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The Bakery

Death by Chocolate

By JordanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Bakery
Photo by sera on Unsplash

The bells above the door chimed just as I turned the corner to see who my next customer was. It was him. He’d only been in a few times since the bakery opened, but his presence was unforgettable. “Good afternoon, welcome to The Bakery” The words flew out of my mouth on autopilot. He strolled to the counter and smiled. He was taller than most, his face was worn from years on the ranch, and his beautiful blue eyes captured you instantly. I peeled my eyes away when I realized I was staring at him. He let out a chuckle and stuck his hand out to shake mine. “I’m Luke Anderson ma’am”. Jesus, even his name was gorgeous. I took his hand in mine, “Paige Kinsington” I replied. He smiled and held my hand a few seconds longer than normal. When he let go, he wiped his hand on the thigh of his jeans, leaving white powder in its place. “Oh, I am so sorry, I was baking when I heard the door chime and forgot to wash my hands.” Wow, great job P, I thought to myself. He laughed it off and strolled over to the case of freshly baked cakes. “Are these made fresh daily?” He questioned. My feet were stuck to the ground, this man had me in such an awe, I was frozen. “Um..I...Yes, I make them every morning.” I finally choked out. Geez, why did he have such an effect on me, this never happened to me. Especially after the tragedy of a relationship I’d left back home in Boston. Texas was my fresh start and no man would make me feel that way again. But he was different, the feeling was different, I was captivated by his charm, his looks, and God that accent. “Amazing!” He paused and bent to get a closer look. “I’ll take your favorite of the bunch” he exclaimed. My brain finally came back to reality and got my feet moving. “That would be the Death by Chocolate, Mr. Anderson” I smiled as I made my way behind the counter where he was standing. He grinned and pulled out his wallet, “I’ll take it”. I continued to box the cake and ring up his total. He paid and turned to leave, my head willing my mouth to say something, but when I opened it, nothing came out. He stopped just short of the door, turned “see you tomorrow Ms. Kinsington” he muttered with the tip of his hat. I smiled and waved softly as I watched him walk out the door.

The rest of the night was a blur and the next morning the only thing on my mind was the handsome cowboy and why he had said he’d see me tomorrow. Was he planning on coming into the shop again? Why was I being so jumpy and jittery about him possibly stopping by? “Get it together P.K.” I mentally scowled to myself. The day came and went without Mr. Cowboy stopping in and I was officially moping. I made my way to the front to lock up the store for the night, when I looked up to see a handsome silhouette standing in the big picture window. He was smiling with a handful of roses. I turned to him after locking the door, wanting to question what this was all about, but again, I was rendered speechless. “Would you like to have dinner with me Paige?” Oh, crap. I was a mess, covered in flour and probably smelled like a sugar rush. “I.. would love to but” I looked down at my clothes and back to him. Before I could say anything more, he took a step closer and whispered “You look beautiful to me.” I was officially stunned, swept off my feet, and I didn’t even know this man. I agreed to dinner and we walked down the street to the town’s diner. The conversation flowed so easy and by the time we were finished he’d talked me into seeing him again the next night.

That was how our story began almost fifty years ago, the beautiful cowboy had given me a wonderful life filled with laughter, love, and six children. The feel of his big, rough hands over mine pulled me out of my memories and back to reality. We were in the Southwest Medical Center. Lane had taken ill a few months prior and never properly healed. He was rushed to the ER last week after passing out on me. He hasn’t regained his strength and the doctors say he’s fading fast. I closed my hands around his and brought it to my mouth to gently press a kiss to his palm. “I love you Paige” he uttered in a hushed tone. Tears began to spill down my cheeks, knowing this was his goodbye to me. “Do you remember the first time we met?” He asked me, his voice raspy and hoarse. I didn’t trust my voice, so I settled for a nod. “That was the day I fell in love with you baby.” I looked at him puzzled, he’d never told me this. “Oh, you jokester. Then why did it take you eight months to tell me you loved me, Lane?” He chuckled, which was straining for him. “I was waiting to make sure you felt what I already knew.” He took in a deep breath “The moment I tasted your chocolate cake, I knew I had to make you my wife.” The tears were falling down my cheeks so fast I had barely felt them hit my hands. “I’ll be waiting for you my love, bring me a slice of your cake when we meet again” and with that he drew his last breath. The doctors came in as I cried for my best friend, the one man I loved more than life itself, my biggest cheerleader, and it was all because of my chocolate cake and The Bakery.


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just a dreamer putting words on paper.

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    JordanWritten by Jordan

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