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The Books of Hjördis

The Poetic Edda Retold - A Short Story.

By Rosie J. SargentPublished 2 years ago 22 min read

The Prophecy

The room was sombre with little or not light. Incense smoke weighted down on Oha’s lungs, as odours of dragon’s blood tickled his nostrils. Oha glided through the smoke until he reached the table of the blind sorceress. She was a frail and brittle woman. Her hair was covered in a black scarf that was embroidered with deadly nightshade. Skin like a cypher and anorexic fingers crooked like twigs. She breathed heavy before she addressed Oha “The Owl has come to nest” her voice husky, her tone hush “sit down curious wonderer”.

Oha was disturbed by her presence, and yet proceed to take a seat at the prophets table. “You wish to know the fate of creation, but my dear owl where do I begin? When the dark void broke and busted with light, the Mother of Flame rose, and waited patiently for the Father of Ice. Then the two collided in willing obedience, bound together in an unbreakable vow. The son Oha, the daughter Edda, danced among the clouds of dust plucking nine constellations that would then become realms of Solis. Oha guardian of mortals, selected two trees one of elm, another ash, and drew deep breath and gave life to the first humans – Emilia and Aki”. The witch paused, and swayed her body as she continued –

“One sacrifice in exchange for another, tell me, did it bleed when you gouged out your eye, to give to the Norn’s well?”

Oha said nothing, his response a cool stern look. He was the God of knowledge and wisdom, but the witch knew more than he.

“Lying in the emery’s bed; a child abandoned and fatherless - so many lies Oha. Do you want to more or what?”

A gust of cold air blew the incense smoke into swirls. Oha shook, the sorceress’ shivered before continuing “once the innocent has been slain and the skies run red with blood, an Apple will fall from the tree, bruised and peached. The ground will quake, and all the realms of Solis will shake. Faith among the mortals will dwindle and the power of the Gods will fade. Bitterness will fuel hatred and plunder the realms into an unjust war. The Owl must be weary of the wolf’s bite, during the inferno and the howlers smite. Do you want to know more or what?”

“The Book of Hjördis, whe-”

“The books are hidden, oh so wise one”


“Nine books, nine realms. A stick insect is often underestimated, inferior perhaps? Its disguise allows the creature to go undetected, unnoticed, almost invisible to eye. A stick has a lot a memory. Do you want to know more or what?”


Alvis’ Ale

Flickers of light cut through velvet curtains of Alvis’ chamber. Thunder roared with a beat and rhythm that swayed the chandelier, smashing its teardrop diamonds. This didn’t phase Alvis however, for his lack of respect overshadowed his devious reputation. Deceptive and cunning, Alvis was the one to get you out of trouble, because he’s the one to put you in it. He was a shapeshifted a trickster, and creature not to be trusted. There was a frantic knock at the door. Alvis almost didn’t hear over the mighty thunder.

“Alvis, I am need of your help” cried Oha, panting and weak.

“Come in dear brother, sit, what has made the almighty so shook?”

He sat down by the lit fire and began “I would like to drink your ale, so that I can pass through the realms unnoticed.”

“You need tricksters blood with a drop of Emilia’s apple”, Alvis rose from his seat and ran his fingers along the face of a broken clock that stop on top of the fireplace. The glass on the face of the clock ticked, the fire ceased and revealed a hidden cabinet. Alvis was famous for his skills in potions and poisons.

Mumbling to himself as he read through the labels on the bottle “Flask of Forest, Philtres of Insanity…ah!”, he cried “Vial of Visions!” Alvis poured a horn full and gave it to Oha.

Oha drunk the ale in one gulp, bending his head upwards to get the last sips on his tongue. He burped, thanked Alvis for the ale and went towards the door. Oha’s fingers were cruised around the crystallised door handle when Alvis said, “Nine nights and nine days in confinement, and the unknown will be revealed.”


Oha felt weak and wobbly when he had returned to his dorm. He rubbed his forehead, dropping to the floor on his knees. In the lower region of his stomach Oha felt a gut-wrenching pain, that made his chest hurt his nipples erect, his back ached, he felt faint, and passed out. After a few minutes, Oha’s weariness had stabilised, he looked down and saw that he had breasts filled with milk, a bulging stomach with a mighty kick. Over the course of nine nights and nine days, Oha saw visions of ridicule and assault. He experienced life as a commodity and understood the fears that fester women’s hearts. Oha gave birth to a beautiful girl, naming her Alivia. He raised her all alone, despite feeling exhausted and depressed. Alivia blossomed, grew up to womanhood, then died. Her body turned to dust and Oha’s returned to his original state. As, the mother and father were reborn.


The Stolen Bride

“You asked to see me father?” bellowed Soren.

“Åstrid has been taken by our good old friend Asmundr”

“Is this for certain?” Soren’s tone stern and strong.

Oha withdrew a tiny puzzle box from his sleeve, opened it, and projected the encrypted message for all the Gods to see. The hologram displayed Åstrid tied up, beaten and her clothes torn. Then Asmundr, a hairy fowl beast, with red eyes and yellow teeth stated “Oha you are careless to send a beautiful woman to do a man’s job, coward!” compared to the Gods Asmundr was a giant, with a voice that sent shivers down Soren’s spine.

“She couldn’t find what you were looking for, such a pity. Åstrid will remain with us unless, Soren … agrees to give up his special spear – oh, and if you don’t comply, I will take Åstrid as my wife” the giant laughed and chocked before the message cut out.

Enraged Soren screamed “What’s this got to do with me, and my spear?” Without his speer the strong God becomes weak. Soren’s spear was crafted by the goblins of mercury after Solis’ creation. The mother donated a drop flame and the father, a touch of frost. The goblins forged the most powerful and deadly spear in the nine realms and gave it to the Son of Oha, Soren. The spear is unique, a millennium ago, the goblins were the first to perish, elves next, gorgons, after that. All that remained were the Gods and their mortals, and their horrendous emeries; the giants.

“Åstrid’s life is more important than a spear, we can’t have Asmundr wed her and bed her”, Oha bellowed “Alvis!”

The trickster popped his head around the door and stepped out into full view. It was clear to Oha that he had already being listening.

“You are to go with Soren and fetch Åstrid. There is little time to waste!”

Soren was furious, and Alvis bowed with a smug look on face “As you command almighty one.”


Alvis shape-shifted into a dragon, and with Soren on his back. They had arrived in the nether realm, a cold, bleak, barren wasteland, where the castles are built out of ice. Before entering the palace, Alvis stopped Soren and says, “Drink this – trust me, I have a plan”.

Soren had transformed into the most beautiful woman in all the realms, more beautiful than the Goddess of Beauty herself, Åstrid. Alvis, (as himself), waltzed into the main hall, with spear in his hand. The giants were feasting merrily. He cleared his throat, the hall went silent, and all eyes were on him “Asmundr, I am here to collect Åstrid, her life has more value than an 0withered old spear, so if you cou-“

“A spear that has now been surrendered, and gladly given, but I’m am sad to tell you Åstrid won’t be leaving with you today, once a giant intends to marry he is bound by his word, you can’t expect me to do that, can you?”

“Oh, Asmundr you are quite right”, Åstrid began to grow incredibly angry, whilst Soren’s hatred for Alvis grew “How could I ask you to give up the girl? She is after all the most beautiful in all the realms”

“We agree, Åstrid and the spear shall remain here.”

“The spear yes, Åstrid no, because I have a better offer” Asmundr laughs at Alvis and all the other giants join in. Alvis pulls Soren the woman to his side and lifts the veil. Soren had become so beautiful, Åstrid couldn’t compare. The giant rose from his seat and bent down to the level of Alvis and Soren.

“You take away a beautiful woman and give me another?” Asmundr was confused, and yet exchanged delight.

“Stina (Soren) has only one condition”

“And that is?”

“To look upon the spear and hold it in her delicate hands”

“Anything for my new bride”

The second the spear entered Soren’s hand, his identity was revealed. He unleashed a roar that shook the palace, before massacring all the giants at Asmundr’s hall. Åstrid was freed, and the three of them sat among their corpses and finished Asmundr’s feast.

The three gods left the palace and engulfed it in flame. Åstrid pulls outs necklace with a stick on the end, leading Alvis to ask, “Why are you wearing a stick around your neck?”

“I thought, it would be a nice memory.”


The Plastic Trap

Along the south west coast of the mortal realm where Haldora and Thorian. The air was metallic, the sun had not shined, and the sea had not settled. Mass grey clouds were pregnant and drooped as it awaited labour. Aboard the vessel Haldora and Thorian prepared as they were about to set off on a four-day-long exhibition, whilst the sails rustled in the violent wind. The waves rolled as the tide came crashing in at the side of the tiny vessel. Salty air rippled through Thorian’s dark mane, and scents of rotten fish lingered on Haldora’s skin. The experienced sailors, and excellent trailers. They dominated the seas are brother and sister, from the centre of the realm all the way back. The tide kept creeping in closer and closer, Haldora shouted “Hurry up! We haven’t got much time and the storms nearly here!”

“We are we sailing through a storm anyway?” Thorian moaned as he dropped the heavy boxes of food at his feet.

“Less competition, no-one with a sane mind would set sail during a storm”. She smiled, picking up the boxes of supplies, and put them below deck. Thorian could hear claps of thunder.

“Soren is angry! Maybe he is warning us!” he shouted to his sister bellow.

“Or maybe this is his blessing, look! He even lights the journey we shall take.”

As they gradually sailed further away from the coast and closer to Soren’s Storm, Thorian grew incredibly uneasy. “I have a bad feeling about this Haldora, what if we get lost in the storm and our precious ship becomes a wreckage? What is we never find the rare blue salmon? What if we find the sea serpent?”

“Sea serpent! Are you mad, or have you forgotten? The sea serpent vanished during the fall of the six kingdoms. Not that long ago a half-human stumbled across the remains of the creature. The sea serpent is gone. There is nothing to fear”

“Some people say they’ve seen it. I’ve heard other fish traders talk about it’s big amber eyes, knifes for two front teeth the size of Asmundr, loaded with sulphuric venom. People get lost at sea all the time; some believe those who are lost to the waves, are a victim to the serpent’s pit.”

“You believe everything you hear. It’s only a story that will soon be forgotten.”


The storm grew terribly worse. Haldora insisted on pushing on. Thorian on the other hand, felt an increased anxiety, he was unsettled by the constant lashes of Soren’s Spear. Days went by before the clouds gave birth and revealed the blue sky.

“What’s that?” asked Thorian. He could see something struggling just below the surface of the ocean. “Get closer, I want to see what that is”

“Maybe it’s the sea serpent” Haldora laughed. She steered the vessel towards the frantic water, steering as closely as she could without startling the unknown creature. “Grab a tank, the only way where is going to help is if we jump into the water ourselves”

“What about the leeches? We will have only nine minutes until the come and tear us a part!”

“Well we will make sure we do it all it eight. Stop being so fearful Thorian.”

Haldora fearlessly jumped into the ocean and swam towards the creature. Thorian remained on the vessel looking intensely at his watch, closely watching the hands tick and the seconds pass. Four minutes passed before Haldora come to the surface and went back under. To her horror, she found the sea serpent, all mangled and tangled up by plastic. Bits of straw stuck up its nostrils, shrapnel of bottles riddled each individual scale. Its body trapped in a plastic net, it had tried to free its self as his tail was wounded. Haldora freed the serpent and swam quickly back to the vessel.

Thorian with a big smile on his face said, “I thought it was only a story waiting to be forgotten?”

“Shut up!”

The ocean shook, the vessel wobbled. The flashes of Soren’s spear returned. The two mortals where caught in a tempest, before their precious vessel capsized, and Haldora and Thorian became the first in a long line of victims to the serpent’s pit.

Cosmas’ Nightmare

Cosmas woke grasping for air. Sweat dipped from his forehead and bow, his sheets were damp and smelt of fear and terror. The young God quickly grabbed his robes and darted towards his mother’s chamber; Edda.

“Mother! Mother! The dream was more powerful this time, more intense. Oh, it was dreadful, all the pain and sorrow that I saw, our realms became a colossal inferno, and the oceans submerged most of the land”, leaning in closer to his mother he whispered “The serpent is resurrected, and is at the head of the wave”

Edda was tired from all the countless of nights she had her son come to her and tell her off his dreams. She held out her hand and Cosmas gave his. She squeezed it hand and said “my dearest child, it was a dream and nothing more, just like the night before and the night previous. Dreams cannot harm us dear Cosmas, most of the civilisations are gone, but the realm still stands, the oceans are as they should be, the serpent is forever lost”

“But Mother I kno-“

“Return to bed my son, sleep peacefully, you are expected to be with the council tomorrow morning. You must rest otherwise, the challenge that they present to you, will not be completed. The blood of the Mother and Father run through your veins, you mustn’t disappoint.”

Cosmas nodded and did as his mother had said, although he did not return to his chambers as he couldn’t sleep. Instead he sat alone in the dark in Oha’s hall.

Whilst her son’s knowledge, Edda was fearful of Cosmas’ dreams. She relayed his words in her head, analysed the tone and heard it as a warning. She casted a spell reaching all realms of Solis, declaring that nothing or no-one will harm her son, and that he should be protected from everything until the end of days. Edda did not bewitch mistletoe for it is harmless and could not see the danger a harmless plant could do.


The following morning at the council meeting Oha summoned Cosmas before the members “Cosmas, the pure and innocent, my sister informs me of your dreams, and the fate of our world. Fear not Cosmas, for you are the God of light, and all that is good in Solis. Edda and I have agreed to send you on a pilgrimage, in the hope you will spread your virtue, and enlighten the realms that are lost”

“I have bewitched all the harmful things in life, so nothing or no-one will be able to hurt my dear boy, you are untouchable, immune to all of vice” Edda spoke with great pride and Oha smiled in approval.

“You will go?” Asked Oha.

“I will do what you ask of me, Oha. Oh, mother, you can’t shield be from all darkness. For what is light without is negligent accomplice? I wish carry in my whole of hearts your love and protection” Cosmas, spoke well and true. He had all the privy council wishing him good luck in his odyssey. All but Alvis, who stood with his arms folded, he glared at Edda, judging her for her carelessness ‘she wouldn’t have bewitched everything, she must have forgotten something’ he thought to himself.

“Dearest Edda, may I speak with you?” inquired Alvis.

“Alvis, what is it that you wish to say?” She had hated Alvis from the very beginning, but she always gritted her teeth and bit her tongue when she had to engaged in a conversation with a trickster.

“Are you sure you bewitched everything, nothing that could have been missed? We want our Cosmas to return to us safe and well.

“Everything that needed to bewitch, is. Only the rare and harmless isn’t, like mistletoe.”

“There is nothing more harmless than mistletoe… I speak a lie of course, what is more harmless than Cosmas?”


Somewhere in the bridges between the barren realms, Cosmas was seated by a lake, where he played with his reflection, letting the water delicately slip through his small fingers. He here a creak of a twig, he quickly turns around and see his brother Hod. Blind like a witch, Hod, was slow, and unbalanced. He needed constant support, someone to guide him, to fed him, to wash him and cloth him. The gods would have turned their backs, had he not been the son of Edda.

“Hod! What are you doing here? Mother will be worried!”

It wasn’t Hod, it was Alvis. He pulled out an arrow and showed it to Cosmas.

“Let’s play a game, mother has bewitched all those than came harm me! Throw it! It will be fun!”

Hod threw the arrow, and it pieced straight into Cosmas heart. He dropped to the floor, blood spewing out of his mouth as he lifts he hand for Hod’s reach. Alvis reveals himself, bends down to Cosmas as he lays dying and whispers “Nothing is as rare and harmless as mistletoe.”


Alvis’ Quarrel

It was the annual harvest, and the Gods dined and celebrated in Ivar’s hall. Ivar was a half breed. His father a God and his mother a giant, and Ivar favoured the company of Oha than he did the bitter, cutthroat giants. Soren was absent as he was testing his strength against the giants. Everyone was in high spirits, drinking merrily and devouring delicious goods. Until Alvis busted through the door and ordered Oha to get him a seat. Oha obeyed, Alvis sat and took a glass of mead, and a plate of full of fruits, cheeses and fresh baked bread. Alvis gorged, whilst the others gazed at the savage. He wiped his face, cleared his throat and began:

“Ah the harvest, what a pleasant time of year – delicious food wonderful peop-“

“Alvis!” bellowed Oha, Alvis paused then continued –

“It’s a shame our Soren isn’t here, shame he’s always running off with those giants”


“What is it Oha? Are you afraid I might spoil this sacred day? You know better than I, I wouldn’t do such a thing”

“Why did you come here?”

“Was I not invited? Am I not a God?”

“We know what you did!” pipped Åstrid,

“Enlighten me dear Åstrid, what is it that I’m guilty of?”

“You murdered Cosmas, not Hod!”

“Slander at the harvest! It is not my fault, his poor mother forgot about the harmless mistletoe”

“I knew you up to something the morning of the council” admitted Edda, her voice was sad she was still in morning.

“How so?”

“You didn’t move your lips once”

“What’s happened to the woman, who gave them the brain.”

Oha slammed his fist on the table and barked “Enough! I will not have this! Alvis, you have admitted to your crimes, disrespected the Gods, and this feast!” he turned disappointed “You have truly outdone yourself, now leave”.

Alvis ignored Oha and turned to Edda and said “I bet you wished you had listened to poor Cosmas. He was right. I know it, Oha knows it and even a blind sorceress”

“Haven’t you done enough?” shouted Astrid.

“More than just a pretty face I see, if I were you I wou-“

Suddenly Soren kicked the doors open and immediately set his kill for Alvis. Alvis scarpered by changing to a raven and fleeing the realm. He flew to the mortal kingdom and hid as a salmon, a blue salmon. Unfortunately, the tided turned and Oha found him. Oha knew the mortal realms well.

Alvis was bound to a cave in the barren lands, his arms stretched out till the point the bone could have dislodged. He was stripped naked and beaten. Ivory Scratch, Alvis’ own poison formula, was placed directly above his head so that it would dip onto his eyes making him go temporarily blind. The pain it caused was excruciating, and the Gods walked away as he began to scream.


Twilight of the Gods

The heat of the summer burnished under the bitterness of the winter wind. Crops failed and famine and disease, plagued all mortals. Winter came brutally, blasting blizzards with vicious smite, came bit, and those who got the bite died. Those who survived the first wave of turmoil, did indeed perish in the next. Volcano’s that have laid dominant since the dawn of the elves, erupted, vomiting lava and spewing ash. Civilisations near to the blast vapourised in seconds, leaving nothing but an imprint of a shadow. Rocks that have be plunged up into the air came crushing down like meteorites, squashing all those bellow. The skies ran red with blood. The ground shook and separated; the Mother and Father divorced. The gods watched the realm in terror, whilst the giants freed Alvis and prepared for the purge. Alvis was ordered by Sigurd, (son of Asmundr) to visit Dabria’s dominion, and plead for the dead. Sigurd gave Alvis his wolf, Freki and sent him on his way.

“Dabria”, Alvis bowed “you know why I have come.”

“The dead shall walk, and may surely follow”

“And what of Cosmas? Will he fight against his own kin?”

“Aren’t they your kin too Alvis? No, you are different, as is Cosmas, which is why he will remain.”

Unknowing to Alvis betrayal the Gods continued to watch the mortals land submit to the torrents. Everything was lost. All the Gods gasped as the head of the sea serpent appeared at the head of the wave, opening its mouth wide gulping up the remaining victims. Suddenly, Oha began reflecting on his encounter with the blind sorcerers, trying to recall every word. He looked out of the window and saw bleeding sky and listened closely for the awaited howl.

Without warning, everything settled. The oceans calmed, the fires turned to ash. There was a moments silence before it was broken by a single howl from the wolf Freki, and Oha’s blood ran cold.

The giants were descending on the realms of God, burning everything in their path.

“No mercy!” cried Alvis sat on Freki, at the front of his army of death, “no survivors.”

Alvis spectated and laughed as he saw the people he knew well, be slaughtered in an unjust war.

“Alvis!” angrily cried Edda. She charged towards him, knocking him off Freki.

He rolled on the floor and groaned “lovely to see you too”, Edda kicked him in the face, and Alvis fell backwards. She stood above him, her foot on his chest and –

Freki tackles Edda and mules her alive.

Åstrid seizes the moment and restrains Alvis, “you traitor” she spat at him, before she slowly slices his throat.

Oha watched as his people were killed. He caught the eye of Freki, who had finished snacking on his sister’s carcass. Oha fought against the wolf with all his strength. He slashed the sword into the Freki’s shoulder, another to a paw, and then finally to Freki’s head. Oha lowered his sword, thinking the damage with down and that would be the end of it. Little did Oha know Dabria, locked her eyes on him, and gave Freki one last drop of life. Fierce Freki rose and snarled. Oha astonished and braced himself for the blow.

Freki bit the head off Oha’s shoulders.

The wolf squealed, as Åstrid plunged a dagger into the wolf’s heart.

Meanwhile, Soren was fighting the sea serpent along the gods coast. He swung his spear with nuclear force, ripping out the serpent’s eye. The creature hissed viciously and spitted venom into the eyes of Soren. He walked nine steps before falling to his knees. In a state of panic, he turns to where he thinks the creature is, and throws the spear.

Soren dies.

The spear explodes killing the serpent.

Dabria’s army retreated, and Åstrid walked amongst the corpses of her kin. She found headless Oha and fondled through his inside pocket to find eight of the nine sticks of memory tucked away in his staff.

Once again, the ground shakes, and lava pours, Åstrid like the others perished. In the ashes of destruction rose Cosmas, with two mortal beings as the single deity.



About the Creator

Rosie J. Sargent

Hello, my lovelies! Welcome, I write everything from the very strange to the wonderful; daring and most certainly different. I am an avid coffee drinker and truth advocate.

Follow me on Twitter/X @rosiejsargent97

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