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The Beginning of the Light

Learning to live with aliens

By Dale AllmanPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Green lights outside my window

There it was that green light! Showing up at my window again! I never knew when it would appear or disappear but strangely this time I welcomed the sight of it. Believe it or not, the flashing green light and all its little parts relaxed my neck and shoulders, to the point of making my migraine headaches go away.

Hovering outside my apartment window there were thousands of glimmering green lights. Shimmering in the darkness of the night almost calling me to come and look. The lights never appeared to be menacing or threatening. And it was usually something I sort of noticed or caught in my peripheral vision. You know how sometimes you’ll be looking at something and catch movement or light out of the corner of your eye?

When the green lights appeared it was usually at night making them very easy to see. Only a couple of times have I seen them during daylight hours. But they were there.

And at least once that I know of they followed me. I went for a walk – there’s a park close to where I live. Before I’d gone more than a block, those lights were behind me, above me, doing their hovering, glimmering thing.

I’m not sure other people can see them either. When I was out for my walk, the lights following, no other person I ran into acted like they could see the lights. Typical for a big city like the one I live in, you don’t make eye contact or stare at what someone else is doing. So I can’t say for certain but no one else looked at those green lights.

Curiously enough though I think my cats can see them. I have two older cats that have been with me for a while now. When they get edgy or start sitting at the windows looking outside I can tell there’s something going on. If you’re a fan of Westerns or have any experience outdoors, you know that watching the animals will give you signals or alarms about something happening.

When the green lights start to appear, the cats go on high alert. But when all of the lights show up the cats relax and act like nothing unusual is happening. Strange how a pet or other animal can give you little clues. Because the cats relax after the green lights all show up, I think that helps me relax, at least on some elemental or intuitive level.

The first time the lights appeared was a little over three months ago. I remember because it was just after a good friend of mine passed away. I’d spent time making sure his estate was in order, talking with his surviving family, and had gotten far enough from the event to start the grieving process for myself. If you’ve ever lost a close friend or loved one, you know it takes time to get through all the debris surrounding death, funerals, family drama and such. There are usually a few land mines to negotiate as well as incoming ordnance to be avoided. Depending on the circumstances and family lots of explosions or damage can occur.

I was having a bad day, and I mean a really bad day. Feeling sorry for myself, I was drinking too much, and working up a massive migraine headache. That was the first time I saw the green light and all its shimmering parts, just outside my window. Shortly after sunset the lights appeared and hovered for a good 10 minutes.

After I got over the shock of seeing them for that first time, I tried to figure out what the heck they were. I went to different windows to see if I could get a different angle on them. But they followed me from one window to the next. When I stopped moving and stopped being anxious about the lights, it was then I could feel my grief slowly subside. My body relaxed especially my neck and shoulders. Without realizing it in the moment, my migraine headache subsided as well.

Ten minutes later when the lights left or disappeared or whatever it is they do (they just sort of vanish), I felt much better. Strange how it seemed there was almost a purpose to the green light and its shimmering parts or pieces. Like there was some intelligence or being bringing the lights to me for support or help.

After that first time I checked with my neighbors but no one else saw them. I also checked the local news reports and the police records to see if the green light had been reported. Apparently anyone else who had seen them either didn’t want to report the event, or was too freaked out about it to say anything. You know how it goes. Sometimes we don’t say anything because we don’t want other people to think we’re crazy or going nuts.

I didn’t have any expectations of ever seeing the green light again. Writing it off as one of those once in a lifetime experiences and something I couldn’t explain I eventually forgot about it, that first sighting. After about a month, though, the damn thing appeared again.

I remember I was arguing with a friend and it was getting a bit heated. Work was not going well; I’d had a rough day at the computer in my home office and couldn’t seem to get on the right track. My friend was trying to tell me to chill out and relax about it, but I couldn’t get my head cleared. In the middle of the argument – on the phone – the green light appeared outside my window again. All the shimmering pieces and little sparks hovered around the central green light.

I hung up on my friend, saying I needed to go, and focused on the green light. This time the light seemed to be brighter and steadier. Almost like the light was trying to capture my thoughts or trying to tell me something. It seemed that way at least. After about 10 minutes again, the light left and I felt much more relaxed and able to cope with work, daily stressors, and such.

At this point I decided to not worry about what the light was or where it came from. Better to take advantage of the healing and relaxation each time it showed up. Or at least I thought so at the time. And it’s not like I can make a request or summon the green light on my own. I have had to learn to wait, wait for the light and its shimmering green particles to appear.

Gradually the green light and all its shimmering parts have brought a measure of peace to my life. I no longer fly off the handle about little things. I can still think for myself but don’t let others make decisions for me. Without the constant or near constant migraine headaches I feel like a whole new person. If the green light and all its shimmering parts is alien, or perhaps some elemental or natural apparition does not matter at this point. I’m willing to live with the green light for now at least. Even though I can’t predict or anticipate when it will show up, I’m happier when it does.

Author’s note: A new therapy has been developed for migraine sufferers based on green light LED therapy. Many users have reported significant pain relief as well as reduction in frequency of symptoms from migraines after using the new green light therapy. This story is fiction but attempts to describe the relief that is now possible for many migraine headache sufferers.

Short Story

About the Creator

Dale Allman

Dale started writing and proofreading at a very young age, after school in his parents newspaper. Corporate career, numerous awards and recognition followed. Dale writes now to inform, uplift and entertain.

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