, locked away from us in more of these cramped, miserable, false versions of our home.

It is nothing short of cruel, what they have done to us. It is the very definition of the word. It is not right, this life. It is not real. This is not what we had. This is not what we want.

Slobbering, greasy human children peer through glass windows at us, all day every day without fail. The children hate us, even from afar. When one of us gets close, simply flying a short distance to land somewhere new in this cramped, ugly place, they back away or shriek or cry, clinging to their mothers. The best we can hope for from them is an excitable point in our direction, perhaps a a wistful, curious smile.

It is not as if it makes a real, true difference, though. I desire no skewed sense of approval from these humans. I want no such thing from these little fiends. Their people are the reason we are stuck in this place. They do not know who they disgrace. They do not know what I am, where I once dwelled. What this small, spindly, wicked body can do.

The might of me, of us, has always been underestimated. To them, the humans, this is enough. The immense aura of us in this small exhibit alone is frightening to them. If only they had come across my family in the cave! The disgust on their twisted human faces beyond these thick glass walls would morph into looks of fear if they saw how many of my brothers and sisters gathered in one place, if they knew how fast and far these thin black wings could glide.

If the glass would just disappear and I could return home to that darkness, my true darkness, I would give it all. I would fly for miles, fly and fly and fly. I would pump my wings and soar around this wretched place in the broad daylight if I had to, as many times as I could possibly manage. I would circle these children until the phantom sound of my flapping and fluttering rings in their ears for all their lives and they cannot dig it out. I would bare my small, sharp fangs against any opponent to take back what is mine. The owls, the snakes, even the lions outside. And I would fight them with all I have. Even if the result leaves me in tatters, as it surely would, the opportunity would have been enough. The chance alone would be worth it.

That is all I want. That is all we want.


That’s that! I hope you guys enjoyed. Bats are some of the most unique, incredible and fearsome creatures on this planet and I hope I did them some justice here.

Please check out Belle’s unofficial In The Animal’s Mind challenge before the deadline, tomorrow May 31st! Think about writing a little something. I would love to attach it here down below for all you guys, but I am an absolute dupe when it comes to links and files and I have no idea how to do that on my phone 😂

Thanks to everyone for reading!

Short Story

About the Creator

angela hepworth

Hello! I’m Angela and I love writing fiction—sometimes poetry if I’m feeling frisky. I delve into the dark, the sad, the silly, the sexy, and the stupid. Come check me out!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (10)

  • Dawnxisoul393art13 days ago

    The vivid descriptions and emotive language draw the reader into the bat's world, evoking a sense of sympathy and understanding for its plight. Thank you for sharing, and have a nice day!

  • Shirley Belk20 days ago

    I used to live in Austin, Tx....the bats are alive and active under the bridges there.

  • Murali21 days ago

    Not only bats, but all animals feel like this.

  • Belle24 days ago

    Beautiful! I love this perspective! Reminiscing on something they once had, something that is theirs, that should be theirs, something that could be taken back. I feel like there is a broader commentary applicable here, too, and I love to see that! A brilliant take. Thank you, Angela!!

  • Novel Allen25 days ago

    I don't think that animals should be caged, kind of like a person in prison, how would we feel. Ugh, bats are rats with wings...but really lovely from afar. I feel its pain and anger though. freedom for the bats.

  • D. J. Reddall26 days ago

    Empathetic imaginative projection into the mind of a bat?!? A tall order, especially given the bad press the species has received of late. You pulled it off with style and grace! Kudos!

  • Lamar Wiggins27 days ago

    Ahhh! Bats. Gotta love em. It's a shame the symbolisms and stigmas attached to them give them a bad name. They are so unique and from what I know, harmless. Your story made me want to go to that zoo and set them all free.

  • Awww, bats are like super adorable! And yesssss, you did them justice in the best way possible! Loved your take on this challenge!

  • Andrea Corwin 27 days ago

    I LOVE bats - not up close… they fly under our back porch at night. It’s amusing when people are afraid of them because they have sonar and they might fly right towards you but they zoom away the minute they’re sonar catches your outline. I hate how we have all these wildlife creatures caged up for people to look at. I guess it’s the only way for people to see certain things and it’s how biologist learn about them, but it’s still is distressing to know that they’re not out there in the wild. I make exceptions for breeding programs almost extinct animals in a zoo, but not really for people to be looking at. Great job, I was the bat while reading g this.

  • Ameer Bibi27 days ago

    Enjoyed a lot, a well written piece

angela hepworthWritten by angela hepworth

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