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The Brave Warrior

An Iroquoian Tale!

By J.W. BairdPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
This is one of my favorite works of art done by a good friend of mine. His name is Scott Hill.

A Warrior's Blood runs through my veins...

It is My Culture, My Heritage, and My Identity.

I hope to share this story that I have made up one day with my grandkids.

As you lay down for bed and start to drift off as your pillow embraces your head.

I want to share with you a story about honor. As you come from a long line of warriors!

Many moons ago, there was a young warrior. He was from a tribe that lived, in the woodlands, on Turtle Island. Near the mouth of the great waters.

The young warrior woke up one morning and headed towards the river. Thoughts filled his head of finishing up with building his family’s canoe.

He heard a cry that made his whole-body quiver. When he opened his eyes wider you could not imagine what he had discovered.

A little girl had been caught in the rushing rapids. She was swept downstream by a raging force.

As he looked closer, he realized he knew her, it was the chief's daughter. Without hesitation he ran for the nearest horse.

With great swiftness like a bolt of lightning. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. He knew the whole situation was a bit frightening. He raced downstream hoping for the best.

He had seen the little girl brush up along the shore. She had been clinging to some rocks. He started heading towards her. As he got nearby, he looked for the biggest branch.

He had found one at last. He ran over to the little girl and got as close as he could get. She looked over at him and their eyes met.

He told her to grab onto the branch as tight as she could. He pulled with all his might. The little girl continued to kick about in the water. A few minutes later, finally she was out.

She began to shiver from the cool breeze. You could hear the whistling of the wind as is rustled through the trees. The clouds had hidden the rays and warmth of the sun.

All of a sudden, she started to cry as her emotions began to flood in. She thanked the creator that she did not die.

The young warrior gathered some wood to start a fire. He then brought the young girl some berries for nourishment, before they began their long journey back.

As they arrived back at their village, the story of the brave young warrior's actions spread fast. As fast as a forest gets swallowed up by a wildfire.

The women began to gather together and planned a great feast. A celebration was on the way to honor the brave warrior's great feat.

The Elders were served first by the young ones who fixed their plates. The Thanksgiving Address was spoken in our native language before they began to eat.

When they all had finished the big drum began to beat. They felt the connection to mother earth as the ground kissed their feet.

They danced and sang until the stars came out. Their spirits were filled with warmth as they continued to move about.

They finished up with the friendship dance. Everyone was led by the young brave warrior and his partner the little girl he had saved from death’s grasp.

The chief thanked him by gifting him with his first eagle feather. The greatest honor that could be bestowed to this brave young warrior.

The day had finally passed as the moonlight filled the night skies. Everyone knew it was time to settle down and go to sleep until the next sunrise.

As the chief tucked in his daughter his kissed her forehead and said goodnight!

Short Story

About the Creator

J.W. Baird

Who Am I?

I keep asking myself. I spent half of my life as a single mother. Pushing myself to be the strong independent individual that I have always been. My kids have grown and my life seems turned upside down.

I now search to find myself!

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