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[temporary] bunker story

first segment of a 2 part story.

By alan edwin innesPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 9 min read

went to sleep in america. [first draft]

who am I? I suppose I'm not the first person to ask that but I'm afraid I might be the last. I woke up recently in a hospital bed. I remember on my nineteenth birthday scheduling with some friends to go... I think golf I cant quite remember but now I'm here in what I think is an underground bunker. There aren't any calendar's in here least that I have found so far, although there are a lots of skeletons.

I think I'll write more when I, well know more.

Its now a couple days after I've awoken. I found some DVD's of some old sitcoms and documentaries about history and various cheeses. Never been fond of either but it passes the time. I've figured out that this is a medical bunker but I don't know why I would be here was just a comma. I also don't know why everyone else is dead but I doubt I'll follow soon since I've found at least two years supply of food probably five if I ration. There's also a massive amount of medical supplies and one skeleton that was propped up against the wall surrounded by needles and pills. There was a note book by his feet and I've attached it here.

27th April 2026

The weather channel went down today guess its just Fraiser and David Attenborough for the foreseeable future. When we do graduate from this bunker I don't have any presumption that re-establishing the television channels will be a priority. Now its just me four other doctors and nurses and eighteen patients in varying stages of discontent with the world and ill health. Worst of all are for the comma patients we have three. They are “Jackalyn, Fredrick and Lucius”

[notes] so might sound strange but reading this now and I'm only just realising that I know not my name. I'm doubtful its Jackalyn given I'm male but Fredrick and Lucius could be either. I'll have a further look around surely its written down somewhere.]

most of the others here are either permanently disabled or mostly okay by now but commas show no sign of recovery. Its only been two months in the bunker but one of the doctors, woman named “Marilyn” has suggested that we unplug the patients to preserve resources for us. Most of us shut down that idea really quickly but not all were so convinced. I hope this doesn't escalate to any real feuds.

25th December 2026

first Christmas in the bunker must say life is extremely dull most of the feed from the radio are from survivors looking for others but not like we can open the door for them. On Christmas we didn't exactly have gifts to give each other but we did sing terrible songs we only half remembered the lyrics to. Overall it was enjoyable but there was a general feeling of passive hostility amongst ourselves. I would say its due to the constant confinement at that is indefinitely a factor in this unpleasantness. The biggest aspect though is probably all the hundreds of arguments we've had.

I do hope we get out here soon. Its highly unlikely though in fact Its entirely probably that the people responsible for sending the release signal are probably dead. Must get used to this way of life maybe we need to start some real rules instead of just arbitrary. Not entirely confident on who would make those rules, laws if you will. I know I certainly can't no one seems to listen to me.

1st January 2027

new years day and I don't think that's even true. We base the year of the seasons and they're renewal but down here the only seasons we have are the change of pills and injections... one of the comma patients died recently. I don't quite know what happened she was in perfectly good health but when Neil was overseeing her she suddenly died. Most of our other patients have made a full recovery and been talking about opening the bunker but most of us don't want to.

11th October 2029

well that's it. Everyone else is gone and now I'm here alone. One of the comma patients is still alive but that's just the comma patient that's alive.

25th December 2029

I took some drugs the other day must say it certainly passed the time. But I reckon I should do it in moderation best not at all but I'm not that strong I cant do that. I've pre-emptively put the comma patient into automatic maintenance in-case I become unavailable. I don't really want to over dose and I should know the correct amounts given I am a doctor.

4th February 2030

so isn't it weird that paper is, is trees but trees need to be carved instead of written on.

[notes] it ends here but I think I know why. Clearly the skeleton when it was alive over dosed on drugs and now is here]

but what happened to them. Did they kill each other, why would they do that. If there was a disease then how would I have survived. Perhaps I need to poke and prod around more. This might sound strange but I think it strange that I have emotions in regards to the skeletons laying around these floors. I know I should and I pretend to, to an extent but I don't really care truly. Ill write more when I know more once again.

When I was skulking through some computer archives and found a file on Lucius. It had a photo of Lucius who looks strangely like me so I guess I'm Lucius. What is weird is that he had blond hair whereas my hair is bleached completely white. I'm not sure why im not exactly a medical expert but I don't think that bleached hair is a symptom of comma.

I've started to wonder just how long I'll be in here. I think the isolation is starting to get to me. Imagining voices and such. I started to fiddle with the door to what I think is the outside but it appears to be locked from both the inside and outside. I have a little electrical knowledge but not to much. I wonder if I can get the door to open via this computer I guess I'll have a look at that.

Been another week. I tried to escape through an escape designed for smoke. It was an incinerator and was full of ashes and somewhat disturbingly several bone replacements. But the tube was too narrow. I found some papers that indicated that if I fire alarm went off then all the doors would automatically open but I cant find a lever nor sensor. I did discover something though that might explain this. The bunker wasn't fully complete it was supposed to be ready in June 2026 but was opened in April but I know not why.

I also found a rather disturbing note in one of the bed rooms. Ill add it here.

The handwriting is terrible makes it seem like this person was a but unhinged as it were. I'm no fool I can only presume that this is talking about the patients that were plugged in. plugged into to medical support that is. This seems drastic after all its not like we were doing anything peacefully sleeping in our commas.

I wonder why the guy who overdosed I found earlier didn't get rid of the corpses. Maybe he liked the décor? I find that improbable. I'm going to start spending more time on these computers. Internet doesn't work which is slightly concerning but I don't really need it to find an escape.

So I was rummaging around in files and I found more notes about “unplugging” most of them were fairly vague. There was one person I think named Kelsey who was going on about rations for some reason. I her exact words were “if we don't unplug them then the power will go out and if they wake up then our rations will run out and then we will all die. If we unplug them it will preserve the most life for the longest time.” most disturbingly many of the others backed what she said.

Besides notes about my attempted murder I also found some stuff about the locks. There was a built in fail save if I put a password in but seen as that's a pure guessing game I'm going to look for clues. If this doesn't work then I'm going to try and trick the system into thinking that a fire alarm has been set off which I think is my best chance.

I found two stretchers in the incinerator room that I didn't notice before. I also noticed several blood stains from all around the room. I think I know what has happened and I think you do as well. That's a good question as well, who are you. I'm just writing these notes as well a way to spend the time and document my possibly only 5 more years life. Too whoever you are at least you are capable of reading and if you aren't well you wont understand but im highly disappointed that this is what the current grade of.. animals being able to pick up paper. I suppose.

Once again ill write more when I know more.

So I locked out of the password. I tried all the names I found, birth years and days, “password” of course. None of them worked. So now I'm down to the fire alarm trick. I think I've figured it out but I'll know tomorrow. I wonder if ill bring the DVD's with me. Hmm maybe Fraiser has become the new currency if so im... just moderately wealthy.

Um, so um. It worked I tricked the system into thinking a fire alarm went of and every door in the bunker opened. It was a very loud few seconds. When my ears stopped ringing, I went to the outside door which was now open of course. Behind it was a ladder that stretched about two metres upwards. Once I had climbed that there was another door that was also open.

Beyond that door there was,

[in part two]


About the Creator

alan edwin innes

I've been writing for as long as i can remember, most of its crap but some of it might be good.

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